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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ?

Meowmeow  5 | 57  
10 Jun 2011 /  #391
The polish are always complaining about other cultures but don't like it when they taste their own medicine.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Jun 2011 /  #392
Of course, the fact that Russians are portrayed as alcoholics in the Western media, Germans portrayed as Hitler-lovers, Italians as being exceptionally lazy, French as being smelly onion eaters and so on means nothing to you, doesn't it?

This thread is about POLISH jokes. You are off-topic.
legend  3 | 658  
10 Jun 2011 /  #393
I do find it amusing though, that most of these DEFEND NASZA POLSKA types can't actually speak Polish.

Thats an awful generalization. In fact its completely wrong. Most people who defend Poland do speak Polish.
Its fricken common sense.

The polish are always complaining about other cultures but don't like it when they taste their own medicine.

Pretty sure the same goes for many people of all countries. Why are you singling out Poles?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
12 Jun 2011 /  #394
delphiandomine wrote:

ugly women, terrible food, terrible weather

ha, i think you just described the worst place on earth.
Palivec  - | 379  
12 Jun 2011 /  #395
This thread is about POLISH jokes. You are off-topic.

What is a Polish triathlon?
Walking to a lake, swimming a round, cycling back home.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
12 Jun 2011 /  #396
Marek: Dad, I'm going to get married.
Tato: That's great son. Who to?
Marek: Jacek.
Tato: Jacek?
Marek: You know. Jacek. We were in the same class. Played volleyball together.
Tato: Jacek? Jacek? You're getting married to Jacek? But he's... but... but he's... but he's Jewish!
22 Jun 2011 /  #398
I find it personally disgusting that a person of Jewish decent would discriminate against a Pole... going back in time, Poles aided the Jewish community for over a thousand years, far before anyone else ever did… far before society even started to evolve since the fall of the Roman Empire… here is a short except from Wikipedia:

The history of the Jews in Poland dates back over a millennium.[1] For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewishcommunity in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy. This ended with the Partitions of Poland and persecution especially by the Russian authorities. There was nearly complete genocidal destruction of the Polish Jewish community by Nazi Germany in the 20th century during the 1939–1945 German and Soviet occupation of Poland and the ensuingHolocaust. Since the fall of communism there has been a Jewish revival in Poland, characterized by the annual Jewish Culture Festival, new study programmes at Polish high schools and universities, the work of synagogues such as the Nozyk, and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

Here is the link to read further: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Poland

I know that there is discrimination against Poles by Jewish people from my own experience (by speaking to American and Israeli’s both!)

I ask why? What has Poland ever done other than be your friends?

I got the answer on September 11, 2001 when I heard an Israeli woman call up CNN just after the World Trade Center massacre and heard her phone call broadcast on national T.V. I will paraphrase what she said…

Paraphrase-This is nothing, Israel has terrorist activity all the time and this is payback for America not helping Israel enough…

Are you kidding me? The whole reason why we got attacked in the first place is because we are allies with Israel and furthermore, when we send foreign aid to Israel we send our billions of dollars in one lump sum! Not in payments like we do to other nations.

It seems that the Jewish community habitually slights their friends and stabs them in the back!

Why would YOU do this? This is not right… just, WHY?

I bet that I will now be called “anti-semitic”… but that is just a clever diversion from the fact that some people are just being ANTI-GENTILIC!

I hope that becomes a new buzz word, let's see how long this post lasts on the internet...

BTW, six million Jews were killed in World War II, but 5.5 million non-Jewish Poles were also murdered! Why do we not ever hear of them? Yet, in Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, Hitler states that "all people of Polish language must die".

Look it up... there was a holocaust against Poles from the beginning (Jewish or not... really making it 11.5 milion Poles) yet non-Jewish Poles are divided and forgotten because they don't own the media and thus, don't matter apparently.

This world is a sad place.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
22 Jun 2011 /  #399
The answer to your question is long and complicated, but since I am limited for time right now, let me just say that the media complex has gotten much bigger and has changed, so its harder for Polish-haters to dominate all of it.

Yes, While the Liberal Media promoted Black, Latino, Woman equality ect.

It promoted Polish jokes.

Funny the Media is Jewish.

Well, in the 1970's the White American iq was 100
The Asian American iq was 97.5
The Latino American iq was 89
The African American iq was 85

The Polish American iq in the 1970's was 109
The Jewish American iq in the 1970's was 115

It seems that Jews saw Poles as competition. Thus, wanted to demonize them us in their media.

Jews are only smart from mixing with Poles anyways.

Jews are alot more Ambitious & They learn Hebrew at a young age & their parents are so strict on them & success.

So, I think much of the reason for the higher Jewish American Iq than Polish American Iq is mostly because of Jewish culture.
Havok  10 | 902  
22 Jun 2011 /  #400
I picked up this really neat "book" titled - "Xenophobe's guide to Poles" by Ewa Lipniacka. Let me quote some of the phrases i found amusing. :)

Nationalism & Identity- Forewarned..

"Most of Poland is a flat open plain described by military experts as an ideal spot for a battlefield."

Nationalism & Identity- how the Poles see themselves...

" The Poles are self-critical they know themselves inside and out, warts and all. What is more they'll compulsively pick on their blemishes...

National Heroes

"Chopin had a French father and a surname but his upbringing, heart and prominent nose where Polish"

The most honest stuff I've ever read. No reason to be ashamed. We are who we are.
22 Jun 2011 /  #401
neat "book" titled - "Xenophobe's guide to Poles" by Ewa Lipniacka.

Who is she ? You can publish a book even under a nick name . She is just another Jewish xenophobe .

Most of Polish, I would say, that 99 % are nice , kind , open-minded people , we are the nation with rich culture , a 1000 years long history as the Polish nation , why would we have any prejudices towards other nationalities ?

I agree with historian about given reasons to that phenomenon . The fact is that the jokes were spread by Jewish owned American media till mid 70-ties of the XX century and repeated by dumb Americans for dumb Americans .
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
22 Jun 2011 /  #403
I agree with historian about given reasons to that phenomenon . The fact is that the jokes were spread by Jewish owned American media till mid 70-ties of the XX century and repeated by dumb Americans for dumb Americans

They were pushed mostly by 1960's and 70's Hollywood/TV Media Left-wing Soviet loving Jews. Like NBC-TV's George Schlatter and CBS-TV's Norman Lear. But most fair minded liberal Jews did not push them. Neither did Conservative Jews. In general.

LOL, but you realise that the Xenophobe guides make fun of almost every nation?

That wasn't her point.

Reactions like yours just show why the Polish jokes exist. Don't take yourself so seriously

So her comment verifies to you that Poles have subhuman intelligence? LOL
Whatever you say Goebels.

The Xenophobe's Guide to the Poles:

What are you going to post next, Hitler's statements on Poles? Mein Kampf maybe? LOL
22 Jun 2011 /  #404
The title is so obvious that no one can have any doubts about the contents .

  • 51p2oOSeDTL._SS500_..jpg
22 Jun 2011 /  #406
You should find out more about the reasons to publish such books addressed for fools .

When I have more time I will read it through , but from a short review I can say that the author should stick to writing children's books as I have noticed that it is her main subject .

Her xenophobic observations and backyard wisdom of polish reality can only be levelled with Nazi`s Goebbels WWII propaganda and an American " wisdom" spread in polish jokes.
22 Jun 2011 /  #407
You should find out more about the reasons to publish such books addressed for fools .

Why not find out about the books before you mouth off about them?

If you did that, you would know that they are "Humorous guides to cross-cultural awareness.
A series that highlights the unique character and behaviour of different nations.
Frank, irreverent, funny - almost guaranteed to cure Xenophobia."

When I have more time I will read it through

So you are complaining about something, even though you have no idea at all about what it says. Just as you complained about a British policeman talking about an arrest warrant which he had seen and you have not.

Her xenophobic observations and backyard wisdom of polish reality can only be levelled with Nazi`s Goebbels WWII propaganda

These would be the same "xenophobic observations" which you haven't actually read any of? Personally I'd want to be careful about publicly saying that a professional writer is on the same level as Goebbels (given that such a comment would make somebody less likely to buy her book and is entirely untrue) but I'm sure you know what you are doing.

If anybody does care about the book (which I have two editions of), here are some quotes:

A polarised people
The Poles are either bubbling with life, or comatose; they love or they loathe. It is this total commitment to the occupation of the moment which earns them the reputation of being mercurial. As Hemar wrote in his song: 'If only Poles did systematically and economically what they do spontaneously, they would be perfect.'

Necessity is the mother of invention
Key national characteristics are adaptability, a knack for improvisation, and the ability to make the best of what is available. A good Polish cook is one who can make gourmet soup from a rusty nail.

22 Jun 2011 /  #408
even though you have no idea at all about what it says.

Read my post with understanding , I said I would read all book but from my short review I could say what I said .

Harry tell us about your descent, pls than I would cite a frank , humorous , unbiased "wisdom" about you from other irreplaceable guides to xenophobia , maybe the one about Jews .

a professional writer

Yeah , she is a worldwide known and very famous writer , her works are comparable to greatest writers of all times .
22 Jun 2011 /  #409
I said I would read all book but from my short review I could say what I said .

So you decided to mouth off about something which you know next to nothing about: how very like you to try to prove that there is a kennel of truth in all the negative stereotypes which exist about Poles.

Harry tell us about your descent, pls than I would cite a frank , humorous , unbiased "wisdom" about you from other irreplaceable guides to xenophobia , maybe the one about Jews .

I'm Harry, there isn't a guide about me. Although I do note your constant obsession with Jews, is there something you need to share with us? Perhaps a suspicion that your blood is not as 'pure' as it could be. Or do you just want to display a racist attitude in order to again prove that there is a kennel of truth in all the negative stereotypes which exist about Poles?

Yeah , she is a worldwide known and very famous writer , her works are comparable to greatest writers of all times .

She doesn't need to be any of those things in order for her to suffer damages based on lies which another person tells about her. You claim that her work "can only be levelled with Nazi`s Goebbels WWII propaganda". So, is that statement true?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
22 Jun 2011 /  #410

Kernel, surely.
22 Jun 2011 /  #411
Kernel, surely

Yep: more lousy typing and inappropriate use of copy-paste!
22 Jun 2011 /  #412
you just want to display a racist attitude

Why would you think that talking about your descent would be racist ?

I have already checked the list of so called guides , it is also about Jews, Harry !

It is no obsession , it is just an observation .

all the negative stereotypes which exist about Poles

Tell me who you are and I will say stereotypes about your nationality . I wonder if you loved them and laughed at them the same as me .
22 Jun 2011 /  #413
Why would you think that talking about your descent would be racist ?

You assume that I am Jewish and do so, despite my repeatedly pointing out that I'm not jewish, because in your racist mind only a Jew could say what I say about Poland.

I have already checked the list of so called guides , it is also about Jews, Harry !

Despite your racist assumptions, that guide would in no way apply to me.

Tell me who you are and I will say stereotypes about your nationality . I wonder if you loved them and laughed at them the same as me .

I'm Harry and do feel free to stereotype me according to your racist views.

Bet you wish you'd never shot your mouth off now.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
22 Jun 2011 /  #414
These would be the same "xenophobic observations" which you haven't actually read any of? Personally I'd want to be careful about publicly saying that a professional writer is on the same level as Goebbels (given that such a comment would make somebody less likely to buy her book and is entirely untrue) but I'm sure you know what you are doing.

Maybe Monia was joking when she said that the "professional writer" sounded like Goebels?

I think that "professional writer" sounds like Goebels. In fact I think she
is somehow related to Goebels based on what she say about Poles LOL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Jun 2011 /  #415
Good luck, MW - I've just passed details of your post onto the author.

And people wonder why Polish-Americans are stereotyped as being dumb when they take offence at something that no-one else does?
22 Jun 2011 /  #416
And people wonder why Polish-Americans are stereotyped as being dumb when they take offence at something that no-one else does?

And why they are offended by something which they haven't even read and clearly do not understand!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
22 Jun 2011 /  #417
The title is so obvious that no one can have any doubts about the contents

You should really, really loosen up!

These xenophobic guides exist for many countries but I have never read reactions about it like from you or MW. You make Poles look like dour, humorless, easily offended pouters....and you know, that is a German specialty! ;)
22 Jun 2011 /  #418
You assume that I am Jewish and do so, despite my repeatedly pointing out that I'm not jewish

But Harry , you have to stop denying your descent , by living in such a self denial you will suffer from split ego . I can see the beginnings of it already .

that guide would in no way apply to me.

Yes Harry it applies to you , but you poor thing, in such an advanced mental instability you can`t view the things how they really are .

I'm Harry and do feel free to stereotype me according to your racist views.

Yes , your name is Harry ! That is your name , doctors say the same I believe . And what other names do you have ?

Havok You are one of my favourite posters here on PF . Your remarkable way of expressing yourself is so unique and I have to admit that your narrative writing can`t be imitated by anyone , although I can observe that sometimes some posters try to but every time they inaptly attempt they fail disgracefully. You are such a lady- killer charmer , your gallant and sophisticated way of expressing your emotions can`t be matched .

You make Poles look like dour, humourless, easily offended pouters....and you know, that is a german specialty! ;)

I am such a humorous lady myself you would never guess , but what a pity I take pleasure only from a little bit more sophisticated jokes .
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11672  
22 Jun 2011 /  #419
I am such a humorous lady myself you would never guess , but what a pity I take pleasure only from a little bit more sophisticated jokes .

Well...you have to write and publish them yourself then! ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
23 Jun 2011 /  #420
Good luck, MW - I've just passed details of your post onto the author.

And people wonder why Polish-Americans are stereotyped as being dumb when they take offence at something that no-one else does?

LOL!!!! Ha ha ha


WHAT details???

You mean my little joke about the author being related to Goebels?

Good pass it on to her. Tell me what she says!!! :D

So let me get this straight.

A Polish American like me makes a little joke about somebody who makes some jokes about Poles (and other groups) and then you jump on me about "taking offense" and say "that's why Polish Americans are stereotyped as being dumb"????


Dopeymine have you lost your mind???


Didn't you see my LOL at the end of my comment??? Do I have to put my LOL in neon lights for you? LOL

By the way Delphiandomine,

Do you want to see some Russian joke videos???? Considering that your Russia is supposed to be some brilliant superpower (at least by Russians), I can't believe how many Russian joke videos there are out there.

You seem to not mind jokes and think people should not take offense at them. So do you want to see some Russian joke videos?? :D

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