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Posts by KingAthelstan  

Joined: 13 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 7
Posts: Total: 141 / In This Archive: 73
From: Trowbridge,Wiltshire
Speaks Polish?: NO

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21 Feb 2012
News / Should countries be boycotted for offending Poles? [60]

Geert Wilders is a Dutch Patriot, the situation is worse in the UK.

My 17 year old son who has just qualified as a bricklayer can't find a job due to Polish immigration. How is he supposed to compete with a 24 year old who comes here for a couple years and does it for half the price from gdansk?

How would you feel if Poland gave Russia and the Ukraine the same working rights Poles enjoy in the west?
5 Feb 2012
Polonia / What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans? [132]

As long as the Jewish tribe keeps to themselves they are of no concern to me, neither are Japanese or Chinese people in England,do you ever see a Judean or a Japanese or Chinese person going around rioting, waging Jihad,raping looting or murdering? NO

I don't actually have anything against Polaks either, I just think that letting in 1.2 Million eastern Europeans in 2 years was a mistake,that has and still is hurting allot of working class English people. 30,000 a year would have been fine.
19 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

They dont need to seek asylum, they all have French passports! Have you seen the suburbs of Paris these days???

once we leave the EU, they to will be kept out.
19 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Strangely enough, many Brits in Poland complain about the lack of English information...

The same applies tot them, one rule for all. Britain is the ******* laughing stock of Europe in terms of asylum and benefit laws, bending over backwars to hekp immigrants over the native population. why do you think those3rd world shitbags from Afghanistan and somalia come to their droves to Calais?

France has a similar quality of life, per capita GDP and average wage, yet they do not have absurd laws that give huge handouts to refugees and asylum seekers, and accept every African asylum seeker on a whim as we do. They expert everybody to speak French and do not translate every council document into 101 different languages. BTW they have actually have immigrants and ethnics of immigrant background than we do,yet they know how to lay down the rules and have some national pride and dignity.

19 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

@KingAthelstan , racism = ignorance...

The only ignorance is from the people coming here who can't be bothered to learn English properly.

I wouldn't expect everything to be translated into English if in went to work in say Korea for a year.
15 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Homeless Poles should be sent back to Poland. end of.

This is England, and no bloody sign should be in ******* Polish or Arabic or Urdu or whatever ******* language immigrants speak yet can't be bothered to learn the language of the host country properly.
9 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Lenin was 1/4 Jewish, Stalin a Georgian. Holodmor is a Ukrianian was not a genocide it's part of Bandera type Ukrainian Nationalist anti Russian rhetoric, there was a famine in the whole of the South West of the USSR not just the Ukriane.

As for the Holocaust, You are forgetting the gypsies and the genocide of the Serbs in WWII plus the 20 Million Russians killed, the Jewish holocaust is NOT a myth, but more attention should be payed to other victims aswell.
6 Oct 2011
Life / Can many young Poles speak German? [72]

Just wondered if German (after English) has replaced Russian as a 2nd/3rd foreign language people learn?
6 Oct 2011
Life / Can any young Poles can still speak Russian [25]

It's not so easy... there is a different alphabet

Govoriš li srpski KingAtheristan?

Yes but what percentage of purely spoken Russian would a Pole ( who can' speak Russian) understand?

Govoriš li srpski KingAtheristan?

malo zman
6 Oct 2011
Life / Can any young Poles can still speak Russian [25]


No I cant speak Russian I must say. I understand all slavic languages except Russia too :|

what percentage of Russian words can Polish speaker understand? My Serbian wife ( who can't speak russian) says she can understand about 50 % of spoken Russian just from knowing Serbian.
30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

And lets remind the Russians that they were losing the war before the allies with the Americans invaded the western front.

Had Russia capitulated or signed an armistice with the Nazis in 41-22, then there is no guarantee that the allies would have won. Rommel may have won in the desert, The ailed invasion of Italy would have failed, You can't underestimate the USSR's contribution to winning the war weather you like them or not.
28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

Of course Poles would rather not be dead, but having their freedom taken away again afterwards is barely a substitute.

I would rather live in a communist country than under Nazi occupation. Not ideal but it's like getting a really nasty painful slap and have someone prod you with a stick (Russia) or being shot in both legs and being dunked in Ice cold water and be urinated on,shat on, spat on and have the ends of your fingers burned off with a hot poker (Nazi Germany)

what would you prefer? I think I ill take the slap and a little prod with a stick and keep my legs.
28 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

btw, 'uncle' did NOT win the war alone. there were 4 allies who did that.

I'm not sure Uncle Sam would have won the war either( Britain would defiantly not have won alone.), had Hitler not invaded Russia, than a stalemate would have ensued, Rommel may well have won in the desert if he had all the Eastern Front troops at his disposal.

Stalingrad is what broke them so yes I am grateful to the Russian war contribution. They could just have easily signed a truce with the Germans like Lenin did with the Treaty of Brest-Litvorsk in 1917 and given away a chunk of their territory
28 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Johnny, from having spoken to Poles here in the UK, the vast majority said they saw no need to get a British passport.

The War Poles like the guy in the great escape played by charles bronson have every right to a British Passport and are completely integrated into British society. I was taking about the post 2004 polskis. Out of curiosity how did you leave communist Poland in 67?