BS!! They have had English for 5 or even 6 years!
When I was at school my class route to English looked more less like that:
class - book level
5 kl elementary school - Starter
6 kl elementary school - Elementary
1 kl gim - Elementary (continuation) / Pre - Intermeduate (starting)
2 kl gim - Pre - Intermeduate
3 kl gim - Intermediate (not full)
2 x 45 min lesson per week
To have any command of a communicative English one must be at least at First Certificate level (that is more less finish at least the next level which used to be called Upper-Intermediate)
I'm happy that in Netherlands you have better educational standards.
And still Poles try to claim that their matura
Certainly the former matura was.
But even the modern matura resembles A -levels. I've checked your A-level tests and they were the same level according to me.
I spoke fluent Dutch, fluent German, fluent French, and rather good English and I didn't even had to study for these languages.
Oh! I see! You spoke 4 languages since you've born and now you look down on others.
If you never was learning a languge then no wonder you don't know that no one will learn language fluently after even 6 years of study in less than 2-hours per week lessons.
And yes, I spoke Latin as well.
Do they teach you latin in middles school? May I ask what for?
Stop being so ridiculously defensive. The level sucks! There are no two ways about it.
People from at least 2 different countries told you that you're exaggerating so maybe you are the one who is wrong, no?