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Joined: 3 Apr 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Jan 2013
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19 Jan 2013
Life / What is the reaction of Poles to Russian? [95]

I'm not sure what the OP is trying to get at with his question and having read through all the comments I think some people have presumed the OP is looking for a negative reaction to his speaking Russian in Poland ie Russian is the language of the oppressor and Poles don't want to hear it etc etc

On the other hand if it's about the understanding of the language then I would think the reaction would depend on the person and whether or not that person understood Russian. There are similarities in the language ie if a Spaniard spoke only in Spanish in Italy and vice versa then a certain level of understanding and communication could be achieved, likewise with Polish and Russian. I was in a café in Kraków in June and the people in the queue in front of me were Russian and spoke all the time in Russian. The staff mostly understood what they were saying but the Russians did seem to get a bit annoyed and frustrated when they weren't understood, very similar to how Brits react when speaking to someone whose first language isn't English. Maybe a touch of the "we used to rule you, you should understand our language" sort of attitude maybe? However I did come across many Russians in Warsaw in the days leading up to the game who were very friendly and very polite, it all depends on the person so it's unfair to generalise, even about Brits abroad ;)

I know learning Russian was compulsory at school during Communist times but just because it was compulsory to learn it doesn't mean a person was any good at it and even though someone learnt it at school doesn't necessarily mean they'll still have a good understanding of the language today.
14 Jan 2013

neither me nor any of my english female friends are 'moneygrabbers' - without exception we have our own businesses or good jobs.

Come come rozumiemnic, I was just generalizing in response to the generalizations made by the OP. You should know the rules of insult and counter insult on PF by now ;) Anyway, I have bitter experience to draw on, I married an English lass much to my regret. Won't be doing that again in a hurry ;)
8 Jan 2013

I have been out with quite a few Polish girls and all insist on paying their way. In response to the original poster and the thread title from my experience I would say it's English women who are the bigger moneygrabbers.
8 Jan 2013
Food / How to cook Frozen pierogi? Boil or Fry? [90]

My favorite baseball team the Pittsburgh Pirates dress 4 men up as Pierogies at each game and they have a race.

Pierogi is already a plural. No need to make it and anglicised plural. The singular of pierogi is pieróg.
8 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polish city that's moved to Britain [120]

Ahhhhhhh The Sun, of The Scum as I like to call it. A salacious, nasty right wing rag that doesn't let the truth get in the way of an immigrant bashing story. I haven't been to £ódź for a couple of years but Piotrkowska wasn't deserted as it appears to be in The Scum's picture, even at 4am. I can think of only 2-3 days in the year when Polish streets will be that deserted during the day, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and new year's Day. This "story" is a fine example of finding the pictures to show as evidence for an already predetermined and written article.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Ironside, you are forgetting Harry's and English double standards here. The treaty is in effect a contract, the contract states obligations of all parties. However before the contract is drawn up and signed there are negotiations as to what the contract contains, these negotiations are usually verbal and much is not always recorded. For example when you negotiaite with a builder to have work done on your house you discuss what you want, he'll tell you what's possible for your budget, he may make promises as to what he will do and provide etc etc and when you get the work done and you find out he hasn't delivered what he promised and you complain he then reverts to the contract and asks, where in the contract did I say I would do x.y & z?

In effect this is what the British government did to Poland, they made promises that were then not included in the final written treaty and it is this written treaty you get pedants like Harry referring to all the time. However in British law a verbal contract can be upheld in a court of law if there are witnesses to your claims. Just because it wasn't in the final written contract doesn't mean that promises were not made so while Harry will keep referring to the treaty ad infinitum whereas most reasonable people will accept that promises were made to the Polish government that neither the British nor French upheld and maybe the British government made those promises knowing that they were totally unable to deliver and were relying on the French to bail them out.

Ironside, could you tell me if Harry has replied to Ozi Dan's post dated 4th October 2011? I have him ignored and I don't read his posts and I only see what he writes when someone like you quotes him. I wouldn't bother arguing with him until he responds to the post in this link. https://polishforums.com/history/poland-british-public-protest-sell-54351/3/#msg1184448
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

The vast majority of that Aid went straight into storage or some of it was given to unreliable forces like the Polish and czech communist armies.
The only two bits of aid the Soviets really used fully was SPAM and GMC trucks.

Without Western aid, during the war the Soviet population would have been in danger of sharing the fate of those trapped in Leningrad and the earlier victims of collectivization.

27 Jul 2012
News / Work begins on 'Polish Disneyland' [37]

So's the UK, 30 businesses have gone into administration this week. I'm sure if you search the records for any country in Europe you'll find business failures occuring every week. What pointless point are you actually trying to make this time?
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

I believe this statement of yours here

Barney,Growing up in the U.S. and having never been to Europe,let alone Poland.It's easy for me not to grasp these aspects that have shaped their views.

undermines what you wrote here:

And this statement

.I do feel as though it's like they are trying to come to terms with it,almost like adolescence in a sense.

couldn't be more patronising if you tried. I see why the polonophobes rule the roost here if this is the typical attitude of someone who is supposed to be a moderator.
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

In the latter part of the war the Soviets had proved they could defeat the Germans by them selves and there was no way Britain or the US could stop Stalin.

Yet Stalin was still reliant on British and US aid to fund and feed the Russian war effort. The British and US governments could have used the threat of withdrawing aid to draw concessions from Stalin over the Polish borders and so called Soviet sphere of influence but they were too blinkered in their drive to beat Hitler.
26 Jul 2012
News / Work begins on 'Polish Disneyland' [37]

Trying to be 'clever and derogotary'

You try this all the time, in fact ever since you registered here as gdyniaguy :) Amazing how many people on here are happy to live and work in Poland yet constantly criticise the country and its people. Maybe a bit of mutual repatriation is in order :)
26 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

We've definitely never invaded a neighbour wearing German helmets!

But you've invaded a neighbour with a german king on the throne. In fact the current Royal family is all German, isn't it? Weren't the Kaiser, the Tsar and George 5th all cousins? Oh look, WW1 was a German family argument :) And if you compare the Army uniforms of the British and Hanoverians in the 17th & 18th centuries you'll find remarkable similarities. You need to see someone about this Polish obsession you have sanddancer, it's not healthy :)
26 Jul 2012
News / Work begins on 'Polish Disneyland' [37]

Maybe they are quoting mainland Europe NOT the islands...

Yeah, who cares about a few insignificant islands? :) Nice to see the haters still obsessed with Poland though.
26 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

hhhmmmmm Did you ask us nicely if you could surrender to the beastly germans at the end of september? Hope so or it looks like there really was only Poland and France that broke the treaty mandates..............

Poland never surrendered, not to the Germans, not to the Russians and we'll certainly never surrender on PolishForums.com :)
23 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Proven wrong you would just stop posting for a day or two

Very true; as this thread cleary shows that when Harry, posting under his PWEI alias, refused to answer Ozi Dan back in October last year. Best thing to do is to put him on ignore and stop reading his posts :)
23 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I care about parasites per sé so if people aren't entitled to claim something to which they haven't contributed to it really doesn't matter what their nationality is, does it?
23 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Are you jealous because no English person would make videos like these to help their fellow countrymen claim what thay are entitled to?
23 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Which allied leader first proposed moving Poland's borders to their current western location? Oh yes, it was General Władysław Sikorski.

I notice there was never a reply to this from Harry under his PWEI disguise but he's very quick to reply to Chris R so now that this thread is alive again maybe we can expect an reply to Ozi Dan's post :)
23 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

It's hard to comprehend, darling, that a young lady as beautiful and smart as you are can have this kind of difficulty. Who the heck are the men where you live? Are they men at all?

It's not the lack of men, it's PTA's "tick list" that excludes most of them as being suitable. Patrycja19 has written an excellent post and given her some excellent advice.

I need to lower my standards

You're not lowering your standards, you're just giving yourself more people to choose from. ;)
23 Jul 2012
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

As a South African, Harry is undoubtedly an expert on racism and racists, since there was so much there under the Apartheid regime.

That explains so much about his online personna. Thank you for posting that, finally we know where Harry is coming from :) Good luck with your continued arguments Chris but be prepared to be called a liar quite often and don't be surprised that there will be no links to back up Harry's wild claims, he tends to do that when cornered ;) but then seeing as you know him personally I am sure you know what he's like already.

Polish pilots accounted for 145 of the 2,937 Allied pilots who fought the Battle of Britain, which works out to 4.9%:

At the height of the Battle of Britain the UK was struggling to get trained pilots into the air and at one point Polish pilots accounted for 20% of the available total of trained pilots. Despite most of them already being trained pilots with battle experience they spent a few months doing ground training which included them being forced to "learn" how to fly in formation riding around on bicycles. 303 squadron, formed on 2nd August 1940, had their first taste of battle on the 30th August 1940 when Flight Officer Paszkiewicz broke away from another training flight to engage enemy aircraft that had been encountered during the course of the flight. He shot down an Me110 which was 303 squadron's first official "kill" of the Battle of Britain. The squadron was then declared operational and flew their first official battle mission the following day when they down 4 enemy aircraft.
23 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

Its impossible to get to know someone when all they're interested in is getting in your pants. period. I try to get to know them and all they keep asking me is if I will give them a blow job.

We have similar problems. I find that the problem with women is that they're only interested in getting into my bank balance. :D
19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

But Karaism in fact adopted a large part of rabbinical Judaism, either outright or with more or less modification, while at the same time it borrowed from earlier or later Jewish sects-Sadducees, Essenes, 'Isawites, Yudghanites, etc.-as well as from the Mohammedans.

18 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Is Czarnecki Really A Polish Or Actually A Sephardic Jewish Surname? [110]

I've argued with Harry long enough so yes, I know what I'm letting myself in for lol

The Jews were expelled from Spain at the end of the 15th century. It was around the 15th century that noble families in Poland started adopting surnames. The practice didn't spread to ordinary people until around the 17th century with the Jews in Poland being one of the last groups to adopt the practice widely so it is highly unlikely that the Czarnecki surname was "imported" into Poland from Spain in any way, shape or form on this timing alone. Furthermore the adopting of surnames in Spain varied widely from region to region and given that the Jews in Spain, whilst being pretty well assimilated in Spanish society, adopted tradition jewish naming practices eg Dunash ben Labrat, Solomon ibn Gabirol, Yehuda Halevi, etc etc so if any Jews who left Spain then subsequently found themselves in Poland they more than likely would have had traditional Jewish surnames if they had any at all and certainly not names of a toponymic nature.