Have they worked out how to pay for any of those changes yet?
The govt is working to balance things off by finding new sources of revenue (eg retail tax on big retail chains and eliminating loopholes facilitating tax evasion) to finance welfare programmes. The World Bank has praised 500+ for stimulating consumption which generates demand, news jobs and overall GDP growth. Aside from the purely economic aspects, to me more important is the fact that many kids went on holiday with their families, attended a summer camp or actually saw the sea or mountains for the first time in their lives. Of course, that wouldn't interest a hard-noser like yourself. Maximum yield, investment returns, dividends and profits are all that counts, innit?
PiS passing round sweets and ice-cream to ordinary Poles is still far better than PO handing out goodies and privileges to the already indecently and usually dishonestly wealthy and overprivileged!
New forget it will take some time to undo the economic vassaldom imposed on Poland by the Tuskutes and theri predecessors. As a result, the vast majrotiy of Poland's large retail chains, major manufacturing plants and banks are ownbed by reps of the foreign-interest groups the Tuskites and their post-commie predecessors had catered to with tax breaks, tender fixing and other under-the-coutner settlemetns in exhcnage for kickbacks. No wonder that crowd (PO, KOD, Petru) are ranting, fuming and foaming at the mouth to bring back the lucrative pre-2016 status quo. But it will never return!