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Posts by Sparks11  

Joined: 31 Jan 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Oct 2018
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Posts: Total: 333 / In This Archive: 244
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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5 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

You do realize that crossing in the middle of what I will go ahead and assume was some busy street, like Jerozolimskie or Emilii Plater, in the center makes you look like a total burak or Ukrainian. They were right in telling you off. I will admit that I too cross on red lights from time to time and have only every had pleasant encounters with the police when stopped. I politely hand them my residence card, speak to them in Polish and usually end up having a chat about what I think about old Polska as an American. Time after time they let me go with a smile and no ticket. If you find the law enforcement officials here to be unpleasant, don't go to America.
10 Aug 2018
Life / Meeting new people in Warsaw [10]

How do you meet people without going to the places where you normally meet people? Are you retarded?
19 Jul 2018
Love / Polish Weddings the farce and how much money to give [22]

I for one never touch money. I have soooooo much money I dont even need to think about how much money I have, I have people to do that for me. In fact, if someone even says the word money around me, I slap their dirty mouth....
19 Jun 2018
Study / Looking for suitable English secondary school in Warsaw [17]

There are cheaper options than the"official" British and American schools. Check out The International American School (IAS) , Meridian, The International school on Ul. Jagielska. There are many more.
7 Apr 2018
Life / Ripped Off in Poland? - Expose here: [185]

Hey Walgreens! I don't know who you are but when you come to Poland you better be ready to fight over .10 liters of beer. Just today I bashed some guys head on the table because he gave me two centimetres of foam and I KNOW it should only be one, in Poland that is.
22 Feb 2018
Law / Maintenance Claim From Mother - Poland [19]

also it doesnt seem they can demand huge amounts even if you are doing pretty well, unlike alimony. just enough to live. still, what a cow
7 Jan 2018
Life / Poland's Alior Bank reviews / ING / Millenium [26]

ING does not lend to non-EU citizens, that also means you can not get a credit card from them if you are not EU. I would imagine Millenium isn't so strict as they are smaller.
28 Dec 2017
Life / ZUS / NFZ / Compulsory Health Insurance in Poland - where the money come to/from? [29]

ZUS is like the royal family, expensive (not nearly as much as ZUS though) but at least it gives the general public something to talk about. The stories about its waste are always fun, like creating a 100 k zl. video on the history of ZUS for one of their anniversaries or the employees wanting a new building because they felt they deserved to work in "nice" office conditions like people in private businesses (missing the fact that private businesses create wealth for the country whereas they burn it)
20 Dec 2017
Work / Polish citizen with American husband in Poland ~ work ops? [55]

"Optimism and Poland are a dangerous combination. Abundant caution, risk-assessment, cold hard realism and several workable back-up plans are more likely to result in success."

If you do come to live in Poland copy these words down, take them with you everyday and look at them often. The best info/advice on here.
3 Dec 2017
Law / Citizenship of baby born in Poland - Foreign Parents [17]

I thought Harry84s was a joke, mocking the complicated citizenship/residency questions which often appear on here. If the mom is Israeli and has lived in Poland for one year under temporary residency but plans to get permanent residency and the Father lives in Germany but has Russian citizenship and really likes pierogies... :)
26 Nov 2017
Love / My wife cheated on me abroad with a Polish guy [35]

I'd agree with Dirk, man up a bit. She cheated, whatever the reason don't mope about on the internet like a loser, get drunk, go on a trip, find some skanks and have some fun. Begging for internet help is...
23 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

White guilt and/or the media portrays liberalism and globalization as the stuff of the highly educated and elite (who doesnt want to be smart and elite) this pulls in the educated folks because that's where they feel they belong. It's theoreticslly easier to control a heterogeneous nation, the people wont band together. This may not work out though.
15 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

sorry, have to confirm what Harry says. If you're charging 70 an hour for individuals in warsaw, you're giving people a real deal. 80 to a hundred is normal. small groups in-company, 100 on up. not sure what you mean by individual tutoring, I guess one-ones but there is still an abundance of such work. Language schools can't seem to find enough natives. I suspect it's because they are being out by sites like nativespeaker.com.pl. you wont get rich teaching here but you can do alright. Korea ain't what it used to be either.
11 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

According to some recent articles being a university professor isn't really a career anymore either, in America that is. They earn less than half of what you can as a TEFLer in Poland.
13 Oct 2017
Life / Boring Life after work in Poland (Bydgoszcz) [29]

Type in Muay Thai Bydgoszcz to Google. There are a few, Legion has high ratings. If you were doing MMA you probably know not to worry about what the people say on here about meeting tough guys. Usually if you are willing to step onto the mat/into the ring with them and show you're not afraid to take a hit, they will respect you back.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

i was just joking around, woah! some sensitivity about whose country is greatest. perhaps a ruler is necessary?