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How to obtain Polish Nationality, and register residency

24 Jan 2013 /  #1
Hi Everyone

As you can probably see this is my first post so I'm new to this.

What I'm looking for is some information regarding becoming a Polish National and registering my residency there.
My Wife (whom is Polish, Born, Bread and has the T-Shirt) have recently moved to Poland having been in England for a couple of years, we were married here (the UK) and also had our son here too and we have recently managed to register our marriage and our son's birth through the local council office (in Poland, getting our documents from the UK translated) which was all fine(apparently he can claim nationality through my Wife).

Having searched the internet and the forum I have read different pieces of information and maybe I'm just being stupid but I get different information from all over the place as to how I can go about this, having asked in the council office too, we we're told there that I would have to be in Poland 3 months then apply for me to live there permanently, however having read about this I was under the impression that I would have to apply for this before the 3 months period was up, could someone just point me in the right direction please?

Just to cut a long story short, My Wife Polish all polish documents etc. My Son will get nationality, and Me British Citizen want to however possible become a Polish National get I.D. passport, pesel etc. and everything else I would need, and I don't care if I have to give up my current nationality or anything here.

Is there a quick, short, expensive, more cheaper way possible. Also do I have to pass some kind of test or something I.E speak fluent Polish (as I'm currently learning but do understand and speak quite a bit already).

Thank You in advance for reading my rambling on and hopefully providing me with an answer
Looker  - | 1129  
25 Oct 2014 /  #2
3 months? Not so fast. In order to obtain Permanent Residency card - you need to be in marriage with Polish Citizen at least 3 years and living here from at least 2 years (uninterrupted stay).

And then:

For recognition as a Polish citizen may apply a foreigner who resides permanently in Poland for at least 2 years on the basis of the permanent residence permit or a residence permit for a long-term EU resident, and who remains married for at least 3 years with the person holding Polish citizenship.

27 Jun 2016 /  #3
My Wife (whom is Polish, Born, Bread and has the T-Shirt) have recently moved to Poland having been in England for a couple of years, we were married here (the UK)

With grammar and spelling like that, I would concentrate on passing an English test before you even think of taking any "Polish tests" :p
terri  1 | 1661  
27 Jun 2016 /  #4
Before being granted Polish nationality - you have to pass Polish knowledge test. Look for it on the internet - you have to know the Polish language.

You do NOT have to give up your British citizenship - which may help you when GB is out of EU.

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