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Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]
Sir, you are someone who claims to work in the prn industry and considers Poland to be a sh!thole (your words not mine)
He's the ultimate hypocrite.
Don't forget that this American-South African-Jewish-Germanic-Polish (or whatever he considers himself today) pûrnographer has called for:
(a) white women to be REQUIRED to marry blacks (therefore supporting the enforced consummation of those marriages, i.e., supporting the rape of white women) and
(b) looks forward to, and encourages, a future when everyone will be mixed-race, i.e., a future without whites.
That's far more racist than saying that you do not want non-white immigration to white countries.
Of course there are racists on here, but few have ever called for the eradication of any race, or that another race's women should be required to marry/have sex with whites against their will.
Back on topic: as others have discussed, the ACTA is clearly about controlling freedom of speech, and ensuring that multinationals retain control of everyone and everything, from music downloads to generic drugs.
It particularly angers me when I hear music companies whining about the money they lose. Funny how few of them seem to worry about offering contracts which ensure that musicians make hardly any money, even if they sell hundreds of thousands of records, because all the money goes to some fat suit-wearing comb-over-wearing "A&R man" - the history of popular music is full of such rip-offs, yet all they do is complain about how little money they earn. independedt/digital releases threaten these cartels, so they get upset and call for anything which affects their business to be banned.
For years, music fans have had to put up with changes in format - shellac, tapes, vinyl, CDs, Minidiscs, then digital downloads. The real issue here is that once you have an MP3 copy of a record, you probably won't have to buy it again. Now, wouldn't it be convenient if they could make MP3s and conversion software illegal, to prevent us from keeping our music in this format forever (and therefore have no need to ever buy it again)? That's the sort of thing this act really aims to do - to control what we think, and how we spend our money, to make sure that vested interests keep on getting the cash, and keep us on a leash.
We should be proud of the protestors, especially as over here, everyone will just sit on their fat arses watching Jeremy Kyle until it's too late!