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Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #61
The stupid truth is that within 80 kilometres of the country boundary, we do.

Yeah its like that in the US but for immigration reasons.

Clueless, and if the people as a mass said no, then we wouldn't have such intimidation.

The cops in Poland are still nothing like the ones in America. I don't think I've ever had a police officer used words like 'pan' or 'prosze' in the US. No, it's always aggressive language. The difference is that in Poland they assume you don't have a gun or other weapon, that you're not going to harm them and they tend to treat you like a civilian. In the US they just automatically assume everyone is a life long criminal, but then the actual life long criminals and people who know their rights they're scared of.

Thankfully, more and more people in the US, mainly thanks to youtube and social media, are realizing that you don't need to show your ID or answer any questions if a cop cannot articulate a crime they suspect you of committing - and 'acting suspicious' doesn't count... a driver does need to show their ID when asked, but a passenger or pedestrian certainly does not - at least not in this state and in most states
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Aug 2018 /  #62
you don't need to show your ID or answer any questions if a cop cannot articulate a crime they suspect you of committing

I am with you when we are talking law. I actually went to see the CPB guys at O'Hare to tell them that on my return the only questions I will answer are those pertaining to my citizenship plus a show of passport. They said fine and that was that.

Out in the street, you may be legally correct and dead at the same time. Suing and winning while in the grave is one of those pleasures I would rather not experience.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #63
This is EXACTLY what I mean - just saw this on my news feed...

All this aggression for apparently not wearing a seatbelt... guy didn't even have a chance to give his ID... utterly ridiculous


I said it once and ill say it again - **** THA POLICE!!!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Aug 2018 /  #64
I agreed with you with on everything you posted so far except when it comes to the cops. In this case, those cops should be nominated for sainthood. A quote from the article:

New Mexico State Police told the Albuquerque Journal that a roughly 45 second video released on Facebook this week does not show a nearly half-hour long traffic stop that occurred prior to the incident, in which police say the driver refused to roll down his window.

Rule to remember: When the cops tell you (editorial) to roll the window down, you roll the window down.

What an a-hole. My cops would have been authorized to break that window 10 seconds after the verbal request. Same with a request to drop a gun. 10 seconds later, boom and down goes the guy and his gun.

Also, cops are not obligated to discuss the finer points of the US Constitution. You can sue them later.

If anything, cops is "America" are under-armed. I remember the days when they were carrying revolvers and the bad guys UZI's.
When responding to a domestic violence call, cops should have AR-15's with scopes and lasers to terminate the hostage situation quickly and with the minimum risk to the hostage. The first opportunity to fire and kill the perp should be the last one needed. Pistols and shotguns are good for other situations but not this kind. I cannot imagine a more intimidating weapon than that when a car with three thugs is pulled over in the dead of night, and three squad cars right behind. That red spot works wonders in turning the bravest BLM a-hole into a good and obedient citizen.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #65
When the cops tell you (editorial) to roll the window down, you roll the window down.

Actually you don't have to open ur window more than a tiny crack that's just big enough to slide your license and paperwork, atleast in Illinois. You don't have to roll your window down all the way. He did need to provide ID though. That's where he ****** up as the driver. The passenger who was also arrested def has a case though.

That red spot

I have a green beam on my 380 i find it's easier to see mayb cuz im.colorblind though.

Suing and winning while in the grave is one of those pleasures I would rather not experience.

Well I look at a man's role in life as to be a provider for his family. If my family is taken care with a multi mil dollar settlement, I've done my job. Luckily im white and live in a nice area so I don't need to worry about. But I feel for my black friends who always get pulled over in this area even though they have no record and aren't doing anything wrong - merely because they're black in a white area. And the cops do the same thing when they see a white dude in a black area. It's only because it's an easy target for them. They always go for the easy low hanging fruit. You'll never see just one or two cops kick in a door of some trap house or pull over a car full of gang members in their own turf without a **** ton of backup.

Also, cops are not obligated to discuss the finer points of the US Constitution. You can sue them later.

All cops are supposed to know the law. After all their job is to enforce the law. Problem is most civilians don't know their rights and laws in their jurisdiction which cops take advantage of to harass a d search people who you can easily say no, cite the statute and they can't do anything besides throw a fit that they encounteted a person who knows their rights. And if they take it to the next level, great, chances are they'll get sued and you'll win the ghetto lottery.

That red spot works wonders in turning the bravest BLM a-hole into a good and obedient citizen.

It also puts cops in their place on the south side West side and my former neighborhood of Cicero as they refuse to get out of their cars for fear of being shot and not knowing who's even doing it. Funny how there their toughness goes away. That's why they drive double the speed limit and won't get out of their cars. Someone has to police the police, and if it's criminals so be it. They signed up to interact with criminals so if they get shot I'm not shedding a tear. They chose such work, it didn't happen by accident.
Crow  154 | 9261  
11 Aug 2018 /  #66
Police was vigilant. That`s all. These are troubled times.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Aug 2018 /  #67
But I feel for my black friends who always get pulled over in this area even though they have no record and aren't doing anything wrong

I am glad cops do this. They know the stats and that black men in the 15 to 25 age group murder at the rate 17 (that's seventeen) times higher than the same age whites. For this reason alone I don't want them anywhere near my 'hood.

You are right about the window. You need only to produce your DL and nothing else. But, cops have a lot of discretion in deciding what is suspicious and what is not. We do, too, in deciding how far we want to go pushing the rights issue on them. They are humans, make errors, have families just as we do, and are under stress from both ends - all the a-holes who hate them and the ACLU types at the other end. One bad move and the cop is fired and stripped of his pension or dead. This is why I feel it is my obligation to make their lives as uneventful as possible and benefit from this myself.

I do understand that your experience has been different than mine, so I am not saying that you are wrong. We just have different views of this matter.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #68
No I agree and I respect your opinions and views. Black teens and 20 year olds have a reputation for being criminals and violent so I understand why the police profiles. However, when you don't fit into that stereotype and the cops keeping pulling you over constantly when you're going to visit a friend, that gets really annoying when you're on the receiving end. If Polish people were darker skinned I'm sure we'd be experiencing the exact same thing driving around white suburbs.

But, cops have a lot of discretion in deciding what is suspicious and what is not.

Merely thinking someone looks suspicious however is not enough reason for a cop to search a person, ask for their ID (unless they are driving), etc. I don't know what the NM laws are, but in Illinois the passenger was under no legal obligation to produce her license/ID. I won't do it either if i'm walking or a passenger. Luckily I've only had 1 experience where a cop asked for my ID when I was a passenger. I refused and told them politely that only drivers are legally obligated to carry their license and I do not need to ID myself unless I am suspected of committing a crime. After about 5 10 mins back and forth, he ultimately did not get my license. Now most people would say well it would've been easier if I handed it over. Sure - I totally agree. However, I do not trust police, I do not know what they wi9ll do with my info, and my private info is none of their business unless it needs to be - I chose to exercise my legal rights. That didn't sit well with the cop. And quite frankly it's a slippery slope. When cops try to take away one simple right like not being searched unless there is reasonable cause or not having to produce ID unless your driving, there's nothing stopping them from taking more and more rights away and twisting more and more laws to suit themselves - all at the expense of citizen's rights from the constitution as well as laws that exist on the books for a reason. It's a two way street imo - not just one way where I have to follow every common the cop says lawful and constitutional or not. If a cop is asking me to do something that takes away my legal rights and tries to twist existing statutes, then I will deny them every time and hope that more people do the same. It is high time for civilians to stand up to the constant aggressive almost military type tactics under occupation that cops in the US use all the time.

Oh and don't even get me started on civil forfeiture. Cops in certain states like Oklahoma and Texas are able to seize peoples' cars without charing them with ANY crime. People have lost their cars and thousands of dollars merely for having a lot of cash in their car - one was a Christian rock band with donations from previous shows, another was a man on his way to a poker tournament, another was a guy who was about to buy a car. They all let the cops search their cars bnecause they 'had nothing to hide.' And where did it get them? Their cars were seized, their cash was seized and they had months long battles, some even a year plus to get their stuff back. And this is totally legal because there is no innocent until proven guilty in civil court - the standard of guilt is much much lower. Now it's up to the citizens to prove that they were in fact not guilty as opposed to being presumed innocent till guilty. Thank God Poland doesn't have any BS like that.... It's just mind boggling that the cops can seize people's cash and cars without ANY CHARGES and then force them to go through tons of hoops for months and months just to get their **** back...

That's why I say **** tha police - all day everyday. They only care about themselves and enriching their department so they can sit on their ass and drink coffee while maximizing overtime at the expense of the taxpayer. They're always too scared to go after real violent people mono e mono and require tons of backup. But when some nurse refuses to draw blood from an unconscious patient she gets manhandled and arrested. When a trucker wants to read the ticket in detail he gets beat up worse than Rodney king. When a guy allows his car to be searched because he has nothing to hide he ends up getting all his money literally STOLEN by the police without any charges whatsoever. They pull sh1t like this constantly - in every city, every state, every county its the same story - only slightly different depending on their laws. They hide behind their badge but without their badge and gun they're total cowards. They almost NEVER actually serve and protect - they harass, extort and intimidate. And it doesn't matter if you're balck white brown whateve.r Everyone gets it. Like that nurse - at least that $500k the police had to pay out will make them think twice next time before they illegally arrest an innocent person following protocol. Now she's the real hero standing up for a person and refusing to take their blood while they're passed out without their consent. Not the bald headed belly bellied detective who is such a punk ass b1tch that he man handles women. Lower than the dog sh1t on my shoes....
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
11 Aug 2018 /  #69
Actually you don't have to open ur window more than a tiny crack that's just big enough to slide your license and paperwork,

And then he says, "I smell alcohol or marijuana, step out of your car."
Dirk let me be the first one to tell you this.
All the smack you post here is a bunch of sh!t about your rights.
You have no rights Dirk.
If a cop wants you, he can and will find something to arrest you for.
You for some dumb ass reason actually think you can stick your dick in a beehive and not get stung.
If you tried any of your know it all tactics out on the streets you are going to end up in prison or dead.
Remember I told you that because it is the truth.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2018 /  #70
And quite frankly it's a slippery slope.

This is where you are 100% correct. They will use every trick to trip you up on some inconsistency and act on it. And this why I watch that very red and very hard line of not letting them turn a simple case of speeding, for example, into something bigger just because I was stupid enough to say something self-incriminating. At least in their opinion. My approach is to play nice up to that point. After that, I am done talking.

Here is what I did in Brussels a while ago on my way home.

At the check-in, they would ask me all kinds of questions. Where I had been while in Europe, whom I saw, the addresses, etc. By the third question I just told them that this conversation is over as I realized that all of my "I don't know" and "I don't remember" started looking more and more suspicious even to me. So I cut it. They took me to separate building to search every sock and shoe but at least the interview was over. So, you are not alone in your hard nose approach to snooping.

That slippery slope you mentioned is why Trump would have to be a complete f****** idiot to spend one millisecond with the Mueller's goons.

Remember I told you that because it is the truth.

...and because we love you, Dirk.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
12 Aug 2018 /  #71
not letting them turn a simple case of speeding, for example, into something bigger

Correct Rich, you have broken the law so your ass now belongs to them.
Get combative with them and your simple speeding ticket becomes speeding and resisting and obstructing which is a felony.
They call these "State Manufactured Crimes" which they are trained to make up as they go.
Many of them they tag you with fall under "officers discretion" which do carry weight in a court of law.
They then stack the charges to be sure to at least get a plea bargain.
My approach is a yes, sir no sir and I am on my way, game over.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2018 /  #72
Get combative with them and your simple speeding ticket becomes speeding and resisting and obstructing which is a felony.

My point exactly.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
12 Aug 2018 /  #73
The stupid truth is that within 80 kilometres of the country boundary, we do.

I live in that land and yes there are all sorts of naughty things happening , people and drug smuggling,migrants trying to get in or out!, the border guards have a tough job so it helps if we carry our polish id, i know its simpler for me just a plastic card.

The border thing with Germany is taken seriously, we have anti terror drills and all sorts can be a bit of a laugh when the siren goes off and you are expected to go check your barn for god only knows what. lol, I have a pitchfork in the back porch for that very purpose, like being in dads army.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Aug 2018 /  #74
My approach is a yes, sir no sir and I am on my way, game over.

Imagine having to beg to the police like that, LOL!

In Poland, we can smile and joke with the police without being forced to act like a dog.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Aug 2018 /  #75
In Poland, we can smile and joke with the police

Yes. But... it is city to city. Katowice and especially Krakow have fascist police, so be warned (For the information of anybody who actually lives here in Poland....?). Trojmiasto police fit the Delph model accurately and actually police the situation, and fit the job description very well:) Which is to serve the community. Simples.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
12 Aug 2018 /  #76
Oh Boy, here we go with "the defend yourself TROLL."
Yes Sir and No Sir is called manners and respect to authority.
Something civilized people in civilized countries do.
You were never in the military to learn that were you.

In Poland, we can smile and joke with the police

We do here in the United States too however since you have never been here I understand your ignorance.
The police in the U.S actually respond to complaints.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Aug 2018 /  #77
Oh Boy, here we go with "the defend yourself TROLL."

Are you talking to me Johnny or to yourself? I don't think you have been to Katowice or Krakow, so you don't know what you are talking about. Yes - people do protect themselves from the police in those two cities. They don't get involved with them unless they have absolutely no choice,ask anybody there, and each police force is on the look out for reggies from the other voivodeships. It's called tit-for-tat. you as an American should surely be cognisant of the term?
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
12 Aug 2018 /  #78
"Are you talking to me Johnny or to yourself?

Neither, I was referring to delph's TROLLING BAITING comment below.

Imagine having to beg to the police like that without being forced to act like a dog

Not like the E.U., we here in the U.S. A. have choices so no one is "forced" to do anything besides make a choice.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Aug 2018 /  #79
That isn't a choice:) It is a fait accompli - also known as a police state.
Whilst acknowledging that various counties and states do things differently, to a limey it all seems that America is a police state, and a citizen is much safer in Europe. Ever considered moving here Johnny?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Aug 2018 /  #80
If a cop wants you, he can and will find something to arrest you for.

Well thankfully now with body cameras and a civilian being able to upload the encounter in real time, its very hard for them arrest you for no reason. This isn't the 80's where a cop can plant some coke on you and haul you off. If a cop triers to arrest you without cause and you can prove it - awesome - not only will you be able to sue his department and win, but you can sue the cop personally too to make his life miserable just like he tried to make yours.

All the smack you post here is a bunch of sh!t about your rights.You have no rights Dirk.

See that';s the problem. Too many civilians think they have no rights and that the cops are some people to be put on a pedestal and can lord over you and do whatever they want. Well, that's not how it works.

This isn't a one way street where cops have all the authority and citizens have none. Cops are paid by civilians and ultimately cops are help up to the same laws in both civil and criminal court as civilians. There are tons of cops/police departments who have been suicessfully sued for millions and many cops who are now in jail because they thought they were above the law. I absolutely have all the same rights as any other civilians, including police. There is no separate constitution for cops and civilians. Those rights, i.e. miranda right - right to remain silent - have been formed over centuries and it's precisely what makes the US different from a third world dictatorship.

If they say they smell drugs, you still have the right to refuse the police officer and request a K9. If it's alcohol you can still step out of the car, refuse them to search it, and take a breathalyzer/field test. You also have the right to record the entire encounter. You have to make it know to the police that you refuse any search and seizure as soon as he walks up to your car and have it record.

How would a simple traffic stop result in those if you're doing everything according to the law? Obviously you can't run away. And in order to obstruct a police officer there must be a crime that he or she is investigating. No crime, no obstruction. You cannot be charged with obstruction for refusing to answer questions. If you provide your drivers license and insurance as a driver, you don't have to do anything else. Also, neither are felonies, both are misdemeanors. Evasion/resisting can be a felony if you drive off at 100 mph and refuse to stop.

The police in the U.S actually respond to complaints.

Definitely not in bad neighborhoods. Good luck getting a cop to come out on the South or West side of Chicago. The cops are such pussies that dudes flash gang signs in front of the cops and still they're too scared to get out of their cars. Even in my old neighborhood it was the same and it's nothing like Englewood or Back of The Yards. And if they're serving a warrant, they bring the SWAT team because they're too scared to do it with just regular officers..... for a freakin' warrant rofl...

My approach is to play nice up to that point. After that, I am done talking.

Yeah if I'm driving then ill just give them my license and ask for the ticket so I can leave. 99% of the time its not a problem. If they start asking other stuff I use my right to not answer questions. If I'm a passenger/pedestrian, I cite the Illinois statute that only drivers must carry ID and that I am refusing to answer further questions. In that case the cop usually just gets pissed and walks away

to a limey it all seems that America is a police state,

It is Doug but honestly UK is no better. At least in the US you can still write and say just about anything you want without thought police coming to fine or arrest you.

I hate the Young Turds but this video is quite apt

US cops VS European Cops


From RT - US police killed more people in March than UK did in 20th century - report


So **** the us cops
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2018 /  #81
Many points raised here are valid. Except one: The US is a police state.

A country where I can terminate a police interview with just one sentence without fear is a police state only in the mind of a sick moron who has nothing else to say.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Aug 2018 /  #82
The ability of people to exercise their rights, not hand over id if they aren't required by law, not answer questions, use the 1st 4th and 5th when they please, etc are what prevents us from becoming a police state. If the cops had their way, they'd take away these rights, enter anyones home they feel like and stop every person, every car at will and take whatever they want using civil forfeiture despite charging no one with a crime. Luckily my state doesn't have civil forfeiture practices but the states that do to me look not too different than what the Gestapo and NKVD use to do decades back.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2018 /  #83
CF is an abomination and I am shocked that it is still legal and constitutional. Cops may benefit from it but they didn't pass it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Aug 2018 /  #84
Trump is a big supporter of it = / but you gotta take the bad with the good. As ****** up as liberal states are, at least they don't have civil forfeiture
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
12 Aug 2018 /  #85
Dirk, there is hope...
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
12 Aug 2018 /  #86
Ever considered moving here Johnny?

No, I would have to give up to many of my luxuries like catching all the brook trout I want out of ice cold streams and would have to learn to tolerate drunks.

Besides, my girlfriends wouldn't allow it.

some people to be put on a pedestal and can lord over you and do whatever they want. Well, that's not how it works.

That is exactly how I works.
You can't fight city hall.

If they say they smell drugs, you still have the right to refuse the police officer

Wrong, that is what is called "probable cause" to do a legal search WITHOUT your consent.
Dirk I like you but I am afraid that your New York lawyer mentality is going to land you in prison one of these days before you catch on.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Aug 2018 /  #87
No, I would have to give up to many of my luxuries like catching all the brook trout I want out of ice cold streams

I appreciate your humour. That's called quality of life, and what we enjoy. Maybe you and me are not so alienated after all.
12 Aug 2018 /  #88
Mental illness thread
G (undercover)  
12 Aug 2018 /  #89
They often demand my documents

Perhaps because you look and behave like a psycho ? Anyway, I thought I heard you kicked the bucket ? Must have been some other "expat".
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
13 Aug 2018 /  #90
Many good people would be alive today if the cops here were on foot 24/7, proactive, and unafraid of stopping teen n*****s at 3 am and checking if they are packing.

This, 10 years no parole for an illegal gun, and we could make Chicago as peaceful as Monte Carlo in a couple of weeks. I am assuming that there are no n*****s in Monte Carlo at 3 am.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at nightArchived