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Joined: 23 Feb 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Aug 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 164 / In This Archive: 150
From: london
Speaks Polish?: Whats the point?
Interests: educating idiots

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11 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish striking due to anti-Polish UK feeling [58]

Jon 357
Before we begin Jon, I have to say that your cerebral response to Migration watch was "dodgy".

And now we have Lithuanians, Hungarians, Poles etc boasting online that they can come to the UK, get a European Health Insurance Card (intended for British people travelling abroad) in a matter of days as a visitor, return to their homeland and their hospitals will accept the cards which the NHS, (funded by the British tax payer) has paid for? What's wrong with you people ? Have you no self respect, dignity, national pride?

Five facts that you conveniently block from your mind.

1.There are many foreign born medical staff in the UK, not just doctors. For every foreign doctor, nurse, dinner lady, cleaner that works in the NHS , they bring with them a husband / wife, three children who have to go to school unable to speak English who hold back the rest of the pupils until they catch up. Then the family apply for the extended family to join them.

2. Many Brits live abroad and why shouldn't they? They don't all travel together on National Express coaches, live in suburbs en masse turning them into ghettoes. They don't apply for unskilled work taking jobs away from the locals standing in street corners drinking unable to afford the price of a local pub's beer. The ones that retire to Spain residing in some Little Britain drunk and burnt all day keep themselves to themselves in their own community and in fact create jobs for the locals in terms of cleaning up after them.

3. Any trip to a job centre will tell you that immigrants will have no hesitation in claiming benefits if they can get away with it. It is because of immigrants that everything has tightened up.

4. Subjective
5. Most studies? What about the important factual studies?
9 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish striking due to anti-Polish UK feeling [58]

Mainstream press is rather pointedly different to sites like Migration Watch Roger. So many thousands of Poles do not earn enough to pay taxes and in the first place and they do not spend it in local shops. Polish women marry Nigerians or Paki stanis to gain them access to the EU and from there to the UK, Polish drivers are bringing in illegals and whats it all for ...a few hundred quid and no, they don't care and why should they. A Polish rickshaw driver tried to charge tourists £200 in London for a 10 minute ride but to them the UK is just a big economic playground for them to dip into when they feel like it causing misery for others. Have a look at a typical days role call in Horseferry Road magistrates court and all you see are Eastern European names alongside 'extradited'.

Although most people who have come here did not live in the Iron Curtain age, their parents did and they instilled their values. But all this isn't new to Poles. Adolf Hitler wouldn't take a job in the 30's because quote, "the Poles come here and work for a pittance" so he just carried on painting in the station.

I just cannot understand why you think we need all this. Why do you upset us so much? Where is your dignity, national pride , self respect, etc?

and please don't say that very few come for the benefits
9 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish striking due to anti-Polish UK feeling [58]

Will the lorry drivers that bring in illegal immigrants also be striking? I see that there's another Polish driver caught bringing in people to the UK.

Poles must be killing themselves with laughter at the weakness and stupidity of our politicians who opened the borders in the first place.
9 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish striking due to anti-Polish UK feeling [58]

Merged: Polish Protest march in England

Would this be the final straw for even the most liberal minded citizen of the UK. Ever since the traps were lifted in 2004 and the Poles arrived in their hundreds of thousands by National Express coaches, opinion has been divided whether Poles are actually wanted here. Some say 'great workers, polite, accommodating etc. and others despise them for undercutting them, driving down salaries, forcing up rents and living for large groups living in houses built only for a normal sized family putting strain on the infrastructure.

Their communist background makes meaningful conversation difficult as their parents have instilled in them from birth not to talk to the priest, doctor, neighbor etc for fear of being informed upon by the informer.

Now that they have grown in numbers, all the pseudo 'lefties' who welcomed them doing their gardens, looking after their children, fixing their building will be looking on anxiously while those on the right will be proven right. The Poles acknowledge our superiority by coming here and doing work that no self respecting person would do for jackpot salaries of £6.50 per hour but now they have grown so big that they are having their first protest march. Should they be kicked out now?

9 Apr 2013
Life / Is living cost in Poland lower than Germany ? [32]

I have plan to continue my master degree there..

Perhaps you may enlighten us why you choose to bother studying for a masters degree when there is no job available at the end of your torturous studies? Why don't you head to the UK like bunches of Poles have previously done and use your maths and economic skills to claim as much welfare as you may be entitled to?
27 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / UK weather is most unpleasant - for Poles too! [9]

Not sure what your driving at Ziemowit. Supposing the figure was 20 million in London alone does that mean that 'oh it's ok 'cause there were 20 million crimes in London and only 34,000 were committed by Poles? Tell that to the 34 thousand victims and see what they say.

Fact is UK has stuffed up big time and it looks like slowly, the public here are waking up. Last night's program was real beginning I think.
27 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / UK weather is most unpleasant - for Poles too! [9]

Not as ridiculous as it seems zetigrek. Very few people here have visited Eastern Europe and for those living outside the major cities especially, they would not be able to tell the difference. I fear for them in the near future.
27 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / UK weather is most unpleasant - for Poles too! [9]

This is what our leaders are telling the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to tell their people when the borders open to those people in January in the hope that it will put them coming to the UK.

A shocking documentary on the TV last night pulled no punches when uncharacteristically for our politically correct Marxist media, it informed the nation of the crime statistics perpetrated by Eastern Europeans.

' It is a matter of real concern that there should be such a substantial degree of criminality among those Romanians who have already come to Britain despite the treaty limitations on their right to work'

MigrationWatch chief Sir Andrew Green.

It focused mainly on Romanian thieves but for the majority of people in the UK, they don't differentiate between Poles, Romanians or Latvians just the same as Eastern Europeans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Irish, Scots or English.

The sensationalist tabloid The Daily Express poured further fuel onto the fire when it announced on it's front page this morning (Wed) the crime statistics perpetrated by these nations citizens.

"The 34,905 arrests in London among Polish citizens in London were for suspected involvement in 84 murders, 129 rapes, 866 sex assaults, 480 robberies, 2,094 burglaries and nearly 7,500 violent crimes."


Will Poles be safe in the UK?
27 Feb 2013
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

If you plan to make hundreds of pastries and not sell them, why not line them all up in a room and teach them English. English speaking pastries would go down well I'm quite sure.
21 Feb 2013
Life / Men in Poland in the forest? Just men? [133]

Traveling to another country to find paid work or simply increase one's wealth is not a communist trait.

I agree. Massive walls, armed border guards, killer dogs, electrified razor wire, imprisonment in Gulag concentration camps, torture, Stasi (SB), family disappearances does indeed discourage travel.
20 Feb 2013
Life / Men in Poland in the forest? Just men? [133]

I think you may be jumping to conclusions here. Poland has a communist mentality and this is apparent in the people who come to London. They whisper, distance themselves and have a deep mistrust of others around them who they do not know. These men act exactly as I expect Polish people to act.
18 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

You've turned a corner Jon. I hope I was in some way instrumental in your newly acquired philosophy. Up in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, the NHS is superb. That's probably because it's not overwhelmed by immigrants and suchlike. Down London way, the NHS is not so good and as someone said earlier, it's better for them to go back to their home countries. What on earth made them come here in the first place I wonder?
1 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

not least because scots were made up of three large groups

I'll forgive your racist outbursts if you explain adequately and wholly to my satisfaction that you are worthy of comment. Are you a half breed? Are your parents from differing cultures?

If you please, I beg that you give me a lecture on the three 'large groups' of which Scotland is made up of. I am always keen to learn new things.

Plenty of time now to google,satisfy and convince. Please start now .
1 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

Tell me something you know is right and I will prove you wrong. Tell me something you know is wrong and I will prove you wrong....Plato.

I am not English. I am Scottish. London is my capital city. I have a pure bloodline. I am Aryan. I have no blood from other cultures. Given the fact that my great grandparents existed in the early 20th century it is highly unlikely that I derived from elsewhere unless you start to say that we are all descendent from Africa.

Just as I bred pure bred German Shepherd dogs at one time I have no time for mongrels or half breeds. Watch my movie..makemewise.weebly
1 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

1. Stop or cut down the benefits to the local population and force them to work.....simple.
2. If you are not of British heritage then you are a half breed or half cast from many countries and with much mixed blood. This means you don't really care about the UK or its culture. I can trace my pure bloodline back to my great grandparents.

3. How many times must I state the fact that I have a Pole living in the top flat of this house I live in who has been on welfare now for over a year and has no intention of ever working here. Why do you insist this is BS when I see it every day?
31 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

5. They don't have to like us, or our way of life. They're here to earn money and we employ them because they're both good and cheap.

Liked your comment and agree with you about Brown but you forgot to mention the thousands of Poles who come here simply for the welfare benefits. If you are so happy with the Poles and their work ethcs and consider that you have as you say 'got a bargain ' why do you think it would be so hard to galvanize our local youth and have them do the jobs that many poles do? A governments first duty is protection of its citizens....not ex communist countries citizens. Doesn't this bother you or is your stomach too full?

They work harder than most Brit's, are usually better educated and don't sit around in mosques all day,

The lady in question spoke her mind just like many do on talk radio stations. People don't like to feel invaded or to see hordes of foreigners with little dignity streaming up and down town centres . You obviously have some self serving agenda regarding your favouritism towards people from other countries. Are you British with British parents and British grandparents?
31 Jan 2013
News / Polish Business Centre Club hammers another nail in Blair's coffin [35]

This demonstrates just how much you are out of touch with reality. (mod edit) Just to reiterate, there is no difference whatsoever between the three major parties. All are in the game for capital as opposed to community just like you. You boast of Iraq having one of the largest oil reserves in the world and you want to get rich from it, don't you? OK jonny ...here's the plan. Convince yourself and believe fervently in your your pay masters that you are there for the locals benefit. Give them some trinkets and laugh at their jokes. Toss the local kids an orange and a big smile and learn a bit of the local lingo. Don't forget to tip the cafe staff a penny or two to give you that all round good feeling factor as you make your way back to the high security apartment complex complete with local security guard who salutes you. Ahhhhh ..life is so good ain't it Jonny?

Ever been to the real downtrodden areas to boast of your wealth and position jonny? Ever ventured out your comfort zone? Nah of course not. The Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians all settling here don't cause you much concern do they? You don't see many of them about in your upmarket, country village, except for when they are doing your cleaning.

You dare to accuse me of being a right wing fascist yet it's your jingoistic ideals which fuel matters here in the UK. You are a fraud and a treacherous one but I guess you have Greek /Italian parents or something.
31 Jan 2013
News / Polish Business Centre Club hammers another nail in Blair's coffin [35]

jon 357

You really still believe in this tri party opposition don't you? There is not a whiff of difference between the 3 major parties. They are career politicians all with the same mission..to acquire as much wealth for themselves as they possibly can before going into business with whichever corporate entity they have supported the most. If you are in Iraq as you say then I can only guess that you are in politics or some form of slave for Halliburton. I'll bet that you are not there for philanthropic reasons so don't try the big con.

Peakus....You had the right to leave the army any time after it was announced that the war in Iraq was illegal. You went there to enrich yourself so don't try and dress it up any other way. Saddam was supported by UK and US right up until the illegal invasion, which if you took part, make is you a war criminal, albeit a lesser one because you just followed orders.
30 Jan 2013
News / Polish Business Centre Club hammers another nail in Blair's coffin [35]

Now then WB whilst I can accept Jon 357's views about Bliar (sic) , I find it hard to come to terms with yours as you say some sensible things with regularity. Jon admits to being an inpatient of a hospital frequently so I assume he has mental health problems.

Bliars mentor was Lord Levi who he visited in his mansion in Mill Hill London frequently. Lord Levi who was Jewish made his fortune in the music industry and was responsible for introducing 'iconic' musicians like Alvin bloody Stardust and Guys and Dolls. Didnt give a dam about real music....just helped to feed the uneducated public any dross as long as he collected the bucks. (He was an accountant). Bliar made Thatcher look like a socialist and was never himself a socialist. He was a slick oil salesman, a fraudster.

I read this story also about him receiving kudos from the Poles. Made me sick to read it thinking of all the unemployed people here and the Pole on the dole who lives in the same house as me. He didn't have to contend with 20 Poles living above him in one room drinking Tyskie's into the next morning on weekends.

Tell you what Jon357....why don't you take a trip to Iraq and explain to the families of the 100,000 who were violently decimated that you are a Blair fanatic.
28 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

This is an absolutely absurd comment. There is nothing to stop the UK trading with Europe after they leave. What leaving will do is open up the rest of the world for Britain to trade freely without restrictions from little bureaucrats in Brussels concerned only with keeping their income intact. What a dreadfully ignorant comment.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. The Poles take out far more out of this country than what they put into it. They disguise this fact with bright little smiles and appearing personable upon meetings with them but below the surface, they know exactly what they are doing. They care little about this country or the fact that they know they are not well liked. Teams of Poles walking up and down city and town centres soon has little old ladies huffing and puffing. Do not forget the incident when Gordon Brown lost his job. A little lady, sick to the back teeth of hundreds of Poles in her neighborhood asked him 'why there were so many of them here'? He walked of, left his microphone on, called her a bigot and that was that as far as his career was concerned.
11 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Living with Poles in London [16]

Oh dear, you really are not a very clever person at all. It's best you stick to Twitter and talk about your double whopper cheeseburger or something.
11 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Living with Poles in London [16]

If you cared to view the BNP manifesto online you would discover that a lot of their principles are more in keeping with socialist ideology than fascism if that is what you are insinuating. Learn what you are talking about before you type.

And of course the correct spelling is ....'glamorous'. How careless of me.
11 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Living with Poles in London [16]

Are you one of those bleeding heart cultural Maxists then? Looks like you are from the UK somewhere living in Poland. Got a polish woman have you to boost your self esteem simply because you havn't managed to find a Phillipino on line. You stay where you are mate and try and persuade your new pals that the welfare system here isn't all that glamerous when you take costs into consideration. Thank you.
10 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Living with Poles in London [16]

Actually, he's not sick. He is extremely healthy and fit. There are lots of sick people here but because this person claims medical aid and benefits means someone else goes without.
10 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Living with Poles in London [16]

Thought I would log on and share an interesting story with you which affected me personally. I don't like Poles much, it's obvious. They are simply not like other people who come from western countries. You don't get bus loads of French or Germans making their way over to the UK in their thousands to do **** jobs, prepared to sleep 30 people in a 2 bedroomed flat or a garden shed. You don't see teams of Italians or Dutch parading through town centres or selling the Big Issue magazine which was intended to help local homeless people. The reason you now find mainly Eastern Europeans selling the Big Issue is because they can declare themselves self employed for a year entitling them to benefits.

Since I moved into my present flat exactly a year ago, there has been a Polish couple living in the top flat of this Victorian house in North London. She has worked full time doing a job that a local Brit could be doing if she were not here and he has not done a stroke of work for a full year. He claims benefits as I see his mail from the Dept of Work & Pensions. He also attends a hospital regularly here as he has a mild sight symptom of some sort (so I am told.)

During the summer last July I confronted him as he lay sunbathing outside in the back garden and asked him his job. Mr Sczcnieck became rather agitated at my line of questioning and told me he was a 'team leader' working from home. A modern day bull**** description of a job. That was the last time I spoke to him until last week .

Our paths crossed outside my door and I asked him how his job was. Unbelievably, he reported this to the landlord who asked me what I wanted to know for. The background and history of this degenerate then dawned on me. He grew up along with his parents in a society where people feared speaking to the local priest, shopkeeper or neighbour for fear that they might be collaborating with the SB. This is exactly why this Polish couple keep themselves to themselves and never talk to any of the other seven residents in this house.

Whilst he collects his benefits provided by the UK tax payer it directly affects me who was made unemployed two months ago. I do not now get full housing benefit and I'm now behind in my rent. I start a new job in February and should be able to make it up.

This Polish degenerate is collecting benefits at my expense. My rent is £540 per month of which the council paid only £360. I could just have well collected my full rent and handed over £200 to this guy to pay for his rent.

Well now he has no SB to fear. I will target this guy and make him pay for daring to try and drive me out of my flat by collaborating with the landlord. This is another prime example of how forced multiculturalism does not work. Try telling that to our treacherous politicians and you are labelled bigot, Nazi or racist.
10 Jan 2013
Law / Value of Zloty and UK £ in Poland [21]

Your information is garbage and I can only deduce that you read some pitiful rag magazines in Poland. Britain is going through enormous austerity and in the worst recession since the second world war. Where did you learn that it was stable? Poland is one of the few countries not to go into recession over the last five years. Your currency has strengthened, not weakened.

Why don't you come to Britain and sign on the dole. You will make lotsa money