Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland.
Sorry to hear that, I know you had, for want of a better word a 'dream', and it is always horrid when dreams don't turn out.
i know ive complained a lot about Poland over the past few years but jeeze its better there than here IMO.
Oh, man, aphro's post says it all.
At least you haven't burnt any bridges and can come back with a renewed enthusiasm.
I know you mightn't want the silver lining speech but well it ain't all bad for you :)
I have known this for years. Last time I went back was in April 2006,
I remember you telling me about that and you have posted about it before too.
Your analogy of a sick friend is a good one, I may have to use that in the future.
This could turn out as one of the more positive threads (kinda) about Poland.