Yeah, OK. I should have put F rather than V - wasn't really thinking.
It's still difficult for me either way!
you should pronounce it like one word fpo-rzą-dku. The same case is with the phrase "w ogóle" ("generally"). Its vo-goo-le. That's why many Poles make spelling error in this phrase by writing it "wogóle" (which is wrong).
The same things happens with "z". "Z przodu" (in the front) we pronounce like sprzo-du not zy-przo-du.
ZH sounds
"w ogóle" ("generally")
EDIT. wrong translation. I must be tired. Mostly it means "at all":
Nie obchodzi mnie to w ogóle. (I don't care at all)
or colloqiual phrase meaning something similar to "actually":
W ogóle to bez sensu... (Actually it has no sense)
Ogólnie means generally.
Ogólnie czasami takie rzeczy się zdarzają (Generally sometimes such things may happen)