**** ya - I'd say theyre just as crazy maybe even more so since a lot of Poles have money here.
My first one was at the Grota by Belmont/Central every table had a bottle of Vodka and when we emptied them, refilled instantly. I think we went through 8 bottles just at our table and they wouldn't give me any beer. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and I walked right into a wall, Bam! I had a big bump on my head along with a huge hangover! lol
I lived on the 3rdFL in River Grove at the time and in morning my landlord from Warsaw asked me. *&^% was all that noise last night!!!!
I replied: "I went to my first Polish wedding last night"
He just looked at me and with a look of understanding and started laughing, Hahahaha its OK!!
The circles I move in don't need cash,
Ya, a bunch of low paid expat English language teachers in Poland..LOL
Are they awake at 1:00am on a Wednesday night posting about weddings or do they really have jobs?
Shows how little you know about Poland.
Thats why ppl ask questions on a forum stupid. Just because you currently live in Poland and have some streets memorized really doesnt mean much at all.
Are you even Polish at all?