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Posts by gdj67  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Nov 2008
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 154 / In This Archive: 26
From: Gdynia
Speaks Polish?: more each day

Displayed posts: 30
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30 May 2013
Classifieds / Any Idea where I can get top soil near Gdansk? [2]

Have been trying to get about 8cubic meters of good 'top soil' (czarnoziem in Polish) without much luck. We keep being offered stuff that looks, and smells, like it's been dug up from the side of the road. Does anyone know of any place in or around Gdansk that may be able to help. We are actually about 30km south of Gdansk near the Mierzeszyn.

23 Dec 2011
Food / Can I buy Christmas crackers in Gdansk? [15]

Just pack them in your luggage next time

Yeah right - Have you seen airport security now-a-days?!

Next time I'll get them sent over, don't fancy taking the risk of getting my bags flung of the flight before they even get loaded.
23 Dec 2011
Food / Can I buy Christmas crackers in Gdansk? [15]

Ok, so I've left this a bit late, but was hoping to bring some Christmas crackers back from the UK so that we could have the fun of silly hats and crap jokes with Xmas lunch. Hadn't realised however, that because of the small amount of dynamite in them it's now impossible to take them on a plane - even if checked into the hold! I came back yesterday and have spent the day doing Xmas shopping but still haven't found the crackers.

I've tried M+S at Cliff, near Gdynia but no luck. Nothing at Galleria Baltycka in Wrzeszcz either.
Does anyone know anywhere in the tricity area that may have them?

1 Nov 2011
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

Thanks again for sending me some :) :)

Ha, i'd forgotten about that, it's been quite a while since I've popped in here. Long story, but now have an apartment in Gdynia and work mostly in Gdansk.

Look for a Kuchnia Świat in Gdynia

Nothing in Gdynia, but there is one in Galeria Bałtycka - which is only 2 mins from my office. Sorted!

Heinz Beans (fasolka) in Bomi if anyone is interested.

6 Sep 2011
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Interesting things happening in Tricity.............. facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.251218741566490.61254.2195 68481398183
30 May 2011
Work / Some cold, hard facts about teaching in Poland for newbies [101]

Poland is a poor country.

That's a subjective opinion and dependant on your definition of poor.

Wages are not as high as western Europe I grant you, but then again prices are lower and more importantly the weather is better! It costs nothing to sit on the beach all day in Sopot! In Glasgow it rains all time and eating out costs a bloody fortune!

Anyway, what I meant was that teaching is poorly paid in relation to other careers in the Poland
30 May 2011
Work / Some cold, hard facts about teaching in Poland for newbies [101]

This may well be a stupid question, but is this discussion purely related to teaching English?

What about teaching another subject, even if you don't speak much Polish but know your subject well are there not opportunities? (most secondary school pupils understand English and in my experience the pupils (13-17 year olds) really like the opportunity to practice speaking English). However, most of my work has been on a volunatary basis, so have no knowledge of the pay scales.

Also at a university or polytecnika for example - does anyone know if the pay similar or better than secondary schools?

You would expect it to be better, but even here in the UK part time tutoring at a Uni is not very well paid (most do it because they have a passion for the subject) and I hear that teaching in general in Poland is pretty poorly paid across the board as well.
7 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]

Yes my earnings are in £s which is why I'm trying to get a mortgage in £s. I know a few people that took out mortgages in swiss francs are are know having to sell up because they can't keep up the repayments.

If I had taken a morgage in PLN 3 years ago, my payments in £'s would have had to increase by nearly 50% to cover the exchange rate fluctuation when it was 4PLN to the £. £ years ago it was closer to 6PLN / £

Just had a chat with someone at PKO - good and bad news:

Yes they do mortgages in £s, Bad news - the interest rate is 7.5%!!!!

Are they having a laugh ;(
7 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]

Very dangerous.

Sorry, I don't follow you - what's dangerous?

If I get a mortgage in PLN and the exchange rate goes down I'll end up paying more (my salary is in GBP) - that's dangerous, and why I'm trying to get a mortgage in £s.
7 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]

Thanks for the link to PKO. I'll contact them and see what they say.

As for banks lending on property in other countries - is actually quite common to find ones willing to lend in places like spain and othe EU countries - as long as it's not poland!
7 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]

I'm considering buying a property in Gdansk but have been unable to find a lender in the UK that is prepared to look at the Polish market.

I have contacted a number of banks in Poland, but they are quoting about 6% variable and say there are no fixed rate deals in Poland?

I'd also prefer a UK lender so that the mortgage could be in GBP rather than PLN, as I suspect that after 2012, the zloty will be even stronger against the £.

Has anyone had any success finding a UK lender willing to provide funds for a Polish property?

17 Mar 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

one of those commercial megastructures

.......i agree, but even though this one completely ignores its context it is actually a pretty well designed shopping centre - the circular route means that you always know where you are and its difficult to get lost unlike some others I could mention. The Engineering (By Arup Warsaw) is incredibly complex and one of the biggest issues they had to over come was the snow loading. Managing to solve this without huge I beams everywhere is pretty impressive.

Here's our submission for MoMA on the other side of the Palace of Culture from 2007.

17 Mar 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

For the best modern architecture, this is probably the best resource on the web.


20 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

Even better, try this:
Marmite, golden syrup and peanut butter, the peanut butter on one slice and the syrup and then marmite on the other, then put them together and place ina toaster for a few minutes.....................

Sounds crazy, but believe me, it's great.
20 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

nah... just butter or jam for me

you don't know what you're missing!

Also try, marmite and golden syrup toasted sandwiches. mmmmm.
20 Nov 2008
Food / traditional breakfasts in Poland [74]

Marmite on toast anyone?
My friends in Osieck love it.........I always take a few jars over with me every month ;) G
10 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Shhh... the donkey is on an undercover mission. I can say no more

Ha ha, I get it now..........The donkey is on Mirandas pay role!

His mission, to discredit Greg with that disgusting vide!. Jeees shes a ruthless one.

I hope she paid you well Donkey?
10 Apr 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Mmmm......no mention of the Donkey - I smell a rat - Are you on Mirandas pay role?
27 Mar 2008
Language / Polish Lessons Units [189]

Great, I've been waiting for these.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much.
27 Mar 2008
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]

Fashion?.............sorry but I'm still having difficulty getting past the fact that all the girls wear great boots. Anything else is inconsequential.

20 Mar 2008
Travel / Best Easter Eggs in Warsaw? [9]

Thanks Wrolclaw, I'd hoped that blikle would have some. I know it's not the tradition over there, but had been told that in Warsaw at least i'd be able to find some.

So I guess they where refering to the rubbish that is sold in Supermarkets like Mars or Twix

so the marmite pot has arrived, has he?

Wishful thinking - got my dates wrong. I get the early flight 8.30am tomorrow.


19 Mar 2008
Travel / Best Easter Eggs in Warsaw? [9]

I'll be there tomorrow, can anyone point me in the direction of a seriously good chocolate shop that sells chocolate eggs?


Surely I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth?
3 Dec 2007
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Btw, this is not an easy thing for everybody you know ? ;)

Then they don't deserve to be paid as a professional. If they can't look after themselves, then how the hell they gonna look after the interests of the company they work for...........jeeees!

Oh **** now i've burnt the toast!

3 Dec 2007
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

stop feeling sorry for yourself ;)

Appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I just cant be arsed with people that don't have the balls to stand up for themselves.

Why the hell would someone accept a job offer without knowing what the salary is....duhhhh!

(drags myself of to the kitchen to find some bread for that toast) - good idea, thx ;)

3 Dec 2007
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Duhhh..........ask the company that made you the offer.

You say you have a BSc - start acting like a professional and you might be treated like one!

Not very helpful i know, but I've got a cold and feel like crap, and I've had a bad day.

Grumpy Gary
19 Nov 2007
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

Lol Miranda..............Please tell me thats meant to be ironic!

18 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Lessons Units [189]

J, need to make a few more posts before I can PM you.
While I'm at it, this place might interest you w w w etc.lucznica.org.pl/ I'll tell you more in PM.