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Posts by EdWilczynski  

Joined: 6 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 98 / In This Archive: 88
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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21 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

because the governments of these countries are in love with the cheap or low-cost labor which immigrants afford them! Why hire a demanding, native-born German to cut asparagus tips in a restaurant kitchen when a Turk, Bangladeshi etc.. would willingly work at the same job for slave wages, uncomplianing and/or unable to see they're being taken advantage of?

Isn't that exactly what happens in Poland right now?? Even worse the Polish government actively encourage this.

Here is my response to a post on this subject on another thread:

actually alot of huge companies are choosing polish cities as there HQ.


I'm beating the same drum here but it really makes me angry that Poland is being portrayed as the IT Hub of western Europe. Even Trusk peddles this damned lie!!!

The large companies are in Poland for one reason and one reason only.

They can employ (I mean exploit) a Polish person for a fraction of what they pay someone else anywhere else in Europe.

In addidtion, Poles have multiple language skills are highly trained and highly proficient in IT meaning that the Operations and Support centre's for other countries can be hosted from Poland.

The government further encourage this exploitation of the Polish worker by giving the large corporations tax breaks.
21 Dec 2011
Study / Study at Univ. of Information Technology and management in Rzeszow; extension letter/ accommodation/ jobs [11]

y u saying that? first let me know the answer for my problem....

That kind of response is likely to get you exactly the kind of help you have been given so far....NONE.

actually alot of huge companies are choosing polish cities as there HQ.


I'm beating the same drum here but it really makes me angry that Poland is being portrayed as the IT Hub of western Europe. Even Trusk peddles this damned lie!!!

The large companies are in Poland for one reason and one reason only.

They can employ (I mean exploit) a Polish person for a fraction of what they pay someone else anywhere else in Europe.

In addidtion, Poles have multiple language skills and are highly trained and highly proficient in IT meaning that the Operations and Support centre's for other countries can be hosted from Poland.

The government further encourage this exploitation of the Polish worker by giving the large corporations tax breaks.

This practice has a finite lifespan for the host country.
17 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Doctor in UK discriminiated and bullied against gets millions. [28]

I am sure there is more Polish people who could claim discrimination in UK and get some compensation.

Oh yeah because Poland is the most open tolerant society in the modern world where racism and intolerance are just words in the dictionary. Right??

I have 10's of dozens of Polish friends and family living and working in the UK. Many of them holding very senior management positions in government departments and household names.

NONE of them have a problem or indeed have ever had a problem. They are well respected by upper management and their subordinates.

You want to talk about discrimination????

Ask my wife how many times she has attended interviews and been asked, do you plan to have any more children? What difference does that make to her ability to perfrom her duties. Well it would seem that the risk of a woman of child bearing age or a woman with children are seen as potential problems due to their propensity to take days off to look after little sick Tomasz.

Ageism, racism and sexism is alive and well in Poland and dont try to pretend its anything different.

These english NHS idiots probably relized polish doctors are the amongst the best in the world and tried to get rid of her over cups of tea. Pathetic. !

Ive had as many bad experiences with Polish doctors as I have with NHS doctors.

In fact the minute they realise I am English and my wife is Polish my familys health suddenly becomes a cash cows for them to attempt to milk.
15 Dec 2011
Work / IT Jobs in Poland? [30]

They are great and will be until the large corps have finished exploiting the cheap labour force in Poland.
13 Dec 2011
Study / Information Needed: Skarbek University, Warsaw. [57]

Yeah course it does!!!

So how is that you being educated in the US you are so uninformed!!!!!

Am I seeing things or is that Poland sat nicely above the US??

Education System Rankings

Oh and one other point.......At least 13 other countries in front of the US.
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

Crime stats: Belgium vs United Kingdom

It may have escaped your notice but the UK has about 45 million more inhabitants than little old Belgium.
12 Dec 2011
Polonia / Looking for Poles in Brussels, Belgium. [19]

Sorry Mr B

You are clearly walking around with your eyes closed. Again, sorry but again I think your perception that they can't speak French or Flemish is a little misguided also.

There are a lot of Poles in the Anderlecht area. Great little pierogi place there too. pierogicafe.be. Worth a visit on a Sunday as they put music on and the place is usually very busy.

We lived in Etterbeek and there were quite a large group of Poles where we lived and whose children attended the school. My wife is Polis so of course the networking thing was easier.

We used to shop in a Polish shop called polski-smak.be on Chazallaan (or Avenue Chazal depending on which side of the fence you are on) and you can pick up a free publication called Gazetka which has a lot of ads for groups etc as well as personal ads too. Worth a shot......Even worth placing an ad maybe?

Having said all that......yes the Poles in Belgium were rather reserved but there is such a large community there that they were able to stay within their own so I can see your point.

Oh there is also a Polish church in Shaerbeek. That also has a publication (in Polish) but that tends to be more community related stuff.

I wish you luck.
17 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

How ironic!!!

Blacks & Paki's complaining about immigration?????

I know which community i'd rather co-habit with and choose to do so.
3 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

Pip - I used your reply because your comments irked me a little, felt like you were unnecessarily attacking my fellow aviators. Yet my reply is geared toward everyone on this thread, not just you - I didn't mean to single you out .

Truth be told I found her comments equally disparaging and ill informed.

I read an independent report on LOT Pilots and they are some of the best out there. In fact there is a competition held for airline pilots (A World Championship if you will) and the current holder is a LOT pilot.

I have an awful fear of flying following an emergency landing in Montivideo but I have ALWAYSfelt safe on LOT flights.

Incidentally skysoulmate, how do you compare the Hudson river landing with this one? Comparable? Of the two which was the greater achievement. If it is possible to make such a comparison.
24 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

The Poles in london only came behind the jamaicans and somalians when it comes to numbers arrested during the london riots so take your self righteous pity party and fook off.


Didn't know that. Very disappointing.
13 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Marian Rejewski
Henryk Zygalski
Jerzy Rozycki

Three top Polish mathematicians who were recruited for code-breaking, Bletchley Park and were credited for their work in cracking the enigma code.

It's a legitimate question and people are getting angry. Why?

Because it is inaccurate!!
12 Oct 2011
Love / Expecting a baby with Polish partner - "multi-cultural pregnancy/parenting"? [45]

So how do you think she learned how to speak English?

The previous poster is right. It's kind of ridiculous to claim to have taught someone to speak native English when your own English is of such a poor standard.

Her English is better than many native speakers that use terrible slang and bad grammar.

Like starting a sentence with a lowercase 'g' for example?
12 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Any Polish looking for work in Birmingham UK? [17]

If there are any polish people looking for work in the UK (birmingham) let me know.

Do you not think it might be a good idea to inform people what that work is?
10 Sep 2011
Work / How To Study In Poland and stay with my GF? Inability to move to Poland looks stupid. [60]

HAHAHA OP doesn't want to look stupid and the two above you prove its the best place for him.

You completely ignore the fact that repsonses were aimed at 2 seperate posters for very different reasons.

I made no mention of the OP's origins or the Political Rights, Civil Liberties, Income, Poverty, Human Development, Freedom of Information of his country.

Ah feck it......X-factors on...
10 Sep 2011
Work / How To Study In Poland and stay with my GF? Inability to move to Poland looks stupid. [60]

I contacted Adam Mickiewicz University and told everything clearly but they still didn't respond......................

Sadly, perfectly normal in Poland.

It borders on ignorant.....I've learned to live with it.

marrying to my GF doesn't look logical at the moment because I don't know details of it. Next summer, I will be in Poland for a month to see her. I will only have a tourist visa with me. How can I marry to her in that time and obtain Polish citizenship? Or let's say "complicated" instead of "not logical"...

Give your head a jolly good shake lad.

You haven't even met her and you "fell in love" without even having met her in the flesh and now you're talking about marrying her???

God give me bloody strength!!

and why the **** you are even on this forum.

Why are you on this forum?

Why didn't you stay in India and study there and then get a job and develop your own country?

I looks like it needs some help.......And perhaps whilst you are busy throwing your insults at the UK you should look closer to home .....IDIOT!!!!

2011 - Riots in Assam, Meghalaya, Northeast India, 4 dead
2011 - Riots in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, India, 1 killed, more than 50 injured
2011 - Riots in West Bengal, India, at least 8 people killed in post-election violence
2011 - Riots in Guwahati, Assam, India, 2 killed and at least 30 injured
2011 - Riots in Ganjam, Orissa, India, at least 2 killed
2011 - Riots in Pimpri-Chinchwad, India, 3 killed
1 Sep 2011
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

Does Saudi Arabia set standards for all islamic world? What about other islamic countries like Syria, Lebanon or even Iran?

Nope, but the Islamic view is that Islam is the only faith and

sorry I don't get it, is there any link between Poland and SA, that you compare both of this countries???

Read the thread in its entirety. Don't cherry pick the bits you want to read to support your riposte.

I chose Saudi Arabia as one example. I later gave Qatar as another example as a country that gave a tiny concession to Christianity (but only as recently as 2008). Perhaps the Christian world should reciprocate and ensure that no crescent and star is on display? And oh, the cries of foul play when Switzerland banned Minarets.

As I previously stated (but you chose to ignore that): Only when Islam is mutually respectful of all faiths to openly demonstrate and celebrate their faiths should it be reciprocated.

There are many many countries around the world where Christianity is in the minority and those practicing the faith are persecuted. I can post you hundreds of examples if you wish. I don't see too many mosques being burnt down based purely on the fact that it is an Islamic place of worship.

Tolerance and understanding is a 2 way street.

You can't even draw silly pictures of the Prophet Mohammed without the threat of a Fatwah (Death for a cartoon.....what a bizarre and twisted logic.)

Christianity and the West has gone a long way to demonstrate its ability to live side by side and yet Islam maintains this idea of the abrogation of all non believers.

Islam has a long way to go.
1 Sep 2011
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

Israel does not ban Christian churches!!!!!!
1 Sep 2011
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

Maybe because Poland isn't the Christian equivalent of Saudi-Arabia?

I selected Saudi Arabia but there are many other countries where churches and christian insignia are banned.

In 2008 Qatar opened its first Christian chapel. No Christian insignia allowed to be displayed outside. No crosses, nothing!!

Only when Islam is mutually respectful of all faiths to openly demonstrate and celebrate their faiths should it be reciprocated.