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Posts by patrick  

Joined: 3 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 May 2012
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 113 / In This Archive: 95
From: Poznan
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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29 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

Having lived in Poznan for eight years, I always felt like I could have been beat up in plain site on the street at any time, especially if people found out that I was a foreigner. However, in America in Seattle or Minneapolis where I lived for ten years, I always felt that I could have been shot.

The positives of being a foreigner definitely outweighed the negatives in Poland, but I certainly found myself in situations where the locals let me know that they didn't like me because I was foreigner.
27 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

As you wish you dumb mutt yank, wonder why so many of you have a problem with that whenever I use it.

After living 13 years abroad, nobody has ever once said something like this to my face, although I know they think it. Trust me, we know a lot of you don't like us. The Internet gives people this fall sense of 'guts'. Maybe you're the one guy who would do this, but I have a feeling you're not.
26 May 2012
Study / Polish Language Programs in Poland [3]

I've studied twice in this one during the summer. It was easy to go to class, but tough to do any work at home because my classmates and I hung out at the beautiful beaches in Sopot the rest of the day. I would recommend it, but be careful of the accommodation they put you in. I was lucky and stayed in a house with this very sweet older lady, but some people were in these awful concrete housing blocks. Try to swing a combination of a home that is in or close to Sopot. I stayed in Gdansk Oliwa, which was just two or three stops on the local commuter train.


Oops I forgot to post the link.

26 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

Ojejku somebody is offended by calling Poles "Polaks". Isn't this what they call each other anyway? By the way, I've met some people who are offended by being called "Jews". They prefer Jewish.
10 May 2012
Language / Mam silnego kaca! Why is this genitive/dopełniacz? [34]

Hi Patrick, as a native speaker you know when to use Forda and not Ford because it just sounds right but a learner would need a rule or be told that there is no rule. Thanks anyway.

I'm not a native speaker, but my Polish Polish teacher in the States said that cars take genitive. If I were a native speaker, I wouldn't have mead the error that strzyga pointed out.

A Polish friend in Poland said that while ordering food genitive is also used, although I don't know if I believe that. She gave me, however, the example of "Zamow mi shake'a". Maybe it's just genitive for fast food restaurants. :)
22 Mar 2012
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

Merged: Greatest music hits from PRL

I found this radio station RMF PRL on iTunes, but you can also get it through the link below. I am not Polish, but my wife is and she loves hearing old songs from her 'youth'? Tune in and enjoy.

23 Feb 2012
Language / Dwa vs. dwie in Polish [85]

Merged: The number 2

How many forms of the number two are there in Polish?

dwa, dwie, dwoch, dwoje, dwoma, dwiema, dwaj, dwojge,...? I know there are more.

I could be wrong on a couple of these. It's been 15 years since I've had a Polish grammar class.
20 Feb 2012
Life / Living Costs and life in Poznan? [70]

Can't really help with food shopping as I don't have a clue if you can cook or what you eat! But I would say for two people absolute minimum would be 300zł per month.

10 zlotys a day for two people? What does 'absolute minimum' mean?
31 Jan 2012
News / Icy blast cleans the streets of the homeless in Poland.. [63]

Why you being sarcastic, mate.

Yes I can be a bit sarcastic from time to time. Sorry about that.

I am moving back to my country after 13 years of living abroad and one thing I really miss is the sense of community service. I don't agree that it's always somebody else's or the government's responsibility to make things better. If you can do something for your community, you should.
25 Jan 2012
Love / Any Polish Muslim girls living in Poland? [103]

I mean she doesn't need to put on a burka, just a loose hijab would show some respect?

Actually in Saudi Arabia the burqa is mandatory and the hijab not, oddly enough. It's just that men here have this twisted idea of what a woman is and it has nothing to do with being culturally sensitive.
25 Jan 2012
Love / Any Polish Muslim girls living in Poland? [103]

Wear it when in Arab country. While in the West, dress modestly but refrain from wearing niqab. Otherwise you will attract attention.

There is really no need to wear the niqab in the West. Here is Saudi Arabia my Muslim friends at work don't make their wives wear it outside of Saudi Arabia, but they make them while they are in Saudi Arabia. Why? Because you have all these infantile men here. My wife doesn't cover her head and she constantly has these retards staring at her as if she were from the moon.
14 Jan 2012
News / Poland being the powerhouse of Europe [40]

Does your average Pole genuinely struggle to make ends meet, or is he having trouble only because he has to have his iPod and other modern 'necessities'?

What does it mean to be a powerhouse? Being in Russia, which I guess is an up-and-coming powerhouse, a few years ago, I was struck by how freakin' poor the people were.
14 Jan 2012
Life / Polish Folk Music [30]

My favorite "Gdybym mial gitare..."
13 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

-Tickets - I advise you memorise where you can buy tickets (dispensers, night shops).

What a Polish thing to say. Sounds like the system of education.
8 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

My biggest gripe about Poznan is...delphiandomine get ready to attack this arrogant American...the winter weather. I always wished it were colder as the temp is mostly zero or above. Whenever it snows, it melts into this soupy dirty mess. How arrogant of me. Bad, very bad. Other than that, it's a great place.
8 Jan 2012
Study / Age for Med School in Poland [16]

What are the rules in Poland if a student does, for example, four years of medical school and says "this isn't for me." Can he start back in year one in another faculty and still get it for free?
8 Jan 2012
Study / Age for Med School in Poland [16]

I taught at a Polish university for eight years and found university studies quite different from what I was used to.