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Posts by RobertLee  

Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 73 / In This Archive: 68

Speaks Polish?: a bit

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26 Jul 2011
Life / Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland) [149]

I'm quite conversant in most of Polish law ( criminal isn't my specialty though ) and I'll tell you right now - there is no legal obligation on the Police or the Prosecutor to release any information regarding any crime whatsoever

You don't have to be conversant in Polish law to know that, 12-year olds know that.
Still, Komenda Policji w Gdańsku, has its own webpage where it publishes information on even very minor incidents and assault is not a minor incident, especially racist assault - any Polish newspaper would like to buy a story about racist violence act. But somehow this particular hate crime went unnoticed except from PF :D
16 Jul 2011
News / Iwona Wieczorek - one year since her disappearance [8]

If you knew Polish, you would know that Rutkowski, his skills and motivation aside, worked that case for free, cause it was good advertising for him - which he publicly admitted. Anyway, this topic is not the right place for your trolling, keep it down out of respect for Iwona's family.
16 Jul 2011
News / Iwona Wieczorek - one year since her disappearance [8]

Exactly one year ago 18-year old Polish girl Iwona Wieczorek disappeared in Sopot. She did head home after an argument at a disco with her friends but she never reached it. The battery in her mobile died. Her story was all over the news and still is. The detective Rutkowski (the same guy who "re-kidnapped" Polish girl from Norwegians) was working on her case but without success.

The story:

One year has passed since the disappearance of Iwona Wieczorek . Tonight, her mother go from Sopot to Gdansk route , which stops the trace of the daughter. Weekend night of 16 to 17 July 2010. Iwona Wieczorek interfered in Sopot disco with friends and going out. Monte Cassino promenade goes toward the pier. In the cell, the battery got exhausted.


  • ZaginionaIwonaWiec.jpg
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

They were Polish citizen no more no less and as such should be treated in the same way as all others law abiding polish citizens.

That's not his idea, he is just a follower of the idea of double standards towards Poles and Polish Jews. Many other foreign posters advocate this idea.

To sum up: a Jew that is a victim of violence is "only" a Jew, and that violence must have been antisemitic, racist in nature. Whereas a Jew, who is the perpetrator of violence, is no longer a Jew - he is given the nationality of the people whom he harmed. And thus, for instance, commie Soviet-collaborating Jew is no longer considered a Jew by them - under that theory he becomes a Pole, while any Jew killed by Poles must have been killed as a result of "Polish antisemitism" and is considered Jewish enough to generate interest from Israeli media.
15 Jul 2011
Food / Singles (fake cheese) in Poland [19]

Poland has never been or never will be known as a decent cheese producing country

I don't know about particular brands, but the smoked cheese Rolada Ustrzycka is very good.
15 Jul 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Latest news!
After many months of hard negotiations, Polish and Jewish teams finally reached an agreement. Jewish side agreed to withdraw all their financial claims on Poland in favour of a regular supply of kosher śliwowica to all the entitled heirs. Additional batches will be regularly delivered to Anti Defamation League, Yad Vashem and other Jewish organizations.

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15 Jul 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Poland is being asked by FOREIGNERS to give those properties to FOREIGNERS - either to people who renounced their Polish citezenship and left Poland for greener pastures, or, in most cases, to their heirs who have no Polish connection whatsoever.

Considering that Polish citizens haven't been properly compensated by FOREIGNERS, who caused their suffering, Poland's primary obejctive should be taking care of its own citizens, not of people who left Poland 60 years ago, or their relatives, who don't even speak Polish.

The idea of giving Polish taxpayers money to second generation of American Jews represents some twisted, totally disconnected from reality sense of justice. That may only be considered until after all Polish people will be properly compensated by those who caused their suffering.

To sum up - no money for you here, keep going!
12 Jul 2011
News / What Polish political party are you in favour of and why [6]

Unfortunately Poles have the American syndrom of choosing between two possiblities (while there are many in fact) - there may be many parties or presidential candidates but most will just consider the two options that have the highest support according to media. Even if they don't like either of them, they will vote for the "lesser evil", instead of considering another option. The older generation is particularly guilty of this - I noticed that Korwin-Mikke has quite a support among the youth. Maybe finally he will be successfull, as like you said, people are disappointed with PO and PIS and SLD.
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

and the IPN is hardly a "impartial history source".

Ekhm :D If that makes you tick :D
I always wondered why are Britons experts on the suffering inflicted on Jews by Poles? Is it the favourite topic of chit-chats over a cup of tea in UK? Surprisingly they are not so interested in cases where Poles were the victims.

It's a great way to describe people like yourself - Plastic Poles with precious little knowledge of what's going on in Poland, and without any skill in the language.

No, it's a term used by racist, that you gladly adopted.
This thread is not about what's going on in Poland, it's about what's going on in Britain. If you want to talk in Polish with me - use the appropriate place in the forums, I welcome you to do that.

real Poles were more worried about the money in their pocket than any nonsense about history.

That's just offensive.

Listen, pal - you aren't Polish, you will never be Polish and you certainly aren't welcome to be Polish. Now - get the hell out of my country.

You need to make up your mind "pal": am I in USA or in Poland?

Britain is generally good to Poland and is quite happy to accomodate Poles.

You mean not counting the pattern of derogatory stereotyping in the media, discrimination and the openly expressed wish to get rid of "cheap Polish workforce, that steals jobs from locals"?

Anyway, do I need to remind you that Britain allowed the Polish Government-in-Exile to stay in the UK?

Yes, they did happen to honor that particular part of the alliance with Poland.

Or perhaps we could discuss how the 1945-era Poles were so happy in the UK that they actually can be used as a shining example of true immigration? They certainly didn't moan and whine about what the UK could've done - they just got on with their life in the new country.

They were devastated that Brits sold their land to Stalin and asked them to leave. Those who lived in Kresy lost their homes, other still faced prosecution when coming back. And Britain, both the government and the general public, wanted to get rid of the Poles, who were now just seen as a competition on the job market.
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

No, it is an accurate description of hate crime.

No that's hate talk, as well as the works of Mr Gross. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz or Polish IPN are more objective, but it still makes little sense to discuss those events without context, unless you have another agenda, defamation for instance.

You mean the one which he didn't make? No matter how many times you claim that Fry said that Poles ran Auschwitz, he still won't have said it.

Ok, let's say he apologized for something he didn't said.

Would be a pretty short story: fishing in Poland requires a rod licence and a permit for the body of water. [/url]

Which means they can take the carp they catch in PZW waters home. And it's hard to find non-PZW lakes in Poland.

Hahaha. There are plenty of such types in Poland

I see you are clutching at straws here. Hard to accept the fact that the "liberal and tolerant UK" is really more racist towards immigrants than Poland?

The tolerance shown by the Catholic Church towards Radio Maryja certainly suggests that the Church approves.

That's as racist as saying that the tolerance the Britons showed towards Daily Mail certainly suggest that Britons approve.

You mean that Poles don't understand PRIVATE PROPERTY - KEEP OUT? Ah...actually, you would be right there.

Again racist accusation. "Stealing of carps" by Poles in the UK has very little to do with jumping through fences but rather with taking home the fish they caught because they assumed it's obvious that they can take it - this is how fishing works in Poland.


I see Coren's slur is catching on.

People like you just seek to stir up resentment because you're utterly dissatisfied with your life.

I have little interest in stirring up resentment. You just need to face up to your own racism before you point your fingers at Poles, which seems to be the hobby of Britons.

indeed, they view the UK with much praise for allowing Polish workers to come in from the beginning, and for being generally supportive towards Poland in the EU.

UK hardly allowed Poles to stay "in the beginning", after selling them to Stalin. Many veterans complained how they were not welcome in UK after the war ended. Now Poles should feel gratitude for allowing them to have those low paid jobs? You clearly have no clue about Polish people and their pride.

I notice no attempt to refute membership/approval of LPR.

I notice no attemp from you part to refute membership/approval of NSDAP, Gestapo, SS, NKVD, church of satan, etc.
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Their agenda was to expel everyone non-British, not just Poles. Just like some people in Poland would like to do - what's new there? Nationalism is hardly something "unique" in Europe.

Which Polish political party openly demands expulsions of foreigners? UK surpasses Poland in xenophobia here, but nevertheless Britons would never miss an opportunity to call Poles racists.

Nah, Poles preferred to burn them in barns, not synagogues.

That's hate talk.

For which he subsequently apologised.

Nice of him, but there is always the issue of how many saw the original defamation vs. how many saw the apology.

Radio Maryja, anyone?

Yes, small percentage of old ladies makes up a good representation of Catholicism. Again hate talk.

The article mostly talks about poaching fish. And yes, it is quite common in the UK for Poles to be stealing carp.

You mean they like fishing and aren't always aware that taking the fish is illegal in UK? How about omiting the story about how fishing looks like in Poland and proceeding to call Polish people thives?

That's America that was doing that. You know, a different country.

UK is catching up.

And you're telling me that Poles have never been racist towards others? Get out.

Is this topic about Polish racism or can't you read? You are free start your 11th thread about Polish-American racism or Polish-Colombian racism.

I think it's safe to say that anyone who talks about "polonophobia" and suchlike is almost certainly a supporter of LPR - and thus can be laughed out of this forum.

You like to apply your double standards to Poles, right?
9 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

We had the fameous British National Party "Battle of Britain" campaign and expelling Poles is part of their agenda, we had Giles Coren expressing his wish in The Times for Poles to "clear off", suggesting that setting fires to synagogues is our national sport, we had Stephen Fry accusing Poles of running Auschwitz on TV, we had other cases of collective accusations of Poles for Holocaust and equating Catolicism with antisemitism. We had Daily Mail articles on how Polish immigrants in UK carry knives with them and eat swans - yes, this one is my favourite:


:D :D :D
Smaller scale slanderous accusations in the media are also common: for example once I saw an article of how supposedly an owner of a Polish shop told an English lady to get the hell out - more antipolish comments followed under the article.

Finally, there has been many personal accounts of Polish immigrants of how were they discriminated against and attacked because of their nationality.
How does it look when compared with other countries? Is it time to state that Britons have overall surpassed Germans in their polonophobia?
8 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

In 1939 a large percentage of the german army was horse drawn.

Would be even more if they didn't "capture" thousands of supply trucks from Czechoslovakia.
Still, they had too few trucks/horses for their invasion of USSR.
7 Jul 2011
News / Car theft in Warsaw (the most popular cars among car thieves in Poland) [54]

I'm sure not all Polish families have broken disused fridges stuck in the front garden making the street look like a tip, or pile up empty beer and vodka bottles and used cigarette ends besides the rusting kitchen appliances, but this family does.

You forgot to add to your description that they are carrying knives and eating swans.
7 Jul 2011
News / Car theft in Warsaw (the most popular cars among car thieves in Poland) [54]

I have new Polish neighbours, they have a left hand drive VW, white van. They do look a bit rough, a builder bought the house a few years ago and turned it into bedsits, a couple and their young son now live in one of them, the father only wears vests, he walks down the street in his vest. As for the mattress they unloaded, I've seen better in front gardens on council estates. Do you think this VW van might be stolen?

I think this post of yours should be featured in your profile to remind us who you really are. Your Polish neighbours should have the right to see it too, as well as local police - in case of any racial hate crime in the area, they will know which door to knock.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Dmowski was an antisemite

You oversimplify, to the extreme...By birthers, you mean Poland belonging to native Poles?...What an outrageous idea!

I don't even know why he brought that up. Perhaps he thinks that a person's attitude towards Jews is the most important factor, by which we should judge whether or not somebody was a Polish patriot - the nicer for Jews, the greater the patriotism, of course.

Seriously, is there any area of Polish affairs which should not be evaluated in terms of it's influence on Jewish well-being? Hint: it's getting boring.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Quite easily, many including Pilsudski were not.

Like I said, Piłsudski was a rough man, who didn't write books. That's the only evidence of his lack of "racism" as understood from today's perspective.

His own writings and actions at the time leave no room for debate about his views. Pilsudski strongly (and wisely) opposed him tooth and nail on this matter. If he had not, the history of Europe may well have been very different.

Without Dmowski's and Paderewski's work Poland would be too weak to oppose the Soviets. There would be no opportunity for Piłsudski to build his legend. No to mention the fact that the history of Europe would be very different.

Lifted pretty well word for word from Wikipedia.

Really? That would mean that hatred towards Dmowski is a hobby of a small group of Polish leftists and foreigners, while the most of society recognizes him as a great patriot. Do you get foam on your mouth every time you drive through this?:


Read what he actually wrote about Christianity - he detested its values. He also detested the concepts of tolerance, diversity and liberalism - which may well have contributed to his failure and Pilsudski's success.

Dmowski wrote much stuff over a period of long time - in particular his views of Christianity evolved a lot, which you somehow failed to mention. Speaking of tolerance, liberalism and Piłsudski in one sentence - well, you made me laugh.

This from someone a continent away who has contributed nothing to Poland

What did you contribute to Poland?

Pilsudski, on the other hand (who loathed Dmowski and his ilk) was a true Polish patriot, liberal, tolerant and at the same timke both idealistic and pragmatic.

Piłsudski didn't loath Dmowski, he respected him for what he did for Poland. Only a bunch of Polish leftists (surprisingly often gay) and foreigners loath him - in the first case probably because Dmowski became adopted hero of some ultra right-wing groups (which is not his fault) - in the second case - because he put the interests of Poles above anything else.

Most of his ideas are of course no longer suitable for modern-day Poland, but so is the politics of Piłsudski, unless you want somebody to organize a coup d'etat, killing several hundred Poles and establishing authoritarian rule. But it doesn't mean the two weren't Polish patriots back in their time.

What by the way is your take on Pilsudski's contemporary and ally, President Narutowicz?

I would be happy to learn more about him.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Thoughts of a young Pole, throught the least pleasant passages of Polityka Polska i odbudowanie państwa right through to organising boycotts of businesses based on their ownership.

How a Polish patriot from the first half of the 20th century could not be "racist" when Poles were opressed or threathened by other nationalities? You could also compare pre-war Poland to today's USA, but the only thing you can prove this way is that you are nuts.

Describing Dmowski as a patriot is interesting, especially as he initially(and strongly) supported the idea of Poland as an autonomous region of Russia.

Dmowski played absolutely crucial role in the process of regaining Polish independence. He organized the Blue Army without which Poland would probably lose the war with Ukrainians and Soviets. Unlike Piłsudski, who was a crude soldier, Dmowski was educated and diplomatic and was able to successfully lobby for Polish cause in the Versailles.

Whether or not that Dmowski statement was sincere to Russians is debatable, but one thing is certain: at that time there was no Poland at all, so an autonomous region within Russia was certainly better than no Poland at all, especially given the fact that the Russians were somehow less successful at russification of Poles, than the Germans were at germanization.

To talk about 'nation' too is odd - among the shared cultural values that make the Polish nation, both Christianity and tolerance play a large part - Dmowski despised both.

Here you have all those despised Christians attending his funeral:

He was not fit to lick the boots of Pilsudski and Narutowicz.

Piłsudski, despite his disagreements with Dmowski, was a big enough Pole to appreciate what Dmowski did for Poland. You are not.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Perhaps you believe that because he was an outspoken racist and fascist, which the great Pilsudski, a true hero, was most certainly not.

Perhaps you believe that because in your gay leftist mindset, you feel threathened by the words "patriot" and "nation".
It's easy for politically correct ignorants with foam on their mouths to put labels on Dmowski NOW, but his fellow countrymen respected and loved him.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

What do my fellow Poles think about my hero, Jozef Piłsudski?

Well, he did some great things for Poland and one has to admit that he was great Polish patriot, but he also did some very stupid things: like when he went to Japan asking for support of Polish uprising against Russia, which would result in just another bloodshed. Or when he organized a military coup d'etat. He was too crude and had too difficult, authoritarian character to be more successful politician in and outside of Poland.

I actually believe his political adversary Roman Dmowski had a better vision for Poland (he also went to Japan to... discourage the Japanese from supporting Piłsudki's plans).
5 Jul 2011
Language / Is fluency in Polish for an English speaker possible?! [30]

Yeah, they seem like nice people. I am just afraid that they might not understand it when I try to talk to them in their own language or, even worse, think I'm crazy. Oh well, I just need to get confidence.

They might think you are crazy - in a positive way - after communism Poles fell into some sort of inferiority complex and they couldn't understand why anyone from the "rich West" would want to learn their language. Foreigners who learned Polish became celebrity figures in Poland. This has been changing pretty rapidly though. Still, it's funny when foreigners try to speak Polish. I once asked people to repeat "w Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie" just to make fun of them (one Italian girl managed to do it very well though).
24 Jun 2011
Off-Topic / Countries and your associations in 5 words/descriptions. [56]

Hungary: leczo, gulasz, greatest friends of Poland, Balaton, help in 1920
Serbia: Crow, Racowie, Husaria, Milosevic, did I mention Crow?
Germany: primitive sense of humor, professionalism, Luftwaffe, Wehrmacht, busty blondes
Italy: pizza, spaghetti, mafia, Berlusconi, Mara Carfagna
France: Sarkozy, Napoleon, Blacks, Paris, painters
Ukraine: massacre of Poles, UPA, Klitschkos, Tymoszenko - Juszczenko - Janukowycz, feminists who ran naked
Czech: funny language, Zaolzie, the pilot who joined 303, beer, Prague
Finland: blondes, winter war, continuation war, neo nazis, depression
Poland: antisemitism, Jew murderers, nazis from Home Army, thieves of Jewish property, dumb Polaks
UK: who the **** cares
24 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Having a Great Uncle that was an Eaglet of Lwów [3]

You mean in:
LOL, no, I think you won't get accepted.
Incidentally I saw yesterday a documentary on Polish defense of Lwów. For 3 weeks Polish youth held off Ukrainian veterans!
24 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

You are missing the point. LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored.

Right: images.google.com/images?q=parada%20rownosci&biw=1280&bih=888

BTW It is beyond your comprehension that one may be tolerant towards homosexuals and not be intimidated with the whole political correctness BS towards Jews (or any other "untouchable" group out there) at the same time? It's not what you read in Gazeta Wyborcza, right?
24 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I can understand Polish people not liking effeminate men, however what about normal rugged men, who look like the type that would beat you up but who just happen to be homosexual? How do they get treated in Poland?

Like normal rugged men. Public display of affection may be frowned upon - I believe Poland is no exception here. Here is a list of Polish celebrity gays who came out and survived:


Why do you care so much whether all Polish people like you or not?
23 Jun 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

Once I watched an episode of an otherwise dull TV series "Criminal Minds":
They said something about "Gypsies, who are known as petty thieves", but that's nothing - the episode was about Romani killing parents, kidnapping children and brainwashing them and it was suggested that this is a "tradition" in certain Romani circles. It is beyond my comprehension how did they ever allowed this crap to be aired.

I couldn't find any info that someone was held responsible for that. Evidently some minorities are more equal than others.
22 Jun 2011
History / Forgotten crime from Soviet occupation period - an article from Rzeczpospolita [6]

I came across an article in Rzeczpospolita:

Here is my very quick translation (sorry for mistakes):

When on the 22 June 1941 Wehrmacht crossed Soviet border, the Bolsheviks panicked. While running away from the Germans they left everything: equipment, weapons, machines, vehicles, secret documents, even their own wives and children. There was only one thing they didn't neglect. No "enemy of the people" from the prisons in the Kresy region, could be taken over by the Germans alive.

One of the most drastic - and totally forgotten - massacres of the prisoners took place in the salt mine "Salina" near Dobromil (present day Ukraine). Already on 22 June the first trucks with Polish and Ukrainian prisoners came to the mine, where NKVD conducted mass executions. Their form was particularly drastic. People were murdered without the use of firearms - says Piotr Chmielowiec, a historian from the Rzeszów branch of IPN (Institute of National Remembrance).

Under the pile of bodies

Tied with a wire, men were forced to the edge of deep shaft. Then the female NKVD functionaries hit them with hammers used to crack the stones. The victims fell down the shaft. Those who were only injured sunk in the brine or suffocated under the piles of bodies.

There is only one known case of a man surviving the executions. "They brought him to the mine, hit with a hammer and he fell down the shaft - said the friend of the survivor - The shaft was filled with dead and half-dead men. Everything was breathing, moving, but there was little brine so he didn't sunk. After some time everything got quiet and at night he came out."

In the mine, the NKVD separated the men from the women. The women were taken to the nearby chapel, built "in Polish times" for the miners. They were murdered there. Supposedly an act of profanity took place there. One of the victims was crucified by the Soviets to the wall of the chapel.

The people killed in the mine were among others "Polish enemies of the people" marched from Przemyśl. At the same time the NKVD conducted a bloody massacre in the prison in Dobromil. People were murdered in the yard, on the stairs, in the cells. The local inhabitants of the town could hear terrible screams and shots from behind the wall - says Chmielowiec.

Some of the prisoners were killed with a shot to the back of the head, others with blunt tools. Wood storage was one of the killing places. The executioner used a 5 kg hammer attached to a thick rod, to crack the victims heads. The killer was a local NKVD collaborator of Jewish origin named Grauer or Kramer.

The director of the prison couldn't stand the massacre. He approached the NKVD officer Aleksander Malcew and suggested to use firearm to kill people. "If you say so, then you are the same as them" - the NKVD officer supposedly replied. He pulled the nagan revolver and shot the prison director.

Blood to the ankles

It is estimated that in Dobromil and the mine from 500 to well over 1000 people were murdered. Just before the entering of the Germans to the town (27 June) the Soviets escaped. We have testimonies of people, who were the first to enter the abandoned prison.

"What we saw was terrifying - a witness said - the corridor was covered with blood to the ankles and with human bodies. All the cells were open and in every one of them there were bodies. Bullet marks were visible on the walls. In the pile of bodies I noticed a man, who seemed to be alive. He was shot to the back of the head. The bulled left through his eye. We took him to the local hospital."

When the Germans arrived in place, they marched local Jews to "Salina" mine and ordered them to recover the bodies from the shaft. When the exhumation was completed the SS-men murdered them - about 100 men in total. Just like the Bolsheviks, the Germans threw the bodies to the shaft and covered it with concrete. The place is left in this state to the present day.

When the Soviets reentered in 1944, you couldn't openly talk about what happened in "Salina". Sanatorium for those suffering from tuberculosis was established in the mine. The chapel, where a part of the murders took place, was converted to a canteen. Only after 1990 could the local Ukrainians build a memorial there and hold a ceremony. It takes place on every anniversary of the massacre.

This year, on Sunday, 26 June, local Poles will take part in the commemoration for the first time. The idea for joined Polish-Ukrainian commemoration of the victims came from the priest Jacek Waligóra from nearby Niżankowice. "Unfortunately Poland is not very interested in the massacre. But so many of our compatriots died there. We shall not forget them" - says the priest.

He intervened at the Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa (Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites). He just received a promise that Polish authorities will take care of commemorating Polish victims "some day". A few years passed by and nothing happened. "So we decided to take the matters into our own hands and together with Ukrainians we are going to pray for the victims of that forgotten crime" - says the priest.

The Rzeszów branch of Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu ( Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against Polish Nation) conducted an investigation into the massacre in years 2006-2009. It was canceled because of failure to identify the perpetrators. The only murderer know by his name - Aleksander Malcew was killed during the war.