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Any treatment centres for homos in Poland?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Aug 2010 /  #91
Don't forget taboo. Sth may not be the norm but not be taboo at the same time.

But taboo covers a whole new area. Just because people dont think its right to talk about gay people, that shouldnt interfere with what they think about the subject....i mean truly think.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Aug 2010 /  #92
Well, they haven't grasped the concept of freedom of speech within reason then :(

I know what you are saying.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
28 Aug 2010 /  #93
Just because people dont think its right to talk about gay people

I think we should be able to talk about them. But as normal human beings, not as some poor sick individual, which will heal if given the right treatment. I am sure my friends don't mind talking about it. But then again, wouldn't you find it very boring and annoying if you were gay and at every freaking party ppl step up to you and want to talk to you about your sexual orientation? Suppose a gay person comes across you and starts talking the whole godgiven time about the fact that you're straight? I at least would find that a huge nuisance after a while, wouldn't you agree?


M-G (taboos are there to be broken, long live the brave new and free world)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
28 Aug 2010 /  #94
Suppose a gay person comes across you and starts talking the whole godgiven time about the fact that you're straight?

Funny enough that does happen quite often, given places or situations where gays are majority.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
28 Aug 2010 /  #95
Trust me, the other way around happens also. The more if there are ppl having some sort of trouble with gay ppl.
When I am with my gay friends, I make jokes about them, like saying to them when they talk about sth typical: "oh, you guys are such fairies!" or "oh, that is so gay!" :) And they never mind it as they know I accept them fully and completely. Come to think of it, the other day, I was at the birthday party of a girl I know and some of her gay friends were there and one of them was Polish. So there are Polish gays after all :D


M-G (tiens)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
28 Aug 2010 /  #96
So there are Polish gays after all :D

I don't belive that, they must be Jewish ;)
plk123  8 | 4120  
28 Aug 2010 /  #97
actually they are brits. ;) :D
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Aug 2010 /  #98
Defintely Americans...The Village People openly promoted homosexuality..Franky Goes to Holliwood did too (they were English but gave themselves an American name ;0) )

I don't belive that, they must be Jewish ;)

Thats a damn lie, there's no such thing as a gay Jewish person!! tsk! :D
Teffle  22 | 1318  
28 Aug 2010 /  #99

I have Polish friends, good friends, and have been to Poland. To be honest I can't say that I was overjoyed with my visits. However I put it down to my own state of mind/bad luck/particular circumstances/misinterpretation etc.

But reading through this thread and some others on this site I'm really beginning to wonder if my gut reaction and first impressions weren't correct.

Please someone tell me that racism, homophobia, sexism and general parochialism are not as rife in Poland as this site and my experiences suggest??
plk123  8 | 4120  
28 Aug 2010 /  #100
Please someone tell me that racism, homophobia, sexism and general parochialism are not as rife in Poland as this site and my experiences suggest??

highly closeted.. under 30 city folks may be more open then those that r older or out in the country or smaller towns.
29 Aug 2010 /  #101
But reading through this thread and some others on this site I'm really beginning to wonder if my gut reaction and first impressions weren't correct.

Please someone tell me that racism, homophobia, sexism and general parochialism are not as rife in Poland as this site and my experiences suggest??

Here are mostly americans of polish descent. I believe that Pol3 (the OP) is also an american.

However I put it down to my own state of mind/bad luck/particular circumstances/misinterpretation etc.

and what's happended in Poladn that you have so bad memories?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
29 Aug 2010 /  #102
and what's happended in Poladn that you have so bad memories?

I'm guessing a close encounter of 'polski humor'.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 Aug 2010 /  #103
What's the point of creating new taboos? Any time someone wnats to discuss the homos, their activities, problems or itneraction with the rest of society, the old HOMOPHOBE epitet is trotted out. Its purpose is to silence all discourse. Reminds oen of the Stalinists. Anyone who dared disagree with them became a 'wróg ludu' (enemy of trhe people), and that label was enough to liquidate, jail or otherwise persecute the alleged offender.

In a free society we should be able to openly discuss Muslims, those with Downe's syndrome, Catholics, Harley Davidson Buffs, kleptomaniacs, Republicans, Amish, hockey fans, surfers, hiphop artists and any other group. Homos are not some sacrosanct sacred cow.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Aug 2010 /  #104
It's an age-old taboo, Pol3. There's no new fresh ground here. When you start saying 'homos', then yes. You should know that it's derogatory/pejorative. I don't write Japs or Pakis. I know they are shorter but I also know that taking the extra 2 seconds to write the full name avoids a whole lot of bother. Look at your intentions.

If you choose silence, then fine. However, nobody is denying you freedom of speech here. No, they are not sacrosanct, I agree. So, the treatment should take the form of....?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
29 Aug 2010 /  #105
What's the point of creating new taboos?

nobody is creating a new taboo. Homosexuality is not an illness, therefore it cannot be cured. So the premise of your thinking is false. Nothing less, nothing more.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
29 Aug 2010 /  #106
I am heterosexual, I am comfortable with that.

I do not have a problem with other peoples sexual persuasion.

Some people have a problem with homosexuality - why ?

Because they would love to become heterosexual, just like you.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 Aug 2010 /  #107
It's not just the therapy issue. If someone provides statistics showing that homosexuals live on average 20-25 years shorter precisely because of their risky lifestyle, the HOMOPHOBE label is hurled. If someone opposes homosexual activists who not only try to brainwash schoolchildren but tell the kids not to tell their parents about what went on, he/she also becomes a HOMOPHOBE. That is potentially dangerous because the agitators convey a glamourised image of hteir community but conveniently conceal the full picture including shorter life expectancy, a higher death rate, predominantly unstable, short-term relationships, higher substance abuse, higher domestic violence levels, or more frequent mental health problems compared with society as a whole. If someone shows evidence showing that 2-3% of the homosexual population accounts for more than one-third of all paedophile offences, the HOMOPHOBE epithet again gets trotted out. That buzz-word is mainly used by the go-with-the-flow conformists who prefer to parrot maintream media slogans rather than thinking for themselves. Najpierw pomyśl...to nic nie kosztuje! - First think, it doesn't cost a thing!

BTW the official generic term is homosexual. I have used homo for short with no negative intent, but if it is offensive then I will bash out the whole word. Gay is not an orientation but a lifestyle, a form of activism and ideology. Some gay activist stupidly claim Michelangelo was a gay. No, he may have been a homosexual, but gaydom is a very recent invention.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
29 Aug 2010 /  #108
If someone provides statistics showing that homosexuals live on average 20-25 years shorter precisely because of their risky lifestyle, the HOMOPHOBE label is hurled.

please provide links to studies and statistics supporting your claims.

You are right: the term homo is derogatory, therefore you should have used the term "homosexual".

Please define gaydom, and gay and how it differs in comparison to homosexual.
sausage  19 | 775  
29 Aug 2010 /  #109
saw this article recently...Schoolbook Sparks Outrage - Article from New Poland Express
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Aug 2010 /  #110
Pol3, is this you in the video coming to save the day?
;) ;)

Why can't you accept, some people don't want to be saved from themselves? They live by their decisions just as we do. You have no real right to intervene. Even intervention in drugs cases is a delicate issue.

Does their risky lifestyle harm you? Does it worry you now that a gay man is dying because of the 'promiscuous' lifestyle he led?

What does that say about the education system when 'brainwashing' occurs? These teachers can quickly be fired if they cross lines but they are just presenting reality without forcing kids.

Aphro is right. Where are the stats, Pol3?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
29 Aug 2010 /  #111
Why can't you accept, some people don't want to be saved from themselves? They live by their decisions just as we do. You have no real right to intervene

Sean, how about those homosexuals who seek for treatment and don't get one because it's not invented (and won't be since it doesn't go as "illness")?

You're right we have no right to intervene but Poultry is right they have no right to intervene either imposing their lifestyle.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Aug 2010 /  #112
Yeah, imposition is almost always a bad thing :)

It's not an illness, I agree.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
29 Aug 2010 /  #113
It's not an illness, I agree.

Then it must be really easy for you to explain why. I'm all ears. :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Aug 2010 /  #114
Very simply, an illness can be seen as being in poor health. It is perhaps more probable that homosexual men become to be in this state but by no means for sure. By virtue of having safe sex with another man doesn't automatically make you unhealthier, sorry.
jonni  16 | 2475  
29 Aug 2010 /  #115
It is widely known known that Amsterdam is the homo capital of Europe (clubs, publications, events, even openly paedophilia-promoting groups, etc.), so I was surprised to learn that it is also a major centre for curing homosexuals.

@ Polonius3

You do seem to mention this topic rather a lot - much more than anybody else. Why does it occupy your mind so much? Perhaps you have something you want to come to terms with...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
29 Aug 2010 /  #116
saw this article recently...

interesting comment from that article:
Controversies over the portrayal of sexuality or unusual sexual preferences in school books are nothing new to Poland. A few years ago one book generated public attention after it printed an article on how some men like to dress up as women next to a picture of a kilted Scotsman.

so according to this book on homosexuality some Scots and Irish for that matter must be homosexuals simply by wearing a kilt, but Skocja2007 said he is NOT. lol Where is Davie ?

I cannot even think that somebody would be so silly to claim such thing. That means that all men in Bali are homosexuals too:)
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Aug 2010 /  #117
That means that all men in Bali are homosexuals too:)

I guess the stork still delivers a lot of babies?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #118
Where is Davie ?

Im silently keeping quiet, waiting to see what u mean :P

Suppose a gay person comes across you and starts talking the whole godgiven time about the fact that you're straight? I at least would find that a huge nuisance after a while, wouldn't you agree?

I would find it rather a laugh. I know many gays, at work and some friends. The way I talk or behave with them is exactly the same as I would to anyone else. I still cant believe this thread is still going. Pol3 indeed sounds like a middle aged homophobe with a chip on his shoulder about something. He would be better just to come out and say exactly what he thinks. I'm sure no gay person or anyone else with a bit of sense could give a toss about his opinions though.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
29 Aug 2010 /  #119

Freedom of speech, but within reason.

The way I talk or behave with them is exactly the same as I would to anyone else.

So is mine.


M-G (tiens)
bullfrog  6 | 602  
29 Aug 2010 /  #120

Go and cure Tony Blair, one of the most hypocritical psychopaths out there.

One of the best things that happened to Britain since Maggie!!

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