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The Irony in your post is strong, young Padawan ;)
If that is your understanding of "not provoking", I really would like to know how it looks when you try to provoke.
But to get to the original topic:
I never heard of Marek Fis before reading this thread. From what I saw in the posted videos, its not rally my humour and I don't think i missed a lot by not hearing of this before.
And yes, the humour is quite "intellectually undemanding" at times.
But so is a lot of humour (Toilet humour anyone?).
1. The "German Media" did not invent the figure of Marek Fis. Marek Fis "made" his stage persona all by himself and started doing stand-up all on his own. The idea to his polish alter ego was his idea, not the idea of "The German Media".
2. There are in fact many black Comedians who make fun of the "uncivilized African" stereotype.
Yes, even in Germany.
Just look up Dave Davis and his stage persona called "Motombo Umbokko" =>
3. If you want to, then I can easily find you some russian, czech, french, american or asian comedians working in Germany that have no problem making fun of their own country and portraying themself in a rather unfavorable light for the sake of comedy.
4. I never saw a Jewish Comedian working in Germany making fun about Jewish stereotypes. You are right about that at least.
I could name you several Jewish Americans who do so however.
Most jokes about Germans make use of the good old Nazi stereotypes.
Hell, in the UK a German Comedian called Henning Wehn has quite some success milking those stereotypes and playing a dull German who wishes back the "glorious days of the Fatherland" and thinks partying has to involve goose stepping.
But in your mind beeing portrayed as unintelligent is worse than beeing portayed as a murdering racist Lunatic?
Really? You must have some really strange priorities in that case.
I am personally less offended when getting called stupid, as I am when someone calls me a Nazi.
You don't have to like those jokes, but the manner in which some people here are responding makes it look like you are just waiting for an opportunity to feel offended and fly into uncontrolled rage.