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Posts by scottie1113  

Joined: 13 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 896 / In This Archive: 563
From: Gdansk, Poland
Speaks Polish?: learning
Interests: sailing, American football, cooking, reading, etc

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17 Oct 2016
Travel / £1 - 4.73 Polish Zloty [7]

You voted for Brexit? The decline in the pound was inevitable. Stew in your own juices.
4 Dec 2015
Life / Is it common for Polish people to speak English in Poland? [122]

IME most Polish people are more interested in learning proper English than "American"...:)

Absolutely not true. I've been teaching English in a private language school in Gdansk for eight and a half years and during this time I have had only three students tell me that they prefer British English to American English. The others tell me that American English is easier to understand because of the difference in pronunciation between the two. That makes sense, as they watch American movies and TV series and listen to American music.

A few years ago we had a new teacher from Dover whose accent was so strong that even I had a hard time understanding her. Her students couldn't understand her at all. I was her mentor. During the first few days of working together, she told me that I didn't speak English, only American, and that the only true English was British.That's just wrong. What good does it do to speak "real" English when nobody can understand you?

I'm not biased. I'm just reporting my experience.
9 Jun 2015
Food / Where to go for the best steak in Warsaw? [77]

These steaks aren't from Poland. They're not chewy, just tender. I don't have a broiler in my oven so I pan fry them in butter over a little heat on the stove. Flavor to your taste. You'll like them.
8 Jun 2015
Food / Where to go for the best steak in Warsaw? [77]

I went to Biedronka yesterday for the stek kruchy. They didn't have any so I bought two antrykot packaged by Beef Master. Thick and marbled, they were even better then the stek kruchy. Try, and enjoy.
24 May 2015
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

My basic mistake? ? Not at all. In eight years here, I have only communicated with students or their parents who speak English. Handicap? Not at all. I have or have had many "high-quality" students. My Polish is good enough to communicate with any prospective students or their parents, but since I don't/won't teach children, that's a moot point. They come to me-I don't advertise-because they want to improve their English, not speak Polish. I don't have enough free time in my schedule to accommodate all the requests I have, and they have all come in English.

You're just wrong to maintain this position, even for the OP, who isn't going to get any private students in his first year.
23 May 2015
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

DominicB, why did you tell Capetonian that it would be hard to build up a clientele of private students without being able to speak Polish? While I agree with you that it would be hard to do in his/her first year here, I don't see that speaking or not speaking Polish would make any difference. I don't speak Polish with my prospective students. They come to me for English lessons, not conversations in Polish. Just curious.
25 Feb 2015
Language / Problems Polish People Have with Learning English [63]

I have no idea what grammatics is.

The three most common mistakes made by Polish students are:

1. Articles

2. Verb tenses and forms.

3. Vocabulary

The two most mispronounced words are photography and photographer.
20 Feb 2015
News / SKM and surcharges - Fast Local Trains in Tri-City, Poland [25]

Why do you have to validate your ticket before you get a train?

Because you can buy a ticket online with a smart phone, and many users will do that up to the point of pressing the buy button until they see a conductor on the train. Otherwise they ride for free. SKM is wise to this now and they can check the time of purchase. A friend of mine did this. Having purchased but not validated his ticket, he boarded, took a seat and then validated the ticket. A conductor saw him do it. Result-a 100 zl fine.

Do what Harry suggested. Buy a few tickets at a time. If you can't be bothered to validate one before boarding (I really can't believe that you're so resistant to this.) , walk to the front of the train and have it validated there.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Grow up, son.
18 Nov 2014
Law / Poland's green card for American, and citizenship question [16]

If I am contributing a lot of money and jobs to the economy and society in Poland....they would be crazy NOT to give me citizenship.

That happened to an American friend of mine who was trying to get a karta pobytu-residency card. He was self employed but couldn't get a work permit based on that. He finally left Poland after 18 months.

Another American wasn't so lucky. He was deported for working without a work permit. Both had their own companies here. It's not as easy or as logical as you think. Good luck.
12 Nov 2014
Travel / Christmas Fair in Gdańsk - worth visiting? [6]

I've been living in Gdansk for seven years. The Christmas Fair is small and nothing special. Come to Gdansk to visit Gdansk. You'll only spend an hour or so at the Fair, but there are a lot of other things worth doing and seeing here.
31 Jul 2014
Language / Problems Polish People Have with Learning English [63]

Articles, pronouns, prepositions and pronunciation of 'th' sounds.

add to that verb forms (he speak) and tenses, especially conditionals and past perfect
27 Jul 2014
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

From memory Scottie prefers Absinthe to multi-tap bars.

Since Lamus opened about 3 years ago, it's become my favorite. Great people, great beer and it's only 70 meters from my flat. What's not to like? I've only been to Absinthe twice in the past year.
25 Jul 2014
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Rowing Jack is good, but Atak Chmielu and Imperium Atakuje by the Pinta brewery are much better if you like hoppy beer.
20 Mar 2014
Love / Will I end up with a Polish man? [3]

so bare with me lol

bizz, it's bear with me. Bare with me has an entirely different meaning. :)
14 Mar 2014
Classifieds / Language exchange group, Tricity [60]

I'm still interested. I teach English at a private language school in Gdansk and my only free hours are in the morning on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Old Town locations are best for me as I live and work there.
5 Mar 2014
Law / Query concerning long-term Residency Card for non-EU Citizen [4]

I'm also an American who has been here for 6 1/2 years with a karta pobytu valid until October 2015. I'm going to apply for a permanent card soon. As I understand it, I/you need to provide proof of our/your financial ability to live in Poland even if you don't have a work permit or a job. There may be more to it than that-married to a Polish citizen, for example-but I don't think so.My school told me to apply after receiving my current car, which I got last month, so after I file my taxes-PIT 37-I'm going to do jujst that.
4 Feb 2014
Law / Is there a difference between karta pobytu and Europa card? [15]

Nor did I,and they never found me at home. What a surprise! They finally went to my school while I was teaching and accepted my director's statement that I wasn't a criminal. Oh, if only she knew. :)

I just got my new karta pobytu, my fourth in my 6 1/2 years here. Not once have I had a visit from the police.
29 Nov 2013
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

Balderdash. Complete ignorance of contemporary reality. But that's what I expect from PF these days.