according to my ex there is not such a wide variation of regional accents in Poland as in the islands
He's right in this case! Mostly distinct dialects have disappeared since WWII and have been replaced by standard Polish (maybe with local accents).
Typically if two Poles meet in a foreign country and begin speaking..... neither will have any idea where the other is from. There are some regional features but they're pretty subtle and seem to be less salient when Poles are abroad.
I remember a work related meeting (in another country with people from a few different countries) a Croat absolutely refused to believe that local dialects aren't a big thing in Poland. To make the point I asked one of two Polish women present if she could tell where the other was from (they had heard each other speak Polish).
"hmmm maybe south, like... Silesia?" the other Polish woman was actually from around Gdańsk...