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My USA citizen Girlfriend wants to get married/move to Poland and work online how can it be done? Visa?

31 Mar 2018 /  #1
Hi all
As in title. How could we make it possible, i live currently in UK, and we just want to live together which ever way is easiest/faster.

Is it worth getting married or there are other ways we can live together without spending on all the official documents and spending a lot time waiting for all the documents.

Is it faster to get married or to apply for some long stay visa in UK or Poland ?
I am polish citizen, and permanent resident in UK .

Thanks all !
Tlum  12 | 309  
22 May 2018 /  #2
If she's a US citizen it might be better to get married in Poland; then she'd be eligible for EU status. With the Brexit it's not so sure any more. Regarding working online; I'd suggest that you don't set up a company in Poland due to high costs of running a business; it may be better and faster to set up a company in the US and pay taxes there.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / My USA citizen Girlfriend wants to get married/move to Poland and work online how can it be done? Visa?Archived