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A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich

peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #31
Thirdly: i dont take kindly to words such as "1 warning" with no explenation.

Before abusing the Moderator on his typing skills, remember to use a spell checker.

The previous mod was right about you, you are nasty little bully. You use personal abuse to overcome your lack of intellectual capacity, its not impressive in the slightest.

Ground energy! WTF is ground energy? you mean geo thermal LOL.

Look up Heat Pump, here let me help you with a link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_pump
milky  13 | 1656  
31 May 2012 /  #32
Am I missing something here or is Wroclaw Boy getting a hammering for speaking the truth?
He is right about London and about Poland. The Neo-Liberal agenda has now been taken on board by the average dispossessed Londoner; they saw the Banks and their lackeys preaching about individualism and Profit,anyone can be rich, "just do it" mentality;and now the chickens have come home to roost.

In Poland the people have, as WB says, just basically grown accustomed to being a door math. Devout Catholics and strong right wing may drive people into rising up against Soviet totalitarianism, but the same isms may act to reinforce obedience in an inverted totalitarian society.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 May 2012 /  #33
This is an old war imo.
Last time I checked (and things could be changing), worldwide stats showed the wealth the rich possess (and the rate at which it is gained) to be greatly out pacing the comparative wealth for the middle, lower and poor- worldwide.

The rich are able to suck the blood out of the economy- horde money. This would create inflation due to scarcity of currency. As long as people continue to spend then all is well, but if for whatever reason those who control the money decided to, they could seriously disturb A LOT of people. The less justice people think there is, the less peaceful they're willing to be.

*waits for contrarian mouthbreather to come and dismiss everything I've written.*
peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #34
Am I missing something here or is Wroclaw Boy getting a hammering for speaking the truth?

Obviously you are missing the point entirely.
milky  13 | 1656  
31 May 2012 /  #35
I don't think so......
p3undone  7 | 1098  
31 May 2012 /  #36
WroclawBoy,I concede that 1 warning was too stiff,I apologize for that,you have to understand,I'm getting use to this and this is not as easy

as you think.As for my writing skills they are actually quite good,I consider this chat, not bound to literary rules,that's my style,You will find that

in time that I am fair.The last I will say on this matter.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
31 May 2012 /  #37
poor getting shafted by the rich....oldest story there is. nothing unique about Poland's situation.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 May 2012 /  #38
99 percenters have got to stand up and take what is rightfully theirs!
p3undone  7 | 1098  
31 May 2012 /  #39
PlasticPole,Question is do the 99% know what it is they want to take or know how to go about taking it? lol ;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 May 2012 /  #40
Just give the 99% shares in what tthe 1% have now.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
31 May 2012 /  #41
You would hope the 1% would share,unfortunately this is not going to happen by anything but force.Too much greed.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
31 May 2012 /  #42
Just give the 99% shares in what tthe 1% have now.

OK, let us imagine doing such "reset". Then, from t=0 on, the more intelligent and more hard working will start accumulating wealth again, and the lazy/stupid will found the new class of "poor". Then what? Prevent this by imposing communism at t=0, or reset again, after the inequalities become "unbearable"?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 May 2012 /  #43
Oh give me a break! Lazy? Hard working people are not lazy! The hardest working people are often the poorest. Quit stereotyping ffs and acknowledge that poor people work the hardest instead of rationalizing with lies.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
31 May 2012 /  #44
If they are hard working, then at t=0 they will start accumulating more wealth then the lazy ones, within our model.
jon357  72 | 22981  
31 May 2012 /  #45
Providing they don't have five mouths to feed and have an in-demand skill, and free education, child care and healthcare.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
31 May 2012 /  #46
So, communism as the desired solution. Correct? I am not immediately saying "no", but please tell me how do you want to motivate people to work, to delay consumption and other rewards (in order to invest), and how to accommodate these "20" from the Pareto's rule, who are responsible for scientific, technological and economic progress.
sa11y  5 | 331  
31 May 2012 /  #47
To PlasticPole: wealth redestribution... That's what some people call robbery, car-jackings and hi-jackings in South Aftica. Come here and see if you like it.
Natasa  1 | 572  
31 May 2012 /  #48
I thought that Rich vs poor was evergreen?
sa11y  5 | 331  
31 May 2012 /  #49
It is :) some people just forgett what's in human nature.
Maybe  12 | 409  
1 Jun 2012 /  #50
You perfectly know the possible result of calling other posters idiots. Especially, when they are intelligent women.

hahahahahhahahhaahahahah Intelligent women hahahahahhahahahahahaha

Wow Pawian, quite the comedian i see.

A New War the poor vs the rich..... er that is a New thing?
pawian  219 | 24806  
1 Jun 2012 /  #51
hahahahahhahahhaahahahah Intelligent women hahahahahhahahahahahaha
Wow Pawian, quite the comedian i see.

Are you one of those who don`t believe that women are intelligent? And you only focus on their looks and bodies?

I am not like that.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
1 Jun 2012 /  #52
Are you one of those who don`t believe that women are intelligent? And you only focus on their looks and bodies?

Maybe intelligent women avoid him
Meathead  5 | 467  
2 Jun 2012 /  #53
Brainless idiots with a useles degree,

There is no such thing as a useless degree...education is never wasted

We can delay this time by keeping RCC religion classes in schools as long as possible.

What they may need is moral/ethics classes based on scripture and not the teachings of the Roman Catholic Cult

WroclawBoy,I would rather not have to warn or suspend,but if your going to be abusive to the other posters,I have to respond.It's not an
unrelated personal issue or prejudice.You don't have to insult me or the other posters.

Lighten up. Quit nitpicking, you're demeaning your authority.

- in the United States, the push for making home ownership available to everybody. Such a noble idea, wasn't it? Its effects: increasing the availability of loans, RAISING THE PRICES of real estate (Economy 101) and making it UNAVAILABLE to middle class (because they don't own their homes, banks do). College loans (following the same mechanism) should also be mentioned here.

Clueless. Home ownership is a necessity not a luxury. How can anyone justify (on economic grounds) long term renting? You don't understand the economics of owning land.

The deficit is due to two unfunded wars, outsourcing manufacturing jobs to China, and bringing in illegal immigration to lower salaries. What did anyone expect, they did their best to destroy the market.

Democracy can, as easily as any individual or collective tyrant, deprive people of opportunities to better their lives. Then they rebel.

Of course Democracies are not perfect but the difference between Democracy and a tyrant is that Democracies are self correcting, tyrants aren't.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #54
Lighten up. Quit nitpicking, you're demeaning your authority.

he is right, what was the purpose of calling her a idiot?

it is possible to disagree with someone without the name calling.

would he have said that to her in a face to face discussion at a table sharing lunch out in Public?

I doubt it, I think he would get frustrated, and think to himself those words, so why cant we practice this
on the forum?

or is it that you want to see people at each others throat?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Jun 2012 /  #55
If they are hard working, then at t=0 they will start accumulating more wealth then the lazy ones, within our model.

How? The person doing the most menial labor is not going to be making the most money. It's the managers that make the most and not everyone can be a manager. Only a few because there aren't enough management positions. The managers and owners make the most money while the people who do the menial, hard labor get paid the least. That's the way the world works. This is what keeps people poor. It would be great if everyone did individual things so there was a big demand for everything they produced. This would be ideal in capitalism but it's not that way in real life. In real life, you got thousands of farmers growing corn all at the same time. Then there's so much corn, the price goes really low and they cannot make money. Then the government gets involved to save these struggling farmers. That is the situation in the real world.
sa11y  5 | 331  
2 Jun 2012 /  #56
If you redistribute everything, there will be nothing to manage. Or if it still happens to exist, new owners will appoint new management. So the new management structure will have to be created. All people would have same chance, but chances are they will create exactly same structure again. Yoes, you right, that's how it works everywhere, and no revolution will change it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
2 Jun 2012 /  #57
There is no such thing as a useless degree...education is never wasted

Errrrm..Media degree? A nice soft option...and utterly useless to most because they chose it because its easy and were not capable of doing anything more, now and Engineering degree, that's useful, because the person taking it generally has a focus on a career they are going to pursue, as for education not being wasted, a large proportion of people going to university never use what they have learnt in the job they end up in, thats what I meant by useless and I do believe that educated can be wasted, kids in this country (UK) go to school for years and years and end up leaving with nothing!

What they may need is moral/ethics classes based on scripture and not the teachings of the Roman Catholic Cult

But in Catholic schools we are taught about moral ethics through religion, through the teachings of the bible.

Oh give me a break! Lazy? Hard working people are not lazy! The hardest working people are often the poorest. Quit stereotyping ffs and acknowledge that poor people work the hardest instead of rationalizing with lies.

But that hard working person has self-respect and is teaching his own family the value of hard work, so maybe they aren't the wealthiest in the pocket but they share something with their family that no dole scrounger could ever do, the feeling of being proud and hard working earning a living, work eithic is something that is lacking more and more these days, people want everything handed to them.

The previous mod was right about you, you are nasty little bully. You use personal abuse to overcome your lack of intellectual capacity, its not impressive in the slightest.


Lighten up. Quit nitpicking, you're demeaning your authority.

The mod in question actually apologised in a round about way, so I think you should apologise!

Look up Heat Pump, here let me help you with a link

Ive got circa. 8 years of experience of working within the Engineering industry, so I know what Im talking about, he was just being an ass as usual :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
2 Jun 2012 /  #58
would he have said that to her in a face to face discussion at a table sharing lunch out in Public?

Agreed, if you insult someone face to face it would be the end of the discussion.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
2 Jun 2012 /  #59
he is right, what was the purpose of calling her a idiot?

She branded the people who took part in the London riots as idiots, i basically called her an idiot for thinking/assuming that.

Having read the posts again, I stand by my judgement and have nothing to add.

Agreed, if you insult someone face to face it would be the end of the discussion.

really weg, you aint tough enough mate.

Look up Heat Pump, here let me help you with a link

Heat Pump! what the hell are you waffling on about a heat pump for? we were talking about global energy resources, Amathyst said solar and ground energy, i can accept Solar as a possible, credible part solution to the energy crises. She didnt mention geo thermal or wind power or even tidal power, she said ground energy.... and here we have you talking about a bloody heat pump.

Get into the picture weg - its Geo Thermal energy, not ground energy or a bloody heat pump.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
2 Jun 2012 /  #60
its Geo Thermal energy, not ground energy or a bloody heat pump.


Ground energy systems are increasingly being considered as an alternative to traditional heating and cooling systems as a way to reduce carbon emissions, control energy costs and improve the environmental performance of buildings.


Looks like it may have some basis in fact, and is a recognized term amongst technical people. Now what about that new war between the poor and the rich?

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