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Posts by mvefa  

Joined: 21 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 591 / In This Archive: 111
From: Netherlands
Speaks Polish?: no

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12 Feb 2013
Travel / Fashion Tip for clubbing in Poland [5]

just wear army pants, a tighter-than-life t-shirt, shave your head, and to complete the look wear a hoodie..you will blend right in ;)
12 Feb 2013
Law / Pakistani married to Polish Girl in Sweden [40]

@luckykhan Do not mind people like APF, Kingdom26, sobieski. Most of them are white trash who have not accomplished much, they are angry at society for the oportunities they didn't have, so they take it out on foreigners.

They dream of an all white-suprimisist nation where they and their all-inbred family can watch reality TV and feel superior just for being white (not having accomplished anything individually) just dont take them seriously, nobody does.
12 Feb 2013
Law / PAKISTANI marrying a Polish Girl [23]

hahaha i knew this thread would claim for blood. It still amaze me how Europeans can be so forgetfull. Not so long ago we were pouring like rats on north america, southamerica, Australia and even Asia. But other people is not allowed in Europe? Huh..do i smell double standards?

Oh by the way, since things are not that pretty anymore in here, hundreds of thousands of europeans are emigrating again to Southamerica...should they close their borders? i wonder what your thoughts will be.
15 Sep 2011

Aren't we all in this modern world supposed to be equal? men and women? why would the man have to keep paying for everything? i would say just dump her, she is just a gold digger.

My army of converts is growing; :) Today, the Polish Forums; tomorrow the world! :)
I know that the Macedonians are with me.....

I gotta say that i agree with you 100% Many women claim and scream sexual-equality but mostly for the positive side, but when it comes to be equal on the less comfortable side (like paying a bill, opening doors, carrying heavy stuff) then they are all hardcode male-chauvinists!!!!

Why are we humans so hypocrite! i wonder!
15 Sep 2011
News / Poland hosts lowest proportion of foreigners in the EU [115]

So the picture is: non-European immigration causes a problem. MareGaea is happy because immigration problems can be solved. But he forgets that native Europeans pay the price. So i don't think there is much to celebrate until immigrants start paying the full bill instead of enjoying welfare benefits and free language courses.

Do not be so harsh, i mean, not so long ago it was the europeans that were almost starving to death and flooded the world (south-america, north america, australia, new zealand, etc) and nobody was kicking them out, even though they were using the local resources/riches as well.

The tables can turn any minute, just look at the enconomy here, who knows in a few years it will be you packing your things and heading towards Asia or Southamerica to be able to feed your family.

Do not spit in the air, it always lands back on your face.
16 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Oh my f**** god..
stop complaining and ******** altogether and do something about it!

white population declining? well go fvck more and have more children!
Blacks/Asian/Latins/arabs invading your country? well do the same they did in the past with Europeans, kick them out!

I am in favour of a tolerant society and against all type of racial discrimination, but if you feel it is getting overwhelming, then do something about it instead of just whining!

And take it to the real responsibles, the criminals, the ones who avoid taxe paying/ molesters/thieves.. do not take it with the honest guy who works at a fruitshop or restaurant...cause many coward europeans always take it agains the innocent ones, not the real guilty...
4 May 2011

hahaha that Jarnowa guy is really pathetic...come on dude..if u are not lucky with the ladies, go to the gym, educate urself to be more interesting, get a haircut, burn ur army pants but stop blaming others for ur inefficiencies it is really sad and pathetic..period!
1 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

yeah because all the coloured inmigrants work in the financial sector which caused the crisis hahaha f*cking ignorant
22 Sep 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

I think that by living already abroad far from your very polish-poland, you might have already picked up the idea that there are cute and ugly people in every country.

I give you an example, i have seen in your country, disgustingly hideous almost misformed ugly people, a loooot!!! but also pretty people...

Having been around the world a lot, i have found this out, i recommend you do the same with your extra cash, travel around, see other folks, so you can broaden your knowledge of the world, and be more realistic than just plain judgemental.
22 Sep 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

We have discussed all these issues before.Since western girls avoid Indians they know sth better.Otherwise if you are weak you are weak and head for degeneration.Here balkan pride works and keeps the evil away

hahahahaha this guy cracks me,,, now, wouldn't you be working instead of posting crap all day? you think we are gonna support you and your fellow-greeks the rest of your life?

Ohhh or maybe you are engage to one of those life-time government jobs...hahaha
A greek talking about superiority,, hahaha cracks me!
22 Sep 2010
Travel / Holiday in Poland - do I need to learn Polish? [26]

Outside Warsaw and Krakow you will need indeed your phrase book, they cant speak english even at the train stations, so it can be a little frustrating, just learn some words and phrases it should be fine!
29 Jul 2010
Polonia / Polish polka dance lessons in Amsterdam [5]

I have not heard of any studio teaching this dance, but you might wanna try some of the big dance schools, they might have some workshops or so...
26 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

Polish steal a little here and there but it doesn't matter when you see all these nice Slavs around.

Well he is greek, so everything that looks white or blond is like mana of heaven for him...
26 Jul 2010

I'm more like four times a day

Masturbation does not count!


"I'm a skank for you! i cannot hold it,..i cannot control it..." that;s their anthem :P haha kidding
23 Jul 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

well, I have to say I usually get some **** for telling things like they are

But you are not telling things as they are, you are talking rubbish, dude even i (that i can be harsh) could not generalize the way you do, it's like you really hate polish people, specially girls.

The way you are talking is very, ummm how do i say this...provincial, dude you cannot judge a whole nation by the few "sluts" you have come accross...sluts are everywhere, even in Holland UK Israel, everywhere! so set your head straight up and respect a little bit people...cause being born in certain country (we do not know about urs since you do not dare to put it in ur profile) does not mean per default you are decent and morally-correct, or neither that you are a slutty gold-digger...!
22 Jul 2010
Love / India guy Polish girl [57]

Quite sad actually.

Not really, it is very romantic...trying to know about the other's culture,
It's is very good actually, get to know something esle than your own, it is beneficial, you should try it!

I wouldn't want to be this guy when his mother get to know the truth.

maybe she won't mind :) how do you know
22 Jul 2010
Love / Polish Girl & Me...Is She Interested? [57]

sorry Phurion but you really have to be really young to fall for this age-old scam:

-Pretty girl meets higher-middle-class gentleman, she happens to be bankrupt (or almost)
-she tells often how hard she has it to make ends meet
-Makes gentleman spend a lot of money in expensive restaurants, gifts and alike
-she wants to marry soon

I mean come on...!
22 Jul 2010
Love / India guy Polish girl [57]

Maybe he is not that interested on what his family thinks, you know there are more types of hindus than the ones in the Uk..
21 Jul 2010
Polonia / What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans? [132]

To be honest i dont see any similarities among them besides these 2:
1-Both countries lay next to very powerfull wealthy communities (EU, USA) so for financial reasons both nationals emigrate.

2-They are both catholic countries :D

For the rest i cannot think of any other similarity...food is different, culture is different, language is different, race is different...etc, etc
20 Jul 2010
Travel / Starbucks in Wawel Castle, Krakow. Is this a joke or true? [42]

who would want an starbucks anyway? the coffe tastes like sewer, it is all about branding, specially among girls who want to feel like sex and the city chraracters, walking around with their paper cup and feeling cool and cosmopolitan...hehe makes me smile...