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Any (Solely) Anglophones that work in any other field other than teaching English?

EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
28 Aug 2011 /  #1
My curiosity is killing me.........

I mean this board is strewn with English (practicing and prospective) teachers.

Are there actually any Anglophones that don't speak Polish and have careers in Poland in anything else but teaching English?

How difficult is it for you? What are your experiences? Is there any animosity towards you because you don't speak Polish?
hythorn  3 | 580  
28 Aug 2011 /  #2
i work in engineering, importing injection moulding tooling in order to make car parts.
i speak Polish but not perfectly
the Poles really appreciate the fact that I have taken the time to learn their language

as I mainly target clients in Europe, I speak English all the time in any case
so I do not have to conduct business speaking Polish

i like it here. it is a good country
the quality of life is good here

in fairness I could do this business anywhere in the world as all you need is a laptop,
a phone and a chair

I have a friend who is German who is buying and selling steel but he does not speak any
Polish at all. Again all you need is a phone line and you are in business
pawian  224 | 27129  
28 Aug 2011 /  #3
=EdWilczynski]I mean this board is strewn with English (practicing and prospective) teachers.

Funny. Whenever I read Polish social forums, the topics concerning teachers are always the hottest ones. Teachers prove their job is responsible and very difficult (today`s youngsters are a crazy pack of wild animals), while the opponents claim that teachers are the greatest parasites in the society and should be fired instantly for their laziness, lack of knowledge, poor education results, nasty attitude to students, ect etct etct et c.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Any (Solely) Anglophones that work in any other field other than teaching English?Archived