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Posts by Bolle  

Joined: 29 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 144 / In This Archive: 121
From: warsaw/wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: fairly well

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14 Dec 2010
Life / The most dissapointed with Poland are those who have Polish origins. [35]

I also find it odd how it's the expats (mostly brits) on PF who quickly step in to judge foreigners of polish decent. Poles are actually quite interested in americans, brits etc. of polish descent who come to poland to live/work or just to vacation in the country of their ancestors. There's never any anger or hostility towards such people - after all, almost every pole in poland has a family member abroad.

Also, poles who left poland during the commie era or after poland joined the EU always sent money/care packages to their families back home, so there is a STRONG/friendly connection between poland and the worldwide polonia.

The whining foreigners on PF are quick to point out these people are not polish and try to make them feel like sh!t for trying to learn something about where they're ancestors are from. Clearly they never been to the US/Canada where many people are interested in the origins of their ancestors.

Polish-americans are polish-americans, not poles - just like italian-americans are italian-americans, not italians --- they know this well. To many americans their ancestors' backgrounds are part of their culture.
9 Dec 2010
Work / Polish students among best in OECD [32]

There are good and bad public schools in the US.

It all depends on the region and racial demographics. It's a fact that overall whites perform better in the classroom than latinos/blacks.
8 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / Why British men move to Poland [63]

I knew the thread was going to be about women:)


Words can't describe how disgusting and hideous those women are.

I often wonder how people can let themselves go like that...


7 Dec 2010
News / Medvedev in Poland [28]

I saw some students in wroclaw's rynek today holding signs saying "wspolpraca z rosja = czwarte rozbiory" and the same message spray painted/markered on signs and walls in the stare miasto.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

The topic of blacks in polish politics reminds of Patrick Kibangou (PL citizen, from nigeria) who tried to run for a seat in the EU parliament. I remember seeing him talk on TV a few times and was not impressed at all: he had the word "partacz" written all over his face.


Hopefully Godson is different.
1 Dec 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

Where did this happen, exactly? Proof or it didn't happen.

Interesting how you always claim to be an expert on poland just because you live here yet somehow you were unaware of the problems on polish roads due to some snow on the ground. I can't believe i actually wasted 3 seconds of my life to provide you with some "proof":

and how do you know that they were not? There are thousands of kilometers of roads and streets to maintain.

Well, unlike you I know the polish language fairly well and so I was able to understand what they were saying on the radio/tv. Credible people were interviewed.
30 Nov 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

It was snowing heavily yet the plows were not out in full force over night. The end result was a mess that caused chaos on the streets (ie: traffic not allowed into cities to allow for people in the city to get to where they needed to go - this was quite costly for businesses).

Even on the radio this morning they were saying that the authorities acted too slow. Not sure about other polish cities, but wroclaw apparently has "enough" plows to get the job done.
30 Nov 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

Yes, because you can compare a poor European country with two of the richest countries in the world on any meaningful level.

Poor or not, the plows did come out eventually. Just not at the right time!

Ah, I forget, any excuse to criticise Poland. Certainly the sign of the expat that's stuck in Poland.

haha I like how you always like to turn things around. Talking to you is like talking to a child.

Btw, i rarely criticise (complain about) poland - you're in first place when it comes to that.
30 Nov 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

Quite right: Polish concentration camps were before and after WWII, not during it.

The jews ran the concentration camps after ww2.

eye for an eye - john sack (jew)
30 Nov 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year?

Laziness, cheapness, and disorganization.

I've lived in both the n. US and canada and i've never seen such problems with clearing the roads as in poland. If they put the plows to work in full force over night (like a normal winter country would), there would be very little chaos in the morning.

Traffic heading into some cities was blocked from entering some cities to allow for people to get to work / kids to school. WTF?!??!
26 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

1. Wouldn't you agree that easy women are to be found everywhere? And that the guys posting these "I want to marry a Polish woman"-threads are cheap men themselves?

True, but there are many more easy women in poland than western countries.

2. Not only Britain is full ... I can think of a few other countries.

I know.

3. I dunno about that ... if not wearing a niqāb, some of their women can be incredibly beautiful

They are hideous.

You are just too PC to admit it.
25 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland?

1. Easy women (PL women love foreign men -> foreign men = more opportunities for PL women)
2. Britain is full therefore they want to try getting an EU passport in PL (i'm sure they're trying czech rep + other EE countries), eventually will try to get into w. europe for the better dole system

3. polish women (though average looking among euro ladies) are MUCH MUCH more attractive than their women
4. better opportunities/life in poland than nepal, pakistan
25 Nov 2010
Work / Moving to Europe from US (hopefully to Poland). IT, Programming, technology market? [13]

I currently make about 80k US (could be a little over 100k if it wasn't for the school obligations). I work in IT and hope to keep it that way in Europe. If I can make at least 50k US in Poland I would love to stay there and not go anywhere else.

I know a few foreigners working in poland in IT. Salaries seem to vary considerably though but some of these guys are doing OK. However, you can forget about making the equivalent of 80-100K USD in poland!

Personally if i were in your position and given the state of the economy right now, I would remain in the US.

But I'm also a polish american living in poland so i kinda understand why you may want to try living in PL.

Life in the states seems a bit too easy and predictable to me right now. I’m looking for a challenge and excitement.

hehe if a more difficult life is what you're looking for, then poland is a suitable place for you:)
25 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

So to you the ideal time to look for work is when there is none and most of the DoS population are as far from their school as they can manage. Genius!

The summer is the best time to look for work. It is best to approach school managers in may/june (early, but doesnt hurt) and august (usually beginning in the 2nd half of the month) through september. I did it for several years and it all played out well for me as i was able to get my foot in the door before all the turtles like you.
24 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

come to poland and hit the pavement with your CVs,ideally in the summer.

Read the whole sentence.

Besides, I came to poland several years ago after christmas. Everyone told me not to because "there's bugger all work" - much like you. I came anyway. I got lucky with a part time teaching gig at one school and went out to find students for private lessons to supplement my measly income. I found a cheap place to live so life wasn't all that bad. I also had some savings (my version of insurance), which is another thing i forgot to mention in my previous post -make sure you have some money saved up, just in case.

During the summer i completed the celta course and found work immediately (thanks to the celta & work experience).

What else do you have a problem with, grumpy?
24 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

I will try my hardest to avoid making any further mistakes to avoid your collective internet wrath.

Your best bet in getting into esl teaching is to avoid internet forums as they are host to a lot of unhelpful people. This forum has a few members that try to complicate things - same goes for esl cafe.. Instead, come to poland and hit the pavement with your CVs, ideally in the summer.

Will having a foreign name help me or hinder me?

I don't think so.

I never had any problems, in fact my fairly good knowledge of the polish language helped me make connections and made a lot of administrative things easier after getting hired at a school.

For instance, i always had a plethora of students for private lessons as i was able to easily tap into people who could not speak a single word of english (imagine someone like that calling a non-polish speaker to arrange a private lesson).

Also, at the first school i at worked for, most of the administrative staff could hardly speak english so most meetings/communication was conducted in polish. I met many polish-americans/canadians/aussies during my time as an esl teacher, none of them had problems - even with first names like Przemyslaw;)

And remember, if you can't find work in the large cities, head out to smaller cities/towns.
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

Perhaps you can explain how it is possible to do that?

I've met several brits over the years who got their hands on lesson plans / other material from celta instructors they knew back in the UK. British celta students are also favoured when celta instructors are british nationals. I can only imagine how many brits have forged celta certificates...
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

programme (which they spell 'program'

Oh my god, what a huge difference! Those 2 extra letters really threw me off! /sarcasm

The biggest threat is from people who've met and married a Polish spouse in UK or Ireland, come to Poland, and need some work without much knowledge of the Polish language (or English grammar, teaching methodology, heuristics etc). They are often desperate for work (or are renting out their property back home and don't need to earn much), are easy prey for cheapskate language school owners, and saturate the bottom end of the market.

There, finally an intelligent post. Applies to any anglophone really, not just the brits/irish.

Too bad Delphi is incapable of coming up with such a post because it doesn't attack americans.
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

anarchic irresponsible behavior.

Having multiple sexual partners at the same time can be considered "anarchic irresponsible behavior."

But having several sexual partners over the course of one's life is not. Believe it or not, but there are some people out there that - for whatever reason - have not been able to find the right person on the first try!
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

At least the Brits know the language

So do americans. Aside from differences in accents (which not only vary within the US but also in the UK) and a few barely noticeable differences in grammar/spelling, the languages are basically the same. US english is more common around the world thanks to (unfortunately) hollywood/US pop culture.

they rely on the teaching money to live, so despite being drunkards, they at least perform in the classroom.

And americans are all millionaires that come to poland and teach just for shits and giggles because they don't need money to live?? Show me some proof that brits are more reliable teachers?? That's like saying white people are better employees than blacks - which is BS.

You are one hateful and grumpy brit, you know that?
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

In fact, the biggest threat to most ESL teachers in Poland is from useless American "native speakers" who only want beer money while they study medicine or similar.

What about brits in their 20s who come to poland to teach english for beer money and to bang polish women??? They are better for esl teachers than "useless" american med students?

Another example of you being an american hater.

@ bolle and everyone else - from what you say, it seems like this, "you can do it if you really want to - don't expect it to be a party and for people to run after you - but if you really want it you can get it, and enjoy doing it." - right?


You might also get lucky and land some french lessons (school or private). French isnt really popular but i've met some people learning it for fun.
23 Nov 2010
Language / Pronunciation of vowels at the end of a word [28]

It's funny about the small "p" at the start of "przepraszam" because I'd already spent a while listening to that word and told myself it must be a silent letter, hehe.

took me ages to hear the small "p" sound at the start of przepraszam

So you can't hear the difference between "przepraszam" and "rzepraszam"??

come on now...
22 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

Thanks very much for your help, though I have to admit I am a bit surprised by your less than optimistic replies. I wonder if this is a general trend for TEFL in Europe...

Well you have to be aware that it will not be easy, but not too difficult. You just have to try because you may have a hidden skill for teaching - that's all it takes to get a teaching job in PL (or anywhere really). If you take your job seriously and don;t drink like there's no tomorrow (like many esl teachers do unfortunately) then you won't have to worry about being unemployed.

You also have to be aware of delphiandomine as he tends to put ESL teaching on a pedestal. He thinks its some kind of elite job that puts one into a superior position in society. He might also be trying to discourage more people from entering the "profession" to limit competition.

Finding esl teaching jobs in asia is much easier FYI.
22 Nov 2010
Study / Eastern European Studies internship/ job [10]

eastern euro studies degree

Polish is limited

not good enough for business

I think teaching English may be your only options in Poland in terms of job opportunities.