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Fashion and Style in Poland

Kemaleon  3 | 122  
28 Mar 2008 /  #31
Hmm, Green is big here right now, but has to be 'angry' army green and camo.

Polka dots soo don't go with my hair but stripes are even less becoming of the slender gent. How about zig-zags?

Mono-chrome zig-zags? I have these amazing shoes that would go with that, and ear-rings to DIE for!!!

Ya know its bad when you dont buy 'clothes' anymore, you buy 'outfits' instead...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Mar 2008 /  #32
oh go on now. but i don't see why camo green has to be angry ahhh but i guess i'd be angry too if made to dress in one colour (ok i had to for a time but live and learn). Now you know what's going to be big here? Yeah f'n stripes, f'n horizontal stripes. Fcuk me, Argyle is always cool, f'n stripes are so blahh; at least hound's tooth is different but dare i say it's the femine equivelent to camo?

Now polka dots, just depends on the size darling, if you're thin then they'll work for you-that simple.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
28 Mar 2008 /  #33
hound's tooth is different but dare i say it's the femine equivelent to camo?

Thats about the best description i've ever heard for it! i am soo totally stealing that phrase off you!

The closest i get to Dots is a Pac-Man t-shirt, but I'm warming to the idea of some kind of Polka-dotted jeans....

with matching hat, of course.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Mar 2008 /  #34
steal it and treat it like it's your own, let it suckle even, THEN BAM, throw it at a passer-by and watch them stumble to catch it. Enjoy the moment and spread the gospel from the book of me.

hound's tooth can only be done for handbags, and fall jackets no lower than the waist.

Now polka dotted jeans, f'n right that'll bring them ******* to heel. owwww! that's hot.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
28 Mar 2008 /  #35
f'n right that'll bring them ******* to heel. owwww! that's hot.

Then we are agreed! now lets go get a Orange Mocha Frappuccino!

(dear Mods: its fashion related, honest!)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
29 Mar 2008 /  #36
bit Whitney dressed as Britney

I love that! would rather look like Whitney than Britney these days. I'm older than you and I like to dress up too, its all about knowing your body and what you can (and cannot) get away with isnt it. The wrong clothes can be so ageing. I dont know why some people think they have to radically change their style when they reach a certain age. When Im older I want to be one of those eccentric old ladies who dont give a damn what people think and dress eclectically.

pink is not for polish males

Ive got my partner into pink, at first he thought it was a bit gay, but has now embraced it. Only tops though, not trousers. I am now trying to convince him of the merits of purple.

My predictions for spring are coral, lemon, all range of pinks and other sorbet colours. Plus red and navy, especialy nautical stripes. Green and will always be a winner in my book and polka dots too.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
29 Mar 2008 /  #37
Just out of interest, was his dress sense that bad before that you needed to save him?

Much credit to you if you get a picture of him wearing Polka dot jeans!!

I applaud your efforts girl, some guys have no idea...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 Mar 2008 /  #38

i adore poland cause almost every radio station still plays that song. Looking back on the lyrics, how could he not have been "so happy?"

Green and will always be a winner in my book and polka dots too.

you are the latest recipient of the Foreigner4 Award for Style and Flair- you go girl!
sapphire  22 | 1241  
29 Mar 2008 /  #39
Just out of interest, was his dress sense that bad before that you needed to save him

not too bad, just Polish style. Cheap trainers and jeans. However, you need to be careful what you wish for as now he is more into clothes than me and i can hardly get in the wardrobe. Not sure about the polka dot jeans, unless they sell them in TopMan?
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
29 Mar 2008 /  #40

i adore poland cause almost every radio station still plays that song. Looking back on the lyrics, how could he not have been "so happy?"

I think i missed summink here, is there a song about me in Poland? he he
::EDIT:: oh i get ya, the Wham song! i hope you got the reference, Zoolander is an awesome film!

Not sure about the polka dot jeans, unless they sell them in TopMan?

I doubt it, but they should!
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
30 Mar 2008 /  #41
The wrong clothes can be so ageing.

That's always the worry... I can see the look of terror in Mr LC's eyes as I get ready to go out wearing a Hallo Kitty dress and a faux fur coat... LOL!

Ive got my partner into pink, at first he thought it was a bit gay, but has now embraced it. Only tops though, not trousers. I am now trying to convince him of the merits of purple.

Good effort - and wise to avoid pink trousers... a bit Rod Hull methinks :)

hound's tooth can only be done for handbags, and fall jackets no lower than the waist.

Disagree... houndstooth is a classic

Polka dots... hmmm.... ubiquitous... this year's gypsy skirt or sequinned shurg (maaan, was that a bad look??). I was reading about Top Shop stuggling to sell some plain t-shirts, so they took them off the shelves, sent them to get polka dots screen-printed on, and they sold out within a day.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
30 Mar 2008 /  #42
some shite you can't pull off here cause every flucker has to turn their head and stare-Fcuk off already!

why dress flamboyantly if not for the more or less outraged stares? I loved turning heads in my fifties flowery dress and cartwheel-sized straw hat ;-)

I daresay there'd be a lot more people staring at that in London than there were in Ełk, Poland. I get people staring at me in London just for wearing a red coat and red beret!

why do so many people in London wear black, gray, and brown, mostly Primark or Peacock fashion? (and I'm speaking of the natives here!) why is there no colour in the streets? why do most girls wear Ugg boots in summer and ballet flats in winter? why the ballet flats anyway? why can't I buy a decent pair of leather lace-up shoes anywhere? I have loads more of similar questions.
30 Mar 2008 /  #43
why do so many people in London wear black, gray, and brown, mostly Primark or Peacock fashion?

Toronto and Berlin comes to mind. I was standing in line up for Pat matheney concert with my Polish friend and we were teh only two people wearing colour in May:(.I have this pumpkin colour coat and I always get stares on the subway.

hy do most girls wear Ugg boots in summer and ballet flats in winter?

good question- not very practical and Uggs are really soaking up the salt in the winter.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
30 Mar 2008 /  #44
why do so many people in London wear black, gray, and brown, mostly Primark or Peacock fashion?

Because they're sheep... baaaa baaaa... seriously though, I think that many of the people that you see in the West End / Oxford Street are from out of towm.

Also, if you go into the city (financial district, so EC1 - EC4) midweek, it'll be a sea of sober suits and TM Lewin / Thomas Pink shirts. Clones rather than clowns LOL!

Ugg boots in summer

because they're worn on the beach in Australia (where the trend originated).

why the ballet flats anyway?

I know, I know... plus unless you want to look like everyone else and wear them with leggings (sooo two years ago), there's not much that you can wear with them, plus they do nothing for my legs.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
30 Mar 2008 /  #45
Hmm... Ballet flats and leggings... Polka dot leggins'....

Not sure i've got the figure for that either. Lots of people round here like to go un-noticed hence the dark colours, but this just creates a starker difference between them and the more flamboyant populous, like shocking-red in mono-chrome art.

Lots of Earthy colours around these days too, i must admit i have quite a few browns in my wardrobe. And dark colours also, but i use my hair to offset that.

And hats, one can never underestimate the out-fit transforming properties of a good hat.

Is it wrong for a man to care so much about this stuff?!?!
30 Mar 2008 /  #46
Is it wrong for a man to care so much about this stuff?!?!

depends on a man. I like men who a fashion aware.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
30 Mar 2008 /  #47
Ah well, i wouldnt say that. Its not fashion i'm into really, i just like what i like and if i think it looks good and a little different then i tend to wear it. Not just for the sake of it or because *enter generic soulless* magazine said so.

Brands are for sheep

Because they're sheep... baaaa baaaa...

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Mar 2008 /  #48
I have this pumpkin colour coat and I always get stares on the subway.

mmmmm pumpkin pie ahhhhh (sorry but i had to)

Disagree... houndstooth is a classi

tis classic, but only works on handbags and on jackets no longer than 3/4 length.
El Gato  4 | 351  
30 Mar 2008 /  #49
its a new skater fashion, almost all skaters now wear tight jeans :D

Ya...what's with that? Half of them have chicken legs so they look really odd. The long hair too. I don't understand how everyone at the same exact time decided to grow out their hair. The only people who have short hair that I know of are the athletes.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
30 Mar 2008 /  #50
tis classic, but only works on handbags and on jackets no longer than 3/4 length.

Nah, in fact I fancy getting some houndstooth trews :)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
30 Mar 2008 /  #51
I don't understand how everyone at the same exact time decided to grow out their hair

This phenomenon is called "fashion" to be exact ;-)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Mar 2008 /  #52
^where the fcuk did i write that? if i did though, it should have been phrased as a "why"
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
30 Mar 2008 /  #53
actually, you're right, El Gato wrote that, I used "Quote" and hey presto! change of identity! sorry about that, but it looks like a bug in the system...
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
30 Mar 2008 /  #54
This phenomenon is called "fashion" to be exact ;-)

And hence the phrase 'fashion victim'
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
30 Mar 2008 /  #55
'fashion victim'

exactimente! or whatever way that's spelled ;-)
30 Mar 2008 /  #56
going back to the topic (since it harldy happens here anymore).

Polish people actually do wonders when it comes to fashion sense when one takes the amount of finances available to them. There are cases of poor fashion in Poland but generally Polish people dress well for teh cirumstances.
finT  12 | 167  
31 Mar 2008 /  #57
when one takes the amount of finances available to them.

Have you seen the queues of people of all ages holding huge bundles of articles at the checkout in any Zara shop in Warsaw! Everyone moaning about having no money here is a myth! Unless of course everyone is living on credit? All the banks here seem delighted to throw cash at any fool here these days.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
31 Mar 2008 /  #58
All the banks here seem delighted to throw cash at any fool here these days.

just like in the UK, then, actually... (at least till very recently).
sapphire  22 | 1241  
31 Mar 2008 /  #59
why is there no colour in the streets?

Do they? Maybe in the City during the week when some people have to conform to a dress code. Otherwise this just isnt the case at all. Maybe its the kind of places that you go and people that you meet?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
31 Mar 2008 /  #60
Style is a personal choice, I worked for TS in the regional office and to be honest I wouldn't have wiped my arse with some of the stuff that came in over priced and bag quality (apart from the shoes)

I also say:

If you wore it the first time round you're too old to wear it second time round! :)

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