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Posts by Rysavy  

Joined: 25 Sep 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 7 Jul 2014
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 306 / In This Archive: 201
From: United States, Payson
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Varied and ecclectic

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20 Jun 2014
Life / Why Polish people are fat ? [81]

As a Texan native living in Arizona I have to go "Survey says? BZZZZRT!"
Texas does not even hit top 10.

Mississippi has been the triple crown winner in #1 for well over 6 years and top 10 are normally states on either side of the blue ridge, top to bottom. As far north as Ohio and WV..and south with Louisiana and Ol Miss. With Delaware and OK being kinda tacked in last few years.

Obesity is lower in smaller sized monied states, especially with large metro areas and high ostracization for imperfect women, a lot of entertainment industry and heavier influxes of EU immigration.

Please keep to the topic.
18 Jun 2014
News / Poland's interior minister and the central bank chief recorded [28]

I was going to ask about this the other day.
Had some problem logging in .. the site gets iffy when I am on different PC.

My fiance is really worried about it. Specially since he says a good portion of his generation do not feel their votes count, so do not vote. He is afraid a backlash/panic against the party they are in will panic elderly and anti-communists into voting anybody of opposite party. He was watching the effect on their currency (because he is saving and after degree going to work to get to me).

He talked about it over 4 hours and he almost NEVER speaks things political to me.

He compared it with corresponding members of my "murican gubermint" as best he could. By the sound of it is pretty racy. White water/Watergate level racy

I guess it is pretty cloak and dagger stuff that seemed set up to catching some politics as usual at the perfect corrupt moment?

I want to see links too. ....
He was watching news while we were in Skype playing cards; but I can't get on demand Polish news.
Not to mention my Polish has regressed this year without daily practice with my study buddy.

I am back to: Hello/goodbye - I like pickles -Where is the bus station? -How much is i? _ kind of phrases. The rest could be a compliment with a proposition or told I dress like asylum patient and I'd still be nodding and smiling

But I was curious. I wouldn't have known who half the people he was talking about were if not for here. And the other half? can be martian. I wouldn't know.
7 Mar 2014
Love / Confused . . . did I Misunderstand Him? Found out he is from Poland. [13]

I'd have to advise just leaving it alone at this point.

Maybe in some movie stroke of luck there will be another real opportunity to begin a connect; like the coffee invite. But let him come from his direction and simply give simple friendly smile when you see him looking at you.

But I wouldn't hold my breath in your case or hold out for him to point of refusing another 's offer to hang and maybe date. But I wish You Luck.

Yes, it sounds like he had an interest. He may have been waiting an opportunity because shy about his citizen status, accent, your looks compared to his...wotever.

But sadly that first round you probably botched.

And you should have waited til he had time to digest and take action on that note. Though if your note was anywhere as confusing as your first post it is likely going to make him look at you different.

Age 0R gender aside , your behavior was kinda sketchy. And if your note apologized for showing interest it may have snuffed the interest beyond rekindling.

Asking here is ...asking for what exactly. About if his quiet approach was Polish male behavior? He is Polish, yes. But how Polish? he already is broken away and working in UK? as professional? So anything typical of Polish men might not apply. He is younger but was previously attracted by all your descriptions, which is unusual for traditional raised guys but not impossible.

Poles do seem to like to be the chas-er in the romantic department.
Granted ...it is all supposition on my part. I can be socially clueless sometimes when body language is all there is (Asperger's). My hunny had to drop barrages of hints and outright blunt interest before I actually said "huh ..what... who? Me?". But we had the comfortable setting of a solid couple year of very close friendship before that and daily conversation. I admired him as a person very much.

Still do :)
31 Jan 2014
Genealogy / Relatives' Pictures: Do They Look Polish? [44]

Though I am your detractor (since I believe only a practicing Jew or Matrineal line is Jewish and that it is not a race) It can be said fairly that both look European.

The ancestry of my Jews also has a Yuditskii...(not direct to me...only the Weiss are direct to me) and they are from around Kiev in my case. Which may be why Regina she more like my full Russian X MIL.

I could ask if I look Polish and if I present the right angle? I could...LOL. it is simply from my central EU background. Specially my Czech and German. But on other hand, once in the US; Regina also looks like the typical southerner of her age around Podunk here (this area is heavily German, Welsh, Scot, Irish).

My point is that it is not so cut and dried.

Picture A has people of these surnames: Schultz, Bagneski/Baggnes , Zorin (Sergeiv the look they inherited) and one person added as a
control. Who "Looks Polish? Some ? All ? None? I added numbers to pick out a Pole >_<

Picture B has 2 practicers of Judaism. One from direct Weiss/Weis line and one who has Weiss. The "full" Jew is the one with Yuditskii.

His lines are Ben Ali (from Constantinpol) and Hagen (Dresden). Hagen Married a Weiss who was daughter of Weiss & Yuditskii from Kiev (she moved to Prague area). By 1850 only one traceable Weiss line was still Jewish. Most live around Nurnberg and Dresden Germany with handful coming to PA/NY and spreading.

whats wrong with the link tabs?*edit*
20 Jan 2014
Love / I have a crush on my boyfriend's Polish friend ( advice needed ) [33]

im not into become his girlfriend, all i mean by this is really just to get rid of this secret for my own sake, by telling him, and also make clear im not into messing anything up for him, i just need to move forward, and i cant as long as i keep this to myself all the time.

Who are you trying to convince here? You are not doing ANYONE any favors lying to yourself.
There would be NO possible reason in the world to put forward in words to him that you think he's hot/interesting/cute or whatever or even give it more than 3 seconds of thought in the day.. unless you want him in your secret heart. Same mechanics as of being in the friend zone. You were correct in your first subject line... you are CRUSHING on your PARTNER's FRIENDwho btw is not single.

The thing to do is give up obsessing on it, finish the relationship that you have and then decide what you want from life and a partner

And one thing I can say true of the few polish/polish descent men I know (friends, my fiance and an ex...) If they are interested in you personally (not simply ogling your attributes)... you will have no doubt. If they set their sites on you, they will pursue you. Even if you are not 100% available (unless they are uber traditional which my friend drew was not). So it is likely the Polish fellow is not interested enough in THAT way.

Not to mean, but I don't think many are going to think this is a good thing. What you are contemplating will net only drama...

I suggest highly you bite the bullet ,concentrate on your children and what is best for them. If you do not want to stay any longer with your partner, the longer you wait the harder it will be on the children. A happier parent is a benefit for children , that is a truth , but they and what affects them should still be prioritized first. And that means you pursuing a happier relationship in a healthy method.
17 Jan 2014
USA, Canada / Tracking a package through the Polish Postal system sent from US [57]

My Russian (x)inlaws had plenty to say about post communist government corruption, that was then & in Ukraine.
I won't venture opinion yet about Poland other than I will say I have found their delivery extraordinary slow when sending things ordered in the country cross "counties". Overnight took a week. & Ouch they are expensive. I am trying my first US>Poland package soon. I can send stuff to my buddy living on economy in Germany for almost 50% less.

USPS gets media attention when things go wrong but as previous Rural Carrier I can tell you it is uncommon and the USPS is DRACONIAN in prevention and punishment

(edit) response made before realizing this is necromanced thread
13 Jan 2014
Love / Hi! I was wondering if Polish guys like latinas and if they would ever date one? [18]

Biological programming or not.. doesn't make "lemme se what ya got and I'll make my judgment then." less trolly.
It still is considered improper to ask/say it outright. Especially to post photo here would not really give her a large enough selection of different age NATIVE Poles to confirm if a "Pole" generally would find her attractive.

Embrace your gender specific trollyness. Own it, control it. Muzzle it.
Women are biologically programmed to want looks (aka signs of youth, health, and fitness) but also say: "you can't provide-you get no ride" and "the bigger the family the better".

A small percent would get ALL the women with women preferring none if not the elusive ONEs. The rest would be bachelor herds, getting into trouble, fighting and sniffing each other's butts. We don't want that do we? LAWL

Most men are probably very glad our social conditioning allows for them to have a chance to speak with the majority of us, much less have chance to touch us..

(And yes is cynical and a bit trolly view. I will admit it. I am glad my guy has perfect blunt personality, equal education and dry humor for me to keep us smooth in day to day living.)

.....and I do not think you live in a basement. Or a van by the river.
13 Jan 2014
Love / Hi! I was wondering if Polish guys like latinas and if they would ever date one? [18]

I hope to find some Polish guy :) theyre so cute. Have you visited Poland? :)

I agree! And no sadly though I have been to Europe couple times, I was child. The last trip was north but closest we went was to Denmark for 2 days, & while visiting relations on my fathers Bohemian (Czech) Weicz side around Sokolov while staying at Weiss family farm near Nurnberg for a month.

Though suggestion was trolly, Mc is ALMOST right. Caveat being only 1/4 of posters here are Polish or/and live in Poland.
13 Jan 2014
Travel / Trail of the Eagles' Nests (trail with 25 medieval castles between Kraków and Częstochowa) [8]

Looks like a very enjoyable trek.
History gives more meaning , I mean I went to Wounded Knee as kid. Open, kinda rough dry grassy area near creek.. can find just like it every 5 miles in 40 mile radius. Not special to view, unless you enjoy rich or exciting history. Rushmore was large and unique but bleh . Dinosaur site ? was muy interesante.

Well I know what will be on my honey-do list if in Poland
13 Jan 2014
Love / Hi! I was wondering if Polish guys like latinas and if they would ever date one? [18]

YAWP! My fellow is from far Northeast of Poland.
I'm a mixie and red-headed) but fairly dark. He likes my "tawnyness and amber eyes". And curves. We gotz em. I'm 5'8 as well.

Not that many of us on latin side are very dark in skin or hair ( definitely from our Portuguese/Czech side) but while my fiancé was in States; last year my family kept commenting on his whitey whiteness til he was perma red from blushing. None of my 'white' kin are anything like his snowy white. His entire family up 3 generations he showed me are pale ,blue-eyed blondes. Though he can tan ..surprisingly.

Lol! he is now informally my "Blanquito" and some (mum, sister, aunt) are sure enough of him being family to call him 'Guero' and 'Flaco'. Though he does tease that our American RC Catholicness is heretical >_<

[b]But honestly?????? [/i]It really will depend on the guy. If you have the right combination for him, he's gonna pick you no matter your ethnic background. ^_^

12 Jan 2014
Love / Partner wants me to come to Poland? [21]

Yikes.. parents are possibly going to up the ante.

They are contemplating buying out a modest accounting firm (and it's clientel list) from a retiring friend.... They won't resell it IF Lech will be there to run it under his name and ownership; having the retiree p/t as consultant til he does courses <_<

But on the bright side, he is calmer now and taking wait and see attitude, while continuing back to plan A. He assured me that there is no way he'd be staying there and importing me unless he has already obtained a place for us to live and has income steady. He was excited and had meant "IF" something lucrative happens before he is staged to come west, would I come. My son is still largest worry when speaking about any location, not just Poland. I feel better. He was worrying me with the suddenness and we didn't get to talk about it until after the holidays and his last day in internship.


They must have pitched it wrong. Heh.

Ugh..I always end up on at a late hour.... nini all!
9 Jan 2014
Love / Partner wants me to come to Poland? [21]

@Crow.. well honors aside there are obstacles to this change in plans ^_^Silly man

And it is long distance mostly because of his schooling had he not had 3 classes to finish out he wouldn't be in Poland right now. We do well apart and in same house. It didn't change our relationship dynamics to spend a summer. He has spent the second year bucking his family (mostly mother) over this and I think he was so relieved at their sudden capitulation he is caught unwary.

checked out the available facilities/support for the boys. They came to the conclusion it would be much wiser to put the boys needs first, the wife would go back to work in the states

^ THAT is what worries me most.
I am taking advantage of every benefit on his behalf I can, though the onus of his day to day living will fall on me if he is not mainstreamed in next 5-6 years. Right now, this place where my mom lives is so isolated here in US he is getting close to zero therapies. Not all states are equal. Poland would have less than zero.

Hunny is looking at money that could support us with me not working, and there is certainty in the contract. That is what tempts him. But been there-done that. I grew up with a trust fund that was dissipated before I reached majority. I got two years of engineering out of the dividends that had been put in a working account and when I turned 18 (21 was majority) it was suddenly gone. Lesson? I NEVER count on "expected" outcome or "possible" earning. Plus family that hires you can just as quickly (and legal repercussion free) fire you.

My other 3 big worries (6-9-10) are in the negative likelihoods that Dom.. numbered out.

I do not think that us starting in Poland best for long term outcome. To keep communication open I would not just shut down the idea.

But in my stomping grounds I can get him a job at a certain engineering firm that refurbishes aircraft within about 3 months of his being legal to work. Or job with a cousin ..4 to chose from.When I come out of retirement hiatus ( took early painful cashout of 401 K and left army when my youngest first had problems then autism was diagnosed and been living off that for 6 years, a lot went to gruesome court battles. I win each one but they cost)

I can go USPS and he can optionally do some p/t school to translate over his diplomas and be the manwife ( ^_^). My family and friends here liked him, though were wary at first, and are supportive of us here.

I have to present the argument with his original assessment plus points I can find here. It is not me just wanting MY way or saying NO ..USA til death!

Sure if one leaves out the factors of my kids (daughter happily pursuing college and fiancé. Older son is about as caring where he lives as I am) ::::::

..it would really just be a crappy time while getting a small circle of friends and learning passable Polish. But I just don't equate crappy time with good start to new marriage.

Paperwork stuff is not as big a deal. I have my legal documents together. Was still holding a top secret before separation from service. I have held SCI. I am a little on the broke side but I have no debts. All my personal belongings would fit in a large moving "Pod".

I have all of my marriage, divorce, support records and then some in triplicate (former military). I am green-lighted by catholic church to remarry within the church. I have no health problems any newer than those I grew up with that were bad in youth, but not so bad after all. For all my butter cooking, bacon munching. No cholesterol problem. No heart problems. Sugar or wotnot.

I'm definitely NOT moving unless he already has his own place. That I've put my feet into the ground over and have already thrown out there. And he is spoiled for space and amenities, so I just don't see him getting a place he is comfy with in any salary but the family business. Heh ..another minor problem. ...vehicle. Unless I ship my own. He drives a Mercedes of a size that makes me cringe. Aieee! His dad has nice crew truck and mum has a minivan.. but... *see Dom's list #9*

I know it seems dithery of me to worry on all this, but I've simply been thrown for a loop with this VERY abrupt suggestion of my going there. Especially from a person who has been very practical for entire time in acquaintance as well as relations.

(I would have responded sooner but my net was out for hours... stupid 'Superpolar' weather system)

He is homesick and maybe not thinking straight. Moving from Poland to the USA could be a bit of a shock to the system and generally immigration is not that easy, first two, four years are worst. So that maybe be it. If feasible go for a few weeks to Poland for a visit. As for moving to Poland tell him to get real, unless you are financially well off and you don't need to work to support yourself or he can provide for you in Poland. You are a woman tell him off on two levels - financial and emotional, then smooth it with visit to Poland. You asked I provided:)


Yes, I suspect the realness of not being in Poland for some time is finally biting him; as well as grasping hopeful straw that mother Is burying hatchet in location not in my torso.

Maybe a visit is in order, so he can see the realness of my being a fish out of water where in USA he'd merely be bird without flight. I guess his personal family is upper middle class with double black sheep parents, with tons of academics in family teaching in universities and two sets of very well endowed grandparents. He is only male of his generation on either side.

So he has a lot of expectations on him as well as probably spoiled some. (I 'm in love yes... but not flitterpated I see him for flaws as well as strengths)
7 Jan 2014
Love / Partner wants me to come to Poland? [21]

Heh! Texas English which is actually not my first language. ^_^

I'd like to have at least 4 yr olds level of Polish before I'd feel good about tutoring. As for doing so in a private school (which hunny thinks his family could pull for me) I just do not know.

Kidding aside I think I could get a student up to 7th grade level with reliable accuracy. That does not fit my standards though. *sigh*
7 Jan 2014
Love / Partner wants me to come to Poland? [21]

Uh oh..now what? Shoe on other foot. He wants me to come to Poland

......the plan that HE originally had sketched out was actually best (with some localized modification by me).

Not that I have any real attachment to any geographic location. Military brat and career in army pretty much solved that.
But a change after almost two years of planning without prep is problematic.

Plan A: I would return to Arizona from business with my mother on east coast, come out of retirement, get most the expenses earned up. Import him. marry him, work & wait the adjustment of status procedures and pick up a transferable degree from 2 yr school like ultrasound tech while getting a firm handle on my youngest childs' custody ( I have full custody but him having parental rights can allow him to mess with me). It would give me time to auction antiques and loose diamonds. Then make final decision on if he wanted to be citizen or just work a lil longer, sock away cash 5 years THEN move back to POLAND. This would put my son at age of least amount of court disapproval for move and granting total parental control and have put him at the maximum window of opportunity for programs to possible reach him.

Also, Hunny has very good english, has worked here before. I have several friends and family as endorsers

This newer Plan B has me struggling the work and court on tighter schedule, to prevent being stopped from moving. Ponying up the cash to ship the things that cannot be left behind. Figuring out what I do once I get there. Dang , he knows I am susceptible to cold weather so not gonna be worth a damn outside my first and maybe part second winter there

And will not have Polish language well enough to be a table busser, much less something lucrative while our marriage gets its nominal (if description is accurate) inspections.

He would be very locked in to a job in that time period (though what brought this about is his family's business might get a very lucrative contract, and his family is more supportive ...though I would not call lack of dramatics and hysterics a sudden approval <_< Specially with a recent development). If they were, it would indeed make the transition very smooth. He is quitting school after the bachelor's.

From what he's checked he seems it would be very simple to come on long visitation, get married before the required days to ask extension? 45 days anyway and then it being a simple matter. I guess I don't need Visa only passport for initial visit because I am not from a restriction zone(?).

Still, he has not worked out logistics of where I'd be staying around Bialystok with my 8yr old for such long period, (plus my 8yr old , like a cousin and half brother, has a form of autism). I have no idea how much outlay that would be above shipment of goods .

This impulsiveness is very unlike him. Being a RL Blondie and Dagwood will be very hard. What on earth kind of employment could I do?
11 Sep 2013

You again... ?
It isn't "polish women" and in this case not even "women" . It is YOU.

You were told long ago here; if you felt iffy - don't marry her. It did seem she was not as into you as she should be when you first were posting here. But you pushed it through instead of letting her go (if she is such a using troll, I must assume she is first woman that thought you are worth bedding! Or a sexual Olympian you are addicted to).

If she ever stumbled on here I bet we could hear an earful on the whys of her behavior (and that is granting you benefit that she has acted EXACTLY as you described)

Your whining suspiciously smacks of looking for reasons for justification...

will put this out- my own little story quoted by ME (luckily not all men or Russians are the same or I would have become a lesbian after my marriage. I am only giving an example of you never know the other side)
In my case.. with My Monster X... (who tried to poison me for insurance):
He was happy to take my under-table money in contacting. waitressing, etc.
And talk only about my stated earnings as "my part" (which was a subject that came up AFTER I married him. He even tried to make a prenuptial contract 3 months after we married-which got voided later-lol).
When I earned more and started throwing MY financial weight around like he had done to me? Oh the crying!
Things that were in my name alone? Heresy!

He popped the question because I was LEAVING as well. And I regret 5 seconds a day every day of my life that I didn't say NO. And I probably did give a ration of misery while miserable myself. Least I hope so. My friends and family were too far away and later I was too young and too Catholic in our first years to divorce him... I only wish the internet had been as flourishing then! I make my own decisions; but people with examples why it would have been a bad idea; would have been useful to hear.
If I had a hundred dollars for EVERY time I met someone from his work or new family that said "Gee, you are NOTHING like I imagined... your are (_nice_,_pretty_,_interesting_.._adj here_)" ; I could invest in a self business!

He made mistake of being caught talking at an office party while dissing me. Somebody in business who was close to his mom overheard and pointed the camera his way.
Holy crap...! In that conversation, I was basically a 300lb troll with no education or manners that sat at home eating bonbons all day while he slaved to keep up the bills and was a terrible housekeeper! ( he kept up?nada!) His mom was so glad he wasn't gay and could kick him out of her home to be MY problem (she had full time extra maid just to clean up after him and his sister) she was giving us a maintain allowance of 20k a year "stress money", so he could go to college while working up his experience and that we could be a "couple and have a family".
And using the bash an ethinic card was harder for him because I'm mix.
But normally he would still go on with Lazy Fat Mexican (um that kin is PORTUGUESE) or Lazy Indian.
Otherwise it was Money grubbing Bohemian or Jew (but only one Weisz was Jewish). Or being a poor Catholic Democrat Libtard from the wrong side of tracks. <_< My Dad was in Who's who. His dad was a hack!
His mums 5th hubby was the Social Register guy and he lived with his dad growing up. I was a Democrat the year he met me. Period.
Yeah...would any of you here think I was a Libertarian in the making? >_<

But point of story is a person can really exaggerate or cover what their spouse was. If not for OUTSIDE witnesses.. no one would ever have suspected my X was control freak that attempted to kill me on more than one occasion.
Why, gee...he only followed me because he loved me and I asked him. Not because he used money to stalk me all across US 4 times and twice to other countries. He even followed me into the Army! Same Unit.
So don't be so fast to judge the "MASTER's" wife. The fact he made a name like that speaks volumes by itself.

From ALL the copious posts of one sided complaining You have made your bed... lay in it!
At first you came off as some dummy getting used by a sharp girl. But over time you are presenting yourself as a whiner, a control freak, possessive, a bad partner. You come here to bad mouth her and Polish girls in general.

You seem to looking for permission or justification to do something you instinctively know will be looked at as a douche move.

Dude, you need to MAN UP and act like a partner, mate and lover. I suspect it is probably too late at this point.

Right or wrong? My advice, IMHO, is if you still have no kids ...just take your lumps!
Pay your price for separation and move on, so she can find someone who loves her for who she is, not simply wants to own her. And you? you can find that perfect little doll that lets you do everything you want and does everything you say-good luck.

"With kids" complicates it...but even so, if counseling can't help- End it!
28 Aug 2013
USA, Canada / Culture Shock.. my Foreign Import's 90 days in US [7]

The fruit and veg are good and cheap though.

I don't like hearing about processed poison having a foothold, but cheap produce?

:) I like hearing that ....specially give the tiny teeny fridges that seem to be standard in EU countries.
I love sausages and pickles.. that might expose me to additives.
If I stick strictly to my prescribed diets; chicken, pork, fish and fresh produce is all I'd ever see in my larder anyway with stables like beans , rice and pasta. And it would be a very plain and monotonous menu .

I mean chances are high I will not live n Poland, unless something epic and bad happens in his family and we have to go back there so he can take the business reins (which he really doesn't want to do).
28 Aug 2013
USA, Canada / Culture Shock.. my Foreign Import's 90 days in US [7]

LAWL... I was paraphrasing him without thinking.
But yes... seems um.. Polish fellows (mine anyway) are quite... um... reproductive.
I am living the joke punchline "what do you call a Catholics on NFP? Parents." (*tho in risk of TMI more care than that was taken..it was a VISIT.... we are not married yet).

Though pretty frisky previous this was frisky plus and a really idyllic holiday summer . He has fallen in love with and is trying to convince me that MI should be home (brrrrrr! pretty but not without solid income while I hibernate for winter!).

It's not a secret exactly, but I didn't make a separate post or get all giddy (he's giddy enough for us both though freaking on how he can get back before grand debut) because I'm not sure all will be well. I contracted a serious food poisoning it has likely nixed the chances of carrying, and I am not good at receiving condolences. *sigh*

The original doc apt was for the fevers and when they did the obligatory "chance of pregnancy" test before prescribing drugs we got a surprise before he left for Poland. Though we do want kids I was wanting to get in top notch shape first; and have as good of alone time as possible with an 8yr old and disabled mum in house. Plus I want him to finish this last half semester to get his diploma in Eng.

Only just tipping to week 6; I wasn't gonna start dancing unless I can get to week 12.
New OB (reg doc in AZ... I'm out of state ) is freaking and that is never good sign. 101 fevers and blood infection with this Listeria crap when combined with my age is not cutting it.

I have all this new spare time at odd hours because I am on a laptop with bed rest. My disappearance was his visit and taking a break from ..as he calls it.. 'that political site'. >_<. Now...I am a bored, trapped, sick person in a negative situation with a broody hen lover 5500 miles away kibitzing via Skype&phone over what I should eat, when I should rest... Yawp!... might be a tad irritable next few weeks.

Now back to the subject of food... I know our food is literally poison 50% of the time. and I remember Food in Germany being quite fresh (but this was staying with family at a farm outside nuermberg in 70s)

What is food like in Poland? Paiwan seems to endorse that it is healthy and mostly free of extra materials. Is it so good?
28 Aug 2013
USA, Canada / Culture Shock.. my Foreign Import's 90 days in US [7]

Though very westernized, many things confused or boggled my Hunny. Nothing more so than food (he left with 5 lb more and while here...even though sick half the time ... had gained up to 15 * some thru PT

He hated our sausages and thought we are bad butchers of pork. Does think I am a great cook :3
His questions on food heresy
1)Do Americans put cheese on everything? Hmmm... when examined ... not everything , just 98% of foods?
2) What is with all the corn?

Corn in all forms, Dairy in many forms is added to a LOT of our foods. And bacon (which I approve of)I never really thought about it.

I personally cook nearly everything in butter or bacon grease.

He thinks I am always sick because my food (I am medically lactose intolerant, iron avoidance diet and nitrate avoidance) and is worried about what I eat since it is not good for the baby or me.

I just contracted Listeria (I never even heard of before and it caused panic for my OB) from my food recent that I'm am fighting. Was it cold deli meat or cold 2 hot dogs? eating raw cookie dough? That one rare steak? The suspect cantaloupe? ....All I am sure of is that it wasn't from dairy that I eat rarely and since he cant eat it had none all summer cept lactose added to chips.

How could I guess what did it? I have to now conclude we eat a lot of garbage here and it isn't just about fast food.
28 Aug 2013
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

I think there was conversation on this a few months ago. Can Poland afford the scale of environmental damage that greedy stripping will cause (I d like to believe every precaution and common good is involved.. but I'm a realist)?

Is independence short run worth the cost?
28 Aug 2013
Genealogy / I need to find a boy! He was from Germany, or Poland. [6]

I think you are in waay wrong section.

Can I ask if this Color line is where he dropped it? Wouldn't they have a lost and found that he could contact and get the return from?

A lot easier than posting Found ads throughout two countries and random Forums!

The poor fellow may have already contacted the company and got an answer of sorry not found because you are holding the item.
And if it is merely a scarf or glove he likely will not miss it or care long. If its his stash I am sure he has colored it gone by now.

Do you even have description of the car they left in? Which may narrow where they are likely from.
And why not think him Russian or Czech? They can have tall blondes too...specially Rus. And are not so far away they wouldn't drive to the German Port for vacation travel north. Coulda have even been dutch.

Jus sayin..
28 Aug 2013
History / Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in formation of Polish hussars [20]

**le Sigh**... as mentioned before... My first love of anything Polish is because Hussars.
Specifically Winged Hussars. Since I was like 6 yrs old. ^_^
Poland does have a great history. Too bad winners write the books; when her borders were erased, so were her contributions to the world we live in today.
22 Jun 2013
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Hmm .... I'd say its in Prague; but its not hanging, holding a sword, religious, gruesome, tasteless or on a horse (or even gruesome on a hanging horse..lol).

I wouldn't be able to guess the subject.

edit: punctuation is helpful
22 Jun 2013
Life / TVP axes Dobranocka [21]

My kids had DVDs, played MMOs very little Disney channel or CTN exposure until they were older.
They were mostly out with me at the beach(tho I personally hate it), sailing on the little mini-sloop I used to have, on the bike trails, camping or snowboarding. Plus both were in ballet and TKD.

They actually were not interested in their age appropriate programs, they thought them boring or dumb and I wouldn't allow them a lot of anime til they were 8 (since both learned Japanese just to watch them, I caved)

So now that they have done this, what do kids have to watch as children's programs now?
22 Jun 2013

So in this OPs case was there even money to grab?

I give people my hand me down laptops and PCs all the time. I give my fine jewelry away when it stays unworn more than a year (except heirlooms). I am not rich. Simply comfortable.

Ex's dad called me a gold digger when ME(job, trust fund, home, car)/HIM ( a rich grandma who MIGHT leave something to trickle down, drove moms hubbies car, quit school, lived with mom). My ex's dad; who ironically married and bilked two women of good family and finance, and left them broke; is also a tool if one can't guess

In OP 's case it sounds like if she was a gold digger? she was not the sharpest pencil in the box since all OP seems to have had was Fool's Gold >_<

Man oh man! I agree with

just stick to wanking boy stick to it!

12 Jun 2013
Love / Asking her family for permission to propose to my Polish girlfriend? [28]

I'm all for equal opportunities, I think women should have to ask their future mother-in-law if the men have to ask their future father-in-law :P Evens up the playing field..............or else just don't bother at all. I think most people would prefer that option.

LOL I'll keep that in mind if I do the askin.
And I guess that mean mother-in-laws/grooms side have to put out the revenue for "dowry" in form of the wedding expenses, planning and they are bound to help expenses and possibly take the abandoned daughter-in-law into their home if their Boy is a creep and not paying for the children-WITHOUT trying to take them for herself (actually my MIL DID do that...lol. We were very close. God rest her.)

I 'll sign!

I'm born in USA Texas.

My father, if he was alive, would expect to be approached even as old as I am now. As a mark of breeding,and good intent. It would be a bad start on any relationship with him if they did not.

My step dad who is considerable younger than my father by 3 decades; does not 'require' it... but if they don't approach him, then he might feel the need to "hava tawk" with them and even mildly has this attitude now. In fact wants "make shur of mah fouriner"when he is here with me for the months of August.

My dad and poppy despised my ne'er do well X that claimed us engaged but did nothing fornal and slowly UNimpressed them with his basic self (and me too I just took longer to examine him close. No wonder his grandparents treated me like a messiah). But both were critical from day one because they hadn't talked with him or met him til later

(I know...aaaall these Exes: there is 5 in total incl my Monster ex spouse. 3 were longer engagment with announcement)

And My first formal fiance as well a my Monster X (who in spite of all else came from old world Orthodox family) both approached my father without warning to me, to do just that (and got a lot of starter 'credit').
9 Jun 2013
Work / Multinational company in Poland - high school diploma , they will check?? [15]

For not very exciting positions here in lackadaisial States I have been checked and often asked to present documents for copy into my file later.

Granted it could be because I have a hellova lot of credit hours in a more respected school yet only have a grind school degree as a Paralegal Assistant. I am 7 credits short from one degree and 4 from the other. Plus if they do the math it looks suspect. I fully graduated High School at 16.

If you are in a place State or country ..that has tight job market, competiton even for lower positions...an unhappy fellow employee can easily have your credentials put in question. You are really taking a foolish chance with this action. Specially being abroad whre you are very very vulnerable to scrutinization a little tighter than a native country.

Why on earth if you have been successful, have you not at last churned out a GED? That is suicide in these days. Even McD's wants to see one.

You are shooting yourself in the foot.

and ? never studied English? <_< You are obviously not American... we have English as a class from start to finish and college too though it is national language.

Chances are high in countries that people make their living just churning out paperwork, you will be double checked within the next 12 months. I would highly suggest against outright forgery. Some countries and even employers prosecute.

I understand how annoying it is when you were successful without finishing some course of study because you rolled eye at education during a boom era. Those credits shy short in college I have? for my Business Admin Degree and my Aeronautical Engineering is because I was working in general contracting at 18 years old pulling 21.50 an hour (and my mom pulled out and ****** away my main principle in my trust fund before i became majority in it *sigh* ). But I never lied and claimed a the degrees.

If you REALLY care about opportunities and better providing for your family, you should finish your HS degree or to at least a GED level if your native country has that.
7 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

At least I, when I was pure and innocent, would put a guy like that on my "no way" list in a second. Especially if he'd not be a virgin anymore.

^ and THAT.

He could be handsome, he could be well off and it wouldn't have turned my head.
When I was still in the unopened package I would have wanted a pure (or 99.9% pure) partner and ...EMOTION. He would have been refused by me too in my un"known" days . Even now; I would not knowingly consider a "man-ho".

It takes a very predatory young lady to use her viginity as a commodity only. And that kind of takes the whole out of wholesome requirement right there.

And for the sort of girls that might take his offer, he has not listed any benefit fo rher? what living in USA... oh gee how thrilling. I mean I love my native country, a land of many opportunities even in these crappy times... But I sure wouldn't take an offer like this when I used to dream of living in Australia or Japan.

Honestly... seems like he wants to control her by visa and by advantage over her inexperinced youth. This ain't the stand-in-lines- for-meat iron curtain days anymore...

Dude, if you have any class you would help him no further in this endeavor...
his KIND of people is what moves the wheels human trafficking. But he is not in a country to get away with it scott free, nor has the kind of money to buy fresh goods. This whole thread gets more disgusting to continue assisting such behavior.

So far you have not been able to describe anything of trueness in intentions with this guy. This is not even matchmaking ....

Let him take his chances in the real world and get some chit off the Polish hearts date site or some such!!
If he has any personality whatsoever he should be able to obtain his perfect match eventually...

In actuality, it has long been the custom and practice that men should be experienced lovers whlst women should be innocent.

I think I wil disagree here:
in the timeline of humans and practice of marriage..it has not been that long accepted. And it can be pointed at as the start of deterioration of morality. That is one of those blanket excuses you hear... like guys who are anti-darwinist until they talk of bestial desire "men were meant to have many women as women were meant to have one mate " based on apes...bobonos in particular.

Yet when prehuman remains are found the clan groups are very closely related but in a linear fashiopn with occasional inbreeding.. sound like practice of sharing the love?

In today 's society all seems fair for both genders..though a big movement among many of the kids born after 80s is keeping viginity longer on a basis of self respect not connected to any particular religion.

The percentage of man-hos in older times was not that high a percentage anyway. But if you want to hold "back when " as a standard...only entitled guys several classes higher than a girl. Most of their action was outright and borderline rape of these poor country girls. (Not seeing a big call to return to such practices) and through position could avoid shotgun weddings or afford palatable courteseans. and the wives these entitled jerks got were often practically sold to them in arranged marriage and were not exactly allowed to put up a fuss if she didn't want some old reprobate. Country folk and the poious still pretty much had for partner who they had tasted the fruit with. The 1950's american businessmen with mistresses sowed the seeds & gave way to the loose sexuality of the 60s. Great traditions.