olivermarsh 1 | 1 19 Jul 2011 / #1Hello Everyone.Just want to drop a quick message for those who like polish club sounds;)On the 6th of August 2011 we are holding an event in Central London featuring one of the most popular polish DJ - C-BOOL. I bet many of heard about him as his name is recognisable across the globe. He will be performing live and also celebrating a release of his album called - C-BOOL - 8years.Also you will have a chance to listen to local polish DJ's as well.I think will be a good occasion to catch up with mates and also to meet new polish friends and most importantly have a great fun.For those that are interested, here is the link with the details:www ubpr.co.uk/c-boolVenue: The Apothecary (@ The EGG)3 Vale RoyalKings CrossN7 9APLondonDate: 6th of August 2011Time: 10pm till 6am
Skrymcz - | 30 20 Jul 2011 / #2the most popular polish DJ - C-BOOL. I bet many of heard about him as his name is recognisable across the globeOf course! Nelson Mandela, Madonna and C-Bool! His (or her?) fame knows no bounds!
Wroclaw Boy 20 Jul 2011 / #3the most popular polish DJ - C-BOOL. I bet many of heard about him as his name is recognisable across the globe.who's gonna forget DJ Onion?