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Joined: 21 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Jan 2009
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28 Jan 2009
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

Germans have historically been unwilling to assimilate in Poland.

- I am not a fan of Germany, but I must object to the above statement. Actually, historical facts show that in the past the Germans assimilated very well in Poland. Many of them were good loyal citizens. They contributed a lot. Polish-German relations aren't entirely black and white. Does any of the Polish participants know that our great patriotic poet, Wincenty Pol, was 100 % German?

28 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Prince, was Branicki whom you mention the Branicki who callaborated with the Russkies?

Silent is keepin' 'Prince,' in spite of my asking him twice a polite question. What rudeness. What kind of 'Prince' is that?
28 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Count Jan Klemens Branicki, Great Crown Hetman and patron of art and science

- Prince, was he the collaborator with the Russian invaders?
26 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Mr B, I think most immigrants come here

- Doverguy, but Poles predominantly AREN'T immigrants, only temporary 'guest workers' in UK. The evidence of this is their leaving Britain en masse now, because they figure it's not profitable for them to work and live there. So they go to work in Holland and Scandinavia instead. It's the media people in UK who have been calling the Poles repeatedly 'immigrants' (and, as the Goebbels reportedly said, a lie repeated ten times becomes the truth), in order to divert attention of the British from the real immigrants - folks from the Third World. The media characters are in favour of the latter's settling in UK. It's regrettable many people in Britain allow themselves to be brainwashed by the media psychopaths. George Orwell writes somewhere that British people are the most brainwashable by the media of all Europeans (or something of this sort). I hope I don't sound insulting? It wasn't my intention to be so.
26 Jan 2009
Love / What do Polish guys think of Irish girls? [187]

And I think some Irish girls are 10x prettier than Polish girls.

- And how do you perform this measurement, Fiish from Salzburg, Austria?

By the way, I visited Austria (Vienna) once. Austrian women, like german women in general, appeared to me quite ugly. Perhaps the ugliest women in Europe?

7 Jan 2008
Food / Polish Eating Habits [87]

Polish Eating Habits

- Well, the main message of your post is that Polish 'eating habits' are bad, but in spite of this, we generally look healthier - above all slimmer - than some other nations in Europe, including those that preach a lot about healthy diet. So...?

Mr X

- Do you mean he is obese and that many Poles look like him?
1 Jan 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

- Show evidence of this alleged 'hatred,' slanderer. It's your hateful slamming of the Polish people here that is the proof of your own savage Polonophobia, racist hypocrite. Disgrace to the nation and culture that has bread you.
26 Dec 2007

Poland is a central European country but if u look at my posting carefully

- I got your point, brother. Sorry, if I sounded a bit harsh; it's not adversity towards you, just my style of talking. No hard feelings.


Germany is not the only country in the EU outside of Poland. I have seen enough Jews in the internet to doubt that they want to live among those evil Poles. Those who battle already many years to got some compensation probably dislike Poland even more.

- Yes, that seems to make sense. Thanks, Lesser.
26 Dec 2007

Most of them simply consider western countries more attractive. Like most of those Chechens coming here

- But how do you know this that the Israelis moving in consider 'western countries' (whatever it means) more attractive? I hope you don't base your statement about the Israelis on a reasoning of the sort: 'Since some Chechens consider Germany more attractive to live in than Poland, then Israeli immigrants also consider Germany more attractive to live in than Poland'?

The Western countries have a greater commitment to enforcing human rights agreements

- The 'Western countries' (whatever it should mean) have allegedly 'a greater commitment to enforcing human rights' than who?

I'm kind of sick and tired of asking this question over and over again, but I've got no choice: so you don't consider Poland 'Western', Seamus? Why not?

26 Dec 2007

Well, somebody asking questions like "Why are you Poles so anti-Semitic" doesn't sounds too friendly

- Of course not. And it should always be countered with another question, a very pertinent one: 'Why are many of you Jews so virulently Polonophobic?'

And why on earth some of you gang up with German Polonophobes to attack the Poles?

The Jewish Polonophobia is a fact.

Yes indeed, we Polish people have quite a few enemies, but I firmly believe great changes are coming in the world which will result in a complete downfall of our foes and our becoming truly free and safe after over 200 years of oppression. Our bad destiny is coming to en end; our foes' bad destiny is about to affect them very painfully. I would be a liar if I said this upcoming fulfillment of the book is not joyfully anticipated by me. I've seen enough of mistreatment of my people by all sorts of thugs. We're emerging from this clean and morally victorious; they are going hopelessly down. I'll live long enough to see the great finale.

12 Dec 2007
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

was it you who stole my bike on 4th of august

- A nice sense of humour. Gives you the taste of Sweden.

I think I'd rather abstain from visiting.
10 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

We should boot them out, close our borders and re-establish a fairer Britain for the hard-pressed British now!

- I wouldn't mind all my people to be back in my country, instead of vegetating in yours, where scum like you can abuse them with utter impunity.

Lots of Poles are leaving Britain now. And your government will probably listen to crazies like you and put limits on the number of Poles allowed to work in UK. But instead you'll soon get Chinese and similar folks in their place. Exactly as it happened in Canada in the 90s.

And you won't even squeak against that, stupid creep. You'll be too scared (as you are now) of being put in jail for 'racism.'

9 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

the lazy gits that come here and play the system

- I have never hit upon even one such case amongst the hundreds of Poles I've met in both England and Ireland. Are you sure you are posting on the right forum, mate? Shouldn't you rather inquire with some Third World forum?

i see, well that arguement could be turned around easy enough: all non pole immigrants should go back to where they come, shouldn't they?

- Precisely my point.
8 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

I was just curious how you tied his response to my quote into an anti-migration position.

- He praised your 'not healthy situation' quote, and before that, in other posts, he postulated that all (?) Poles working in UK should return to Poland.

No hard feelings, man.
8 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

recognizing the sadness of a no win situation isn't an arguement against anything is it

- Have I quoted you out of context? Did you actually mean that it is a 'healthy situation' when many people leave their native country to earn their bread in another one?

Take it easy, brother. I'm not here to hurt you in any way. And it's certainly healthy to ask questions, even the most puzzling ones. We're all just human and so we all err - myself included. Please point to me any inconsistencies in my train of logic every time you spot them. Will be grateful for this. Greetings.

8 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Bottom line, it's not a healthy situation when loads of people have to leave there own country just for a fair shake

- You mean it is not a healthy situation that over hundreds of years countless Brits have been leaving Britain for the New World, Australia, New Zealand, etc.?

PS. And yourself, if I'm not mistaken, also are living abroad, aren't you? ;)

Quoting: Foreigner4
Bottom line, it's not a healthy situation when loads of people have to leave there own country just for a fair shake.


Agree 100%

you are a wise men my son

- Well, zeze, you're a South American Jew yourself (or so you say). Then if you're against emigration so much, what the hell are you doing in Poland?

8 Dec 2007

From what I hear of Poland's new President, he wants to make Russian relations close

- So the Poles have just picked their new President, Carol? Who would he be?


- You're no 'Canadian guy,' pal, but a German creep. Not only - traditionally - Judophobic, but also, traditionally, Polonophobic (I shall not forget your hateful ranting in connection with Mr Dziekanski's death).

One of the Neo-Nazi German immigrants to Canada of Zundel's ilk, right?

'Canadianguy,' yeah, right.
1 Dec 2007
Travel / Just back from Krakow [120]


Believe me, neither Prozac nor Frantic nor any other krakowian club needs stag parties to prosper ;)

- Right on, man. We need Yanks like yourself in Poland, we really do.
30 Nov 2007
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

One man was giving a chilling stare.

- Didn't he have the right to do that? Also some Black folks have the right to object to Black- Polish mixing. Also, those Poles and Blacks who approve of such mixing, have the right to do it. As long as we don't start whacking each other, we should have the right to hold onto and express our own perceptions and opinions, don't you think, ahem, Polka?

A fine 'Polka' you must be, anyhow.
26 Nov 2007
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the jokes were invented by mill workers to make fun of other mill workers, let alone children on the playgrounds at school...

- An interesting theory, but any proof to show it's good?

It has nothing to do with you being Polish, or of Polish decent

- But, strangely enough, the 'jokes' are about Poles, and they ridicule anything Polish, including Polish descent.

Which is why all the "Polak" jokes work just as well as "Italian" jokes

- So-called Italian, Jewish, Irish, etc. 'jokes' in America aren't one thousandth as nasty as so-called Polish 'jokes.' Read one of Larry Wilde's collections of these slurs. He also published collections of Italian, Irish and Jewish 'jokes' - compare them with 'Polish' ones, and you'll see the difference. Nazi German stereotypes of the Jews are piece of cake compared to the Jewish 'comedian's' stereotypes of the Poles. It's hate propaganda of the most vicious kind.

Ah lads - how about the Irishman jokes? its the same thing - though today, most people tht tell the Irishman jokes are Irish

- Daffy, the 'Irish jokes' aren't one thousandth as nasty as the 'Polish' ones. In the latter Polish people are compared to excrement, Polish children are compared to the s...t that cats bury in sand, etc.
25 Nov 2007
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

The English don't like anybody

- I've been travelling in England for a long time, and never noticed that. On the contrary, I've noticed tolerance for different nations that is simply beyond compare. I wonder why is it the English who so often get vilified? One of the most decent peoples ever. To me, the English and Irish are the best, most good-hearted peoples I've ever met (I haven't met many Scottish, but those I've met were also decent people; of course I won't generalise about the Scottish based on the hateful utterances of the half-illiterate psychopath, allegedly from Glasgow, calling himself 'noimmigration'). Are you expressing the American stereotype of the English in your post, DumbYankee? Is that what the Americans say about them?

Americans make jokes of Poles,

- In reality, it's the American Jews who have been mainly responsible for the spread of these extremely hateful slurs called incorrectly 'Polish jokes.' The main - and bestselling author - of collections of these slurs is a Jewish American 'comedian,' Larry Wilde. See crude 'jokes' by the likes of Bette Midler, Jerry Lewis, Woody Allen. Also, see: 'Ethnic Humour Around the World' by Davies (don't confuse with Norman Davies). What is the reason for 'Polish jokes'? - Hatred of the Poles and desire to hurt them.
20 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

who is this toff

- YOU.

How about suicide then?

I think you really need it.
20 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

yeah but now they have goo-goo-goo!

- Is this troll still alive? I've always hoped that extreme hatred combined with extreme stupidity may have a lethal effect. How about suicide...?
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

it's remembrance sunday today and we went to war because germany invaded poland and now 60 years on poland are invading us , just something to think about

- OK, I've thought about it. Do you suggest that now is the German turn to go to war?

So you're seeing crowds of Poles invading you, trollie?

And you, poor thing, are typing your SOS from your mental institution comp?
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

an ignorant t*at like you!!

- More name-calling, instead of facts? - Give any facts, any evidence of my alleged ignorance. Can you? :)

As for name-calling, I can do it too, you know?