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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1444 / In This Archive: 77
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Why are salaries in Poland lower than ones in Bulgaria? [5]

Special incentives to live in a crime ridden country.lol while taking your 3500 euro home chances are you are most likely to be robbed or your bank card skimmed.Poland is way safer and has a price.
Cargo pants   
28 Dec 2019
Real Estate / Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score? [15]

I dont think States is a cushy country,it is very competitive here.People have to really hustle here where there are people from all over the world trying to succeed.I still feel there are more opportunities in Poland,maybe not work wise but business wise yes.

The golden pavements and the American dream was never easy nor would come to some.Yes coming from third world,the living standards are higher but so are they in Poland.Lets face it,and how does a average worker live here on the salary in Micky dees/Walmart or working in a factory.Most people loose a job and house/cars all Kapoot.Real example here is Rich who in his 70s finally got the car he wished and boasts about money after 50 years of surviving here,imagine his mid age,working and trying to save pennies.

I have never seen or known anyone who has lived of his parents money(beside billionaires) in Poland I do know many.LOL as you get old and or sick everything is kapoot,the new generation starts toiling again.
Cargo pants   
28 Dec 2019
Real Estate / Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score? [15]

I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

I assume they can Joker,LQQK how many English economic migrants in Poland are living and even they have been bragging about there high life on this forum.They even can afford winter,summer and spring vacations that too with family.
Cargo pants   
16 Dec 2019
Law / Unwanted pregnancy in Poland - threats, rights [55]

i offered abortion and sharing the cost.

I wish she has any legal proof of that,as abortion is illegal in Poland.I wonder what are the penalties to encourage,entice or offer any aid to do that.
Cargo pants   
26 Nov 2019
USA, Canada / What does a Polish person need to visit the USA under the VWP - Visa Waiver Program? [12]

That's why as a Brit you can have two passports

As an American too,you can get 2 passports as Saudi Arabia dont allow you entry if one has a Israeli stamp on your passport.Usually Israelis dont stamp American passports but if they do,one can get a second passport to go to SA.Maybe its for other countries also,I dont know.

Or visited one of the 'bad' countries

Yes,true that and also if one has been refused visa,ESTA responds by advising to apply visa personally in the embassy.
Cargo pants   
26 Nov 2019
USA, Canada / What does a Polish person need to visit the USA under the VWP - Visa Waiver Program? [12]

Does anyone know where to go to see what an ESTA involves written in English ?

Try filling out the form yourself and cancel when it comes to payment.Also you can try to get Australlia and New Zealand ESTA which is required by Americans also.Very simple normal questions and usually the approval is in 30 minutes and no need to carry any paperwork.My 3 pals in Poland got there ESTA done and the approval was emailed in less then 30 minutes.The site recommends but dont require to print and carry the approval.Until the person has any criminal record or has voilated any immigration law in the Usa they have no problem or they have to go personally to apply for the visa.ESTAcosts 14 USD and is valid for 2 years and still is no gurantee for entry.All depends on CBP officer.
Cargo pants   
15 Nov 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

They will take care of everything.

Most likely NO.Shipping companies only ship or charge heavily to deliver at door.Gdynia uzjad celna has tons of clearing agents in the vicinity and transportation companies near there office.He can approach them and they are relatively very cheap.I have used them plenty of times for cars and other household items.
Cargo pants   
1 Nov 2019
Real Estate / Rough idea on rental prices for Wroclaw, Poland [13]

For that money you will not be able to get a commercial place.

Yes he can.I dont know the prices in Wroclaw area but they are lower then Warsaw,I suppose.He can even buy a small 30/40/50 sq m commercial restaurant/take away joint to rent.If he looks hard for it there are plenty of deals STILL in Poland.Infact smaller places yield more even 8/9/10% and can pay reachout tax under 100k a year @ 61/2%.Better then freaking ugly residential crap,dealing with suitcase tenants.He can always sign a 777 umowa and in case he has to throw them out,it takes only 7 working days.

quote=Flannel]Im also looking into Shares and term investments as wel[/quote]
Dont dare do that until you are willing to take a hit.Polish market is corrupt as hell they will chew your money like....Stick to property a sure shot deal,even if you error one just has to wait a cpl of more years to get your investment out.
Cargo pants   
27 Oct 2019
Real Estate / Rough idea on rental prices for Wroclaw, Poland [13]

@OP,why dont you consider buying a commercial unit there?The renter,if you lucky can last you forever if his business takes off.Residentials are always a headache with tenants coming and leaving and destroying the flat.Returns might be2/3 % less but almost no headache if you get the right tenant.I prefer Restaurants,as one tenants fails there is always a new dreamer in line waiting.
Cargo pants   
26 Sep 2019
Life / Is the palace in Warsaw going to be rebuilt? [29]

Years,maybe 5/8/10 I did see the grounds around it was dug and had rooms,kinda made tunnels around it.I was walking around that and did see kind of cemented cemented thingy that re[presents a siding or walls base on the grass.(I cant explain what it represents but I have seen the dug ground that had kinda cubicles and a pathway}Now you can see the green grass and just the cement roots kinda thingy.I always wonder why did they cover those rooms and ways?
Cargo pants   
24 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

so no more visas for Poles by easter just ESTA
Cargo pants   
19 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

100,000 blacks in Warsaw

lol I am with brown face and hands white body and a dark dick,where do I stand????
Cargo pants   
12 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

At least LOT dont charge xtra 53 bucks or so for checked in luggage.If you take an isle seat you dont feel that crunch for leg room.

@Ziem:No individual airlines plan there own seatings.
Cargo pants   
3 Sep 2019
Real Estate / Polish government targeting British property buyers!! [10]

@OP,Notary job ends when he/she confirms if the property is legally owned and has no legal or financial liabilities.What is done/built on the property and if not mentioned on the deed is not covered.Yes notarys fug up but there liability insurance covers for it.I have bought 11 properties in Poland in 19 years and never had a problem except alcohol permission being denied by the spodzelnia (which I take it as my fault for assuming I will get it).

I will kick up one hell of a fuss in the British press

You can try whatever which will not do crap,and if takes heat you will be punished more in Poland.Change your attitude and deal with it rationally locally.YOU have to loose more then the local authorities as your money is involved.GOOD LUCK.
Cargo pants   
28 Aug 2019
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

lol you are telling em idiots who use to tell residential tenant advise seekers on this forum to report the landlord to tax dept cuz all polish landlords were tax evaders,they are now struggling to live the polish high life which a lot of polaks are living.Do ya Math.
Cargo pants   
25 Aug 2019
Real Estate / Looking for similar buildings in Poland for investing [9]

I will rent them out

In residentials its not that easy,those SUITCASE tenants tend to leave where as in commercials once the tenant starts making money he will be there for years/decades,without giving you any hassle.And you can squeeze them a bit also depending how much they are making.Also if you sign right 777 umowa you can get the commercial tenants out in 7 days on conditions agreed upon,in case of residentials forget it.

@ Kaprys:I prefer otodom which has more descriptive situation of the property then OLX
Cargo pants   
24 Aug 2019
Real Estate / Looking for similar buildings in Poland for investing [9]

They are all over in Poland,some of those buildings are built not long ago, may be 5 to 10 years back.Are to looking to buy building like those,who have commercial and residentials?
Cargo pants   
12 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / I have an OLD Polish passport (live in the US now) [13]

What is a PESEL number ?

Kind of Social Security number with your birth year last 2 digits,then month 2 digits then date 2 digits and other 4 numbers(Random)
Cargo pants   
11 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / I have an OLD Polish passport (live in the US now) [13]

Yes,I got Polish Passports for my kids in early 90s which one didnt care to renew it,suddenly she decides to renew it and went to Polish consulate in Ny and was done in almost 4/5 weeks.Also my sons Passport is kept by the govt due to top security clearance and has expired over a decade now,when in Consulate my daughter asked they said no problem he can always renew it whenever he wants to(even when he had to write a letter to the president of Poland to give up his citizenship,but for the last 9 years no response from them)Still consulate will be your best bet to ask.
Cargo pants   
30 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / There are more billionaires in Poland than in America [8]

Any inputs in the topic?The billionaires in America/Forbes have all legal net worth,but some are way richer in the east including Poland/china/Russia/India.I know some really stinking rich in Poland who have estates/investments and houses like palaces,properties worth billions in Poland and abroad.