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Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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2 Feb 2012
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Poland doesn't need to use so many English words- but it is all about money and the perception that English words will make a person more western.

It's that Polish inferiority complex again ;)

They use two ideograms together brain+machine

It's pronounced something like "ka-fei" or "ka-fej" though ;)


Anyone else remember the coffee-related arguments on this thread? :D
1 Feb 2012
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

he made it up - what's the fuss? :P

Indeed ;)

Widowisko Szymona Majewskiego?

All true.

But what's wrong with just "Szymon Majewski"? "Kuba Wojewódzki" is the name of the programme, and the presenter. ;)

It's sad that Polish TV has such a low opinion of its own language, that it constantly feels the need to use English words in scripts and in titles.
1 Feb 2012
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

I know, the same happens in English, some titles (esp operas like La Traviata and Cosi Fan Tutte) are not translated into English (even when sung in English).

Can you imagine the fun if Polish media was popular amongst English people :)

"Kryminalni" could go down OK with the average English speaker, but imagine if it was set elsewhere, and called "Szczecińskie Krajmfajterzy" lol

As for English words in Polish, Szymon Majewski Show really annoys me though. Actually, come to think of it, TVN are responsible for a lot of this sort of thing.

I remember once watching Sędzia Anna Maria Wesołowska ( a "court show" - TVN again, ffs) and some chavvy szmula was phoning her dodgy bloke up, and going "o nie, f*ck! odbierz f*cking telefon!" down the phone, or something similar, and I just PMSL, haha :)
29 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

One more question - do you in grammar school were choosing subjects you want to learn or the curriculum was fixed?

There was a compulsory basic curriculum which everyone had to take (Mathematics, English Language, etc), but some subject groups (e.g. languages) were optional.

A-levels is not a must to apply for a University?

If you apply straight from school, then they are essential. However, there are many non-school qualifications which (if I remember correctly) are equivalent to at least one or two "A" Levels each - I have three such qualifications, and they got me into university later on. I can easily meet any university entry requirements.

I believe it had high standards. I just didn't know that such high high standards :)

Things may have changed since then. And, as I mentioned before, I was in the highest and toughest group for three years. The kids in the bottom group probably never even learned how to spell "differentials", never mind how to use them ;)
29 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

unless he was attending some classes for mathematically gifted children (you know those with IQs above 130).

Well, I was in the top class throughout my time at that school, and we were worked much harder than the lowest groups, so it's a possibility.

i doubt he is pulling your leg.

Spot on. I suspect that a few of the respondents on this thread simply can't believe that the British educational system had such high standards at one time. Latin and Greek were optional subjects at my school (I took them, but didn't sit the exam in the end).

Excuse me sir, I will believe you only if I see it on my own eyes. Please feel free to show me a proof of that. Let it be a picture of a book or any reference that might proof your statements.

How am I supposed to provide evidence from textbooks I haven't owned for over 25 years?

I think he might just mixed it all up. He probably learnt it for his A-levels and now just doesn't remember correctly.

Wrong. I left school at 16, so I did not take any "A" levels; I went into higher education later on, after gaining other qualifications after leaving school. I learned most of my mathematics at "O" Level (the exam was taken at 16).

Are you 70?!

No. Well under 50 but over 40. We're not all a few years out of school on here. You clearly did not go to school in the UK, so don't try and claim that I'm lying - I know what I was taught, and when.
29 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

It's imposible, Sid. Not fractions, integrals! (you know the long S like sign, opposition to differentiation)

I know exactly what I meant, and what they are used for, thank you very much!

Btw Wroclaw is it true what Sidliste said that in the past integrals were taught to 13-years-olds or he was just pulling our legs?

What would I achieve by lying? I suspect that I'm quite a bit older than Wroclaw anyway ;)

I left school a long time ago, so I took "O" Levels and not GCSEs - everyone knows that standards have fallen since those were introduced. In my first year of Grammar school (actually a comprehensive by this point, but they kept the title, lol), I was 13-14, and we were introduced to both differential and integral calculus.

My last Polish girlfriend's son was approaching 15, and I was asked to help with his homework, because he was struggling with basic geometry (things we learned before we were 13 back in those days). I asked her about Poland's allegedly "better" educational system, and it appeared from their responses that Poland isn't quite as superior to our system as some may claim. I thought it was laughable that a lad who was less than 18 months from leaving school was still unable to do basic geometry and algebra, but that's the way it was!
29 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

I think that many people seem to get confused by the difference between the complexity of a language, and the complexity of a language for non-native learners. However, some languages aren't even that easy to learn for native speakers, at least in the written form. Why do you think Simplified Chinese was developed?
29 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

ah we also learned the basics of complex numbers in liceum

We were doing this at the age of 13 over here; however, this was a long time ago. Based upon recent experience of helping Polish children of a similar age with their maths homework, Polish standards definitely appear to be falling, not just UK standards.

Perhaps a more practical approach is what is required:

"Sławek has just returned from Katowice via Amsterdam on a Wizz Air flight. His hand baggage allowance is overloaded by 1.75 kg, because he has taken delivery of 122 3/4 ozs of high grade on the way back to the UK. Customs have managed to seize 71 1/4 ozs. What do you get?"

And no, the answer isn't "a police caution for a first offence" hehe :)
29 Jan 2012
Law / IT department (computer programming) - Opening up an Office/Business in Poland [53]

I not so sure, as new terminal will probably allow servicing bigger planes

Which bigger planes? Wrocław can already take 747s (and therefore, one would assume, capable of handling A330s). Although there is significant East Asian business in the area, I think the city is a still a very long way from being a destination for A380s.

Are you still ranting on about this? Then again, I suppose you have little else to do in America.

I'm sure that promoting a "Committee for the Insulting of Polish-Americans" (CIPA) would get us banned, but it's kind of overdue :)

he is out there to make money and cares about nobody...how to make money at the expense of the pole is what he is about, he admits being Jewish.

One day these cowardly guest posters will think of more original insults, rather than turning everything into an anti-Jewish rant.
28 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Sir, you are someone who claims to work in the prn industry and considers Poland to be a sh!thole (your words not mine)

He's the ultimate hypocrite.

Don't forget that this American-South African-Jewish-Germanic-Polish (or whatever he considers himself today) pûrnographer has called for:

(a) white women to be REQUIRED to marry blacks (therefore supporting the enforced consummation of those marriages, i.e., supporting the rape of white women) and

(b) looks forward to, and encourages, a future when everyone will be mixed-race, i.e., a future without whites.

That's far more racist than saying that you do not want non-white immigration to white countries.

Of course there are racists on here, but few have ever called for the eradication of any race, or that another race's women should be required to marry/have sex with whites against their will.

Back on topic: as others have discussed, the ACTA is clearly about controlling freedom of speech, and ensuring that multinationals retain control of everyone and everything, from music downloads to generic drugs.

It particularly angers me when I hear music companies whining about the money they lose. Funny how few of them seem to worry about offering contracts which ensure that musicians make hardly any money, even if they sell hundreds of thousands of records, because all the money goes to some fat suit-wearing comb-over-wearing "A&R man" - the history of popular music is full of such rip-offs, yet all they do is complain about how little money they earn. independedt/digital releases threaten these cartels, so they get upset and call for anything which affects their business to be banned.

For years, music fans have had to put up with changes in format - shellac, tapes, vinyl, CDs, Minidiscs, then digital downloads. The real issue here is that once you have an MP3 copy of a record, you probably won't have to buy it again. Now, wouldn't it be convenient if they could make MP3s and conversion software illegal, to prevent us from keeping our music in this format forever (and therefore have no need to ever buy it again)? That's the sort of thing this act really aims to do - to control what we think, and how we spend our money, to make sure that vested interests keep on getting the cash, and keep us on a leash.

We should be proud of the protestors, especially as over here, everyone will just sit on their fat arses watching Jeremy Kyle until it's too late!
25 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

5) Poles have not been in the UK in large numbers until very recently.

There were around 250000 of us before 2004. That's quite a big "minority".

) So poles, who have come to UK, please don't ruin it. By default I have a positive attitude towards other races, and its only right that I should expect the same from others. Poles, however, in general, seem to feel too uneasy with people of Asian descent.

If you had read this forum properly before trolling, you would think that Polish women only date blacks or Asians. So which is it - racists, or race mixers? You can't be both.

10) Those few natives of UK, who consider me an Asian invader, and not British - well all I can tell you is this - perhaps you can find comfort in Poland. After all, the frontiers are now open if Catholicism is your thing, but if you are a protestant, don't expect an easy ride.

Rubbish. Poland has a long history of non-Catholic Christianity, and these denominations are able to practice their religions without persecution. How's the synagogue-building programme in Mecca going, by the way?
25 Jan 2012
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

proper English food is fine, really, but the key word is here is proper..;)

There's nothing wrong with a decent pie, is there? A pie is really just a bigger, baked version of a pieróg (note the spelling, Pol-Ams :p ), to be fair. Yet many Poles will say "pierogi are great" but English pies are "English muck", lol.

Why do so many people have such a problem with pies?? They rule! I had a Balti pie in Birmingham once, so I decided to make some keema masala pierogi. Very nice they were, too. The average Pole would naturally complain about the absence of that "wyjątkowy Polski smak", but it's my gaff, so my rules! I bet the French can't be so imaginative! haha

Besides, I'm sure that sascha can kindly tell us about that world-beating Serbian cuisine which everyone raves about. I don't think I'll be rushing out to buy a "Serbian Cookbook" any time soon. :)

I can't think of anything more overrated than French food, though. They do excellent cheese, but that's about it, imo. That's one way in which Poland ought to become more like France, though - Polish cheese isn't that great.
25 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Polish people in UK are extremely racist.

We were here before Bangladeshis or Pakistanis were, believe it or not, so we're going nowhere.

Try stopping some of your own people from distributing anti-British, anti-gay, pro-Sharia leaflets in the East End, before you tar the rest of us with our alleged attitude to race or religion.

British Asians Died defending the streets from rioters and it could be argued that it was a father of one of them who did the most to calm the situation down.

Spot on. While the white chavs were robbing Poundland and Lidl (so classy, lol), Sikhs were defending the whole community. Good on them.
24 Jan 2012
Travel / Trip from Boston, USA to Poland - cost of stay / places to visit? [14]

Can anyone tell me how much it would be from Boston?I

Find a travel website online. It's not difficult.

Can you find a decent hotel in a major city in Poland for 150zl?

I can think of at least three places in Warsaw alone. I've stayed in one of them myself. Nothing special, but clean and definitely adequate for a few nights.

It's even easier to find cheap accommodation if you can read Polish, which means that you can use Polish booking sites instead of the international ones.
24 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Starsky Food store opening in Hamilton, Ontario [17]

All that because someone complained about unhygienic toothpicks? lmao!

It's obvious that you aren't really a customer, and the statement above demonstrates your real agenda on here.

so they are not complaining about you, are they ? don't take things too personally.


From food shopping to Hitler in 11 posts! lol
23 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Just like the RCC, then?

haha! pwnage! :)

Certainly explains why Ruch Palikota took 3rd place in the election.

Doesn't stop those "Taste Of Polonia" types from supporting PiS though! lol :D

listen, i'm not advocating against marriage. i'm very happily married and it's important to me that we are married rather than just living together. what i don't want is others telling me what to do.

Spot on.

Despite the fact that I'm one of those "immoral heathens" which Mr Polish Surnames despises so much, I'm even able to forgive my wife for cheating - which is actually quite a Xtian attitude in many ways! More proof that living by a set of man-made dogma doesn't necessarily make you a better person, and that it's possible to have morals even if you don't pray to a wooden cross, etc. That's one thing I do actually respect about Islam - at least they don't agree with praying to man-made images of gods! But if that's what you want to do, feel free, it's your choice. Just don't judge the rest of us who don't share your beliefs!
23 Jan 2012
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

It is patently obvious that the white race is on the road of extinction. Dangerously low birth rates, high non white birth rates

There's one positive aspect to this, though: they will no longer be able to blame Whitey! lol ;)
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Matrimony is more than a piece of paper, it is a holy sacrament.

Only if you practice or believe in a religion. There are no such things as "holy sacraments" for non-believers.

Anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence and a questioning intellect can detect that religion is mostly about social control.

What people do in their bedrooms should never be of any concern to any government. In case you hadn't noticed, humans were breeding long before any organised religion decided that sex and childbirth was only acceptable within marriage. Human sexual intercourse didn't begin 7000 years ago, believe it or not.

Anyone who divorces is a faithless, disloyal, irresponsible liar and perjurer.

Rubbish. I'm divorced, but I did not initiate the divorce, and I'm not the one who cheated. So how on earth does that make me guilty of any crime? My only "crimes" are that I worked unsocial hours, didn't earn as much as another man, and had different interests to my wife.

Faithless? Well, I have no problem with someone who is "faithless". If you wish to believe fairy tales about some imaginary being, and you wish to have your life controlled by a book of rules with with dubious and unproveable legitimacy, then feel free.

Do not insult those who disagree. For all you know, they may even be better and more moral people than you are. Considering the level of violence and human rights atrocities committed in the name of "religion" by "believers" around the world, you will understand why I am sceptical about any suggestion that religion in any way demonstrates a "higher" morality.

And divorce is not a crime, so it's not possible to become a perjurer through divorce, unless you lie in court during the application process.

I'd save your moher-style preaching for your Sunday services, and stick to the Polish surnames book on here, if I were you.
15 Jan 2012
Work / Is it true that foreigners in Poland can teach English without any teaching certificate? [30]

I love people mashing up English, I make a good living from it..;)

Just wait until Poland becomes more (ahem) "multicultural", and kids start saying London-influenced stuff like

oj krewny, Ty idziesz Junction z mandemami? :D

If they don't already, that is :D

If you're serious, hon, then you're sadly part of the problem rather than the solution; you're merely contributing to the continue mediocritization of the English language.

This from someone who uses "U.S. English"?? lol
15 Jan 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

I all the time respect Polish because really they are super polite gentleman nation ,I dont know where are you from but your act not respectable your brain not respectable, Go visit Istanbul after come and write here try to put down some country and nation ok!!

A typical Polish Forum response. Say something positive about a country for a change, and you get attacked for it!

Next time I say that I had chopped liver and chicken soup for dinner, I expect I'll be called an anti-Semite! It's all par for the course on this crazy forum, lol.

Read what I wrote again - I was stating a fact, not an opinion!

A lot of people in this country do not want Turkey to join the EU - that is a fact, whether you like it or not. Whether I agree with this statement or not is not the issue here.

And I'll refrain from praising Turkish women in future.
13 Jan 2012
Genealogy / I'm half Polish American, but I'm very Patriotic about my ancestry [47]

You're not truly a Pole unless you live there suffering with the rest of them. That's more or less how it is.

Kinda like the guy that continues rooting for a $hitty sports team because he's waiting for the day they win the championship so he can say, "I've been a fan for years, even when they sucked. I'm a REAL fan."

Kind of, but not quite.

The correct analogy would be what you said, but only if your mum and dad played for the team ;)

It was just a silly joke no harm meant, Ireland is smaller and giving directions easier for eg you would say take the Galway road or more likely say go to Monaghan then Sligo then down to Galway. None of that junction 13 on the M9 then the A4432 to where you join the M63 as far as junction 4 etc business. Its just one of those cultural things that sounds funny.

lol. thanks for that, I had no idea either!

That sort of thing p*sses me off, too - when I'm driving on the M60 and it says "Delays - M56 J5" on the warning sign, I'm like "where the **** is that", but if the sign said "Delays - M56 Hale/Wilmslow exit" I'd know whether it affects me or not lol :D
11 Jan 2012
Genealogy / I'm half Polish American, but I'm very Patriotic about my ancestry [47]

I'm half Polish American, but I'm very Patriotic about my ancestry

How can you be patriotic about ancestry? I think you mean you are patriotic towards the nation of some of your ancestors.

And stories I write always have a Polish token guy.

lol :) I bet he looks like Andy Sipowicz :D

Does anyone else feel this way?

Well, I was brought up to speak the language in a family of Polish immigrants, I married a British-born Polish woman, and I maintain contact with Poland and its culture. But I work and pay taxes over here, and my entire daily life revolves around the UK, so I have no reason to claim that I should defend Poland. I have much more reason to defend the UK, if it became necessary to do so.

Poland (and Polish-born people) couldn't care less about people like me anyway - we're just "Angole" to them. It's sad that Poles feel this way, as not all nations consider their descendants like this; but that's the way it is, and I don't lose sleep over it.

So I'd say that I'm patriotic towards the UK, not Poland. Claiming to be a Polish patriot would effectively be like joining the Foreign Legion and claiming to be patriotic towards France. I may be of Polish origin, but Poland's not my country.
11 Jan 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

You learn it because you want to, that's what matters. It doesn't matter if it's the most useful language. Studies have shown that learning one language helps make it much easier to learn another.


I used to think Polish was a pretty useless language when I was in my early teens, and I even stopped speaking it for a while.

How wrong I was! Not only did it eventually help me to learn French, Italian and Czech, but it's been increasingly useful at work - and long before 2004, may I add.

I also learned some Cantonese, when clearly Mandarin would appear to be far more "useful"; but I'm far more interested in HK than in mainland China, and there are more Cantonese than Mandarin speakers over here anyway, so it made sense to me.
9 Jan 2012
Life / Ephiphany - Święto Trzech Króli [12]

*For the benefit of the heathens, apostates.

Why would us "heathens" care about your definition of sin, if it doesn't apply to us? We might have been at the shul on Friday anyway lol.
9 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

2675th in the world? That's a top quality degree right there!

Strictly speaking, it's a list of the university rankings, rather than a list of medical school rankings - the Poznan medical school may well be much better than it appears. Then again... it could be even worse - especially if it's full of Americans who can't even cross the road safely yet! Maybe he's scared of the dark like Canadians are, eh? lol.

Besides, if you look on the UK list, it lists the "Royal College Of Nursing" - which is a union, and not really a place to study in the traditional "university" sense. And they list some pretty dodgy former polytechnics as being "superior" to well-regarded proper universities, so I find that list a little dubious to say the least ;)
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]


Why should any healthcare system provide interpreters for foreign employees/students, simply to allow them to communicate with its clients in their own language? It would be far more reasonable to expect the employee/student to speak the language required.