FDIs are not a feckin charity, they invest money in Poland to suck back more than that, made on work of Polish people. In many cases they make more bad than good i.e. banking, retail or energy
The problem with you Poles is you expect everything for nothing, let me just explain to you in simple terms, 1989 PL was broke without a pot to **** in, you owed the west large debts, Investors coming to Poland starting ventures and creating jobs was a godsend to Poland. Now 2011 you want to sit there in your ivory towers and spout we don't need the foreign investors. Poland's success was founded on foreign capital and pushed forward by foreign expertise
Why do you think Chinese don't allowe "foreign investors" into these sectors ?
China is a closed economy it is still run by the party, it is not a democracy.
As for "EU funds" Poland will have to spent more to deal with EU's CO2 nonsense alone than It gets out of it. So much for "good west".
As far as the Kyoto agreement you have one of the best deals in Europe, CO2 emissions is about global warming. Poland and the other E/C countries were invited to join the EU/Nato for security reasons.