12 Sep 2011
History / How do Poles feel about 10th anniversary of 9/11 [40]
I'm not sure why my post was merged with this one... this post is asking how people feel about the 10th anniversary.... mine was asking about who was responsible for the original event... this should be a post for respect and rememberance... where as mine is looking and question what went on that day and who is responsible.... Please re-instate it as a seperate post, i think it is out of place to put these two topics together, as well as a little disrespectful...
There are many conspiracy theory threads on this subject, please use the search function.
I'm not sure why my post was merged with this one... this post is asking how people feel about the 10th anniversary.... mine was asking about who was responsible for the original event... this should be a post for respect and rememberance... where as mine is looking and question what went on that day and who is responsible.... Please re-instate it as a seperate post, i think it is out of place to put these two topics together, as well as a little disrespectful...
There are many conspiracy theory threads on this subject, please use the search function.