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Joined: 22 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Apr 2013
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Posts: Total: 78 / In This Archive: 54
From: Poland, Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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Polish Tutor   
10 May 2013
Language / From Turkey, learning Polish - any suggestions? [5]


Hi Acathexis,
I have experience in teaching Polish to Turkish people.
If you are interested in my offer I can help you wherever you live.
Just email me: polish.language.tutor
Polish Tutor   
14 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish tutor needed in Virginia Beach [9]

I think I can help you with your Polish.
Please email me if you are still interested in learning Polish.
My e-mail: polish.language.tutor@gmail
You are welcome (-:
Polish Tutor   
2 Apr 2011
Language / Perfective vs Imperfective - grammar [150]

Lyzko, I am really sorry to say, but you are wrong.
“Chodzić “as well as “iść” are both imperfective.
“chodzić” has no perfective equivalent
“iść” has “pójść” as an perfective equivalent.
But what is more important:
the point is that the theory of imperfective versus perfective verbs does not work for foreigners.
I have been teaching Polish for foreigners for over 10 year and I cannot understand why Polish teachers repeat these confusing clichés.
Anyway I wish you success in learning Polish.
Good night and good luck!
Polish Tutor   
13 Feb 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]


Let me repeat:

Level of your superstition and prejudices in reference to the Polish Language.
Sometimes this factor makes learning Polish just impossible.

read posts above and you will understand what I mean.
5/6 years??
What are you talking about?

Polish girl/boyfriend doesn't help much.
Read posts on this forum about it.

The truth is, if you want to learn Polish you have to learn it. There is no other way (-:

Losers are never good advisers for a winner.

5/6 years??
Poor guys
Why not 25 years (-:
Polish Tutor   
12 Feb 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

It depends on:

Somebody’s Individual predispositions, talent,
and experience in learning foreign languages as an adult.

How good somebody’s Polish teacher is
or if a learner have a good learning method.
(Please notice that buying a course book or a CD cannot be considered as a method (-:)

Level of your superstition and prejudices in reference to the Polish Language.
Sometimes this factor makes learning Polish just impossible.

Learning any foreign language is hard work. You have to take it under consideration.
If somebody says that Polish is not to learn ask her or him
how many other foreign languages she or he had learnt as an adult.

Be realistic not pessimistic (-:

Good night and Good luck
Polish Tutor   
11 Jan 2011
Work / How to get to job at Krakow Business Park? [5]

The best would be the train from Kraków Główny (the main train station) to Zabierzów (train stop Business Park)

You have also other options:

Polish Tutor   
23 Nov 2010
Language / Pronunciation of vowels at the end of a word [28]

Unfortunately when you start to learn a foreign language your brain ignores sounds which are not essential from its point of you.
In other words: it ignores sounds which do not belong to its native language. There are differences between individuals. Some people start to hear foreign sounds faster others slower. From my experience (as a teacher as well as learner) discussing sounds does not help much. )-:

You need to listen to a lot of examples. This is another (well known on this forum) great tool to do it: ivona.com
It is also good to have somebody who can present the correct pronunciation to you and CORRECT YOUR WRONG PRONUNCIATION.

BTW vowels in Polish have always the same pronunciation. Their pronunciation does not depend on the position in a word or sentence. Polish pronunciation is very regular and close to the way of writing! Good night and good luck!
Polish Tutor   
21 Nov 2010
Language / How can I tell which conjugation group a verb ending in ~eć belongs to? [18]


My job is to find regularities in Polish to help people
to start to speak Polish as soon as possible.
And I can do it.

Polish Present Tense is regular and consistent if you know the system.
You can talk about it like about the same glass of water: that it is either half full or half empty. But I say that the glass is almost full. And it really is!

I speak German (as far as I remember you are German (-:) and I read a few Latin texts. These two languages are also quite regular.

I think the point is that your perspective is different. You know foreign languages and you enjoy learning them. I work with people who hate learning Polish. They do it to express respect to people they love or to work more efficiently in the Polish environment. They do not care about all details which may be interesting for you. They need Polish as a tool.

Polish as a tool - this is my focus.

There are people who first build their emotional attitude to a thing and then they start to understand the thing, and others who first want to understand what’s going on and then start to feel (-:

BTW this issue in scholastic philosophy was one of the biggest controversy between St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas Aquinas

I like complicated issues but not when I teach Polish (-:
Good night and good luck!
Polish Tutor   
21 Nov 2010
Language / How can I tell which conjugation group a verb ending in ~eć belongs to? [18]

Let me not agree with Lyzko.

if you are able to understand logical rules,
you do not need to use the parrot method.
I know that people on this forum usually do not need Polish teachers,
but I can help you (for free). If you are really interested, e-mail me at polish.language.tutor@gmail
and I will send you a chart with a system that is consistent and easy to use.
Thanks to this you will be able to use all Polish verbs in the Present Tense.

Polish works like an algorithm. I admit it is sometimes a bit complicated but almost always logical.
I would prefer to understand an algorithm than learn it by heart. But people say there are different learning styles (-:

Good night and good luck!
Polish Tutor   
30 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Interest in Polish language grows in Britain [19]

The Polish language is enjoying a growing popularity in England.

I am very surprised by this but I can confirm it.
During the last 6 months for the first time ever
I have taught more learners from the UK than from Germany.

And, what is even more surprising, English people are able to learn
and – you will not believe –
to SPEAK Polish (-:

Albion Bravo!!! Keep going!!!
Polish Tutor   
28 Jun 2010
Language / będzie potrafił? [34]

"potrafić" is an imperfective verb

"ja potrafię" is a present tense form

"ja będę potrafił" is a correct future tense form

Good night and good luck (-:
Polish Tutor   
16 May 2010
Study / Studia niestacjonarne? (in Polish universities) [8]

The Polish Constitution says that education also higher education has to be free. That is why high schools in Poland invented a trick to make possible to charge students for their studies. They offer “normal studies” ( studia dzienne) for free and other studies they call them “zaoczne” oder “niestacjonarne”. The form of these studies is sometimes different but sometimes the same. The point is to charge students (-:

The best example is medicine. The only one real difference between “studia dzienne” and “niestacjonarne” is money (-:
Polish Tutor   
7 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

Sorry but I do not agree with you SzwedwPolsce “pójść” is very important because it is very often used.

When Polish native speakers imperfective and perfectiveverbs?

In the present tense we use only imperfective verbs.

In the past tense and in the future tens we use rather perfective verbs. If you want to use an imperfective verbs in the future tense or in the past tense you have to justify it.

BTW I hate names imperfective and perfective.

It is much better to call imperfective verbs >>> process verbs
And perfective verbs >>> result verbs.

Official theory about imperfective vesus perfective verbs is fucked up in my humble opinion (-:
Polish Tutor   
7 May 2010
Genealogy / Rzeszów in 1864 [8]

I can confirm it. Rzeszów is, a very nice town. I live in Krakow but I consider moving there.
Polish Tutor   
5 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

Sorry Lyzko you have made mistake:


ja jeżdżę, ty jeździsz, on/ona/ono jeździ
my jeździmy wy jeździcie oni/one jeżdżą

All Polish verbs of motion build a very consitent system:


Do not mix it with imperfective versus perfective.
All verbs mentioned above are imperfective.

You need to know this system if you do not know you think is Polish verbs of motion are chaotic. But they of course are not (-:
Polish Tutor   
4 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

The point is to explain it I have to spend 1 hour typing. Then you would have further question. (-:
I is to much to do it for free.
What is more I do not use perfective and imperfecive notions to explain this problem.
I thin it is too confusing.
If you have short question I can answer it for free no problem. But I teach Polish for living I invented my teaching method and I sell it not donate it (-:

If you order two 45-minute lessons you will know everything about imperfrctive-perfective verbs you need to speak Polish. If not I can help ypou a bit if it does not take to much time.

These are my rules my friend (-:
Polish Tutor   
4 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

We use both perfective and imperfective to express the future and the past.
You have to understand the defference imperfective versus perfective.
It is not dificult but complex.
I do not now how to meet other Polish people but I know that I teach presently via Skype people from Europe, West America, South America and Australia. (-:
Polish Tutor   
3 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

Ahmet I will be ohnest with you (-:
It souns like an advetisment but anyway.
I heard so stupid things about Polish from Polish people and anfortunately from Polish teacher too that I am not suprised that foreigners think that Polish is not to learn.

But do not give up! I taught Umit a guy from Stambul. He started to speak after three months. I lives in Krakow now.

Do not give up and remeber Polish is logical!
Polish Tutor   
3 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

Adam jutro pojedzie do Warszawy.

it means:

Adam will go tomorrow to Warszawa. or Adam is going to go to Warszawa tomorrow.

Polish is logical do not forget it! If your course book or teacher say somthing different just do not trust them (-:

The difference between imperfective and perfective verbs is essential.
It is very logical but complex.

But do not forget Polish is logical!
Polish Tutor   
3 May 2010
Language / How many tenses can be used for "pojechac" [24]

What are you talking about Król?!

I am not surprised that you are confused Ahmed.
Let's make it clear and logical:

jechać (imperfective) pojechać (perfective)

imperfective verbs bulid the present tense, the future tense and the past tense.

the present tense:
ja jadę, ty jedziesz, on/ona/ono jedzie
my jedziemy, wy jedziecie, oni jadą

the future tense
ja będę jechać, ty będziesz jechać, on/ona/ono będzie jechać
my będziemy jechać, wy będziecie jechać, oni/one będą jechać

There is also another another the future tense form
ja będę jechał, ty będziesz jechał, on będzie jechał
ja będę jechała, ty będziesz jechała, ona będzie jechała
ono będzie jechało

my będziemy jechali, wy będziecie jechali, oni będą jechali
my będziemy jechały, wy będziecie jechały, one będziecie jechały

both future tense paterns for imperfective verbs mean exacly the same

the past tense
ja jechałem, ty jechałeś, on jechał
ja jechałam, ty jechałaś, ona jechała
ono jechało
my jechaliśmy, wy jechaliście, oni jechali
my jechałyśmy, wy jechałyście, one jechały

perfective verbs bulild only the future tense and the past tense

future tense
ja pojadę, ty pojedziesz, on pojedzie
my pojedziemy, wy pojedziecie, oni pojadą

!!! To bulid the future tense of perfective verbs we use the same endings we use to build the present tense of imperfective verbs. It is dificult but logical. Pay attention and analyse


the past tense
ja pojechałem, ty pojechałeś, on pojechał
ja pojechałam, ty pojechałaś, ona pojechała
ono pojechało
my pojechaliśmy, wy pojechaliście, oni pojechali
my pojechałyśmy, wy pojechałyście, one pojechały

Everything should be clear and logical!
Polish Tutor   
21 Apr 2010
Language / oparty o/na? [6]

his could be a source of possible confusion in the language of native speakers.

„w oparciu o” is not confusing at all:
1. We cannot use “w oparciu” with “na”.
2. W “oparciu o” we use only in a formal language and only with abstract things
To sum up if you can see that “oparty” and “w oparciu” are not the same you have no problems with it (-:
Polish Tutor   
20 Apr 2010
Language / oparty o/na? [6]

Let’s make it easier (-:
Oparty o (something you can touch an object: stick, balustrade etc.)
Oparty na (an abstract idea law, faith, idea etc.)

My google is a different google than AdamKadmon’s google (-:
My google says “oparty na prawie” 70 100 hits
„oparty o prawo” 4560 hits (I would never say so)

I wrote Polish fazes in Polish google using “”
Polish Tutor   
15 Apr 2010
Work / Argentinian wants to study in Poland. What's the best place? [4]

I do not know what city is the best. But one thong is sure. We have more cities than Poznan and Krakow. I live in Krakow but I like very much Warszawa, Gdańsk and Wrocław too.

check old threads you are not the only person interested in this subject:
Polish Tutor   
9 Apr 2010

You need to learn Polish quickly and efficiently? Hm, I like to teach this way.

If you do not mind I would offer my service to you.

I am a professional Polish teacher. I live in Krakow in Poland but I teach learners from all over the world via Skype

Please visit my website polishviaskype

I invented unique an successful method to teach Polish online. I offer a 45-minute free Polish trial lesson to present it.
During lesson we do not use any camera. I believe my exercises (in writing and speaking) are more efficient then looking at my not really handsome face (-:

If you decide to cooperate with my you will never pay in advance. The rule is clear: First the lesson, then the payment. I offer a few save and comfortable payment forms.

You can order as many lesson as you wish (you can give up it when you wish)
You do not take any financial risk.
You get professional teaching service directly from Poland wherever you live.
You get individual tutoring for reasonable price.

So why not to test me and my method. There is nothing to lose and much to win (-:

I will send prices to you via email.
Polish Tutor   
8 Apr 2010
Language / Getting the wrong ending of a word - do Polish still understand? [25]

I would suggest to be focused on singular only. Statistic says that 80% forms of spoken Polish are singular. If you manage to use singular start to use plural.

And Thirst of all do not be afraid. Just test Polish people how much they can hold out. And belive me they can very much (-: Polish is like a machine. One day you will notice that it just works in your brain.
Polish Tutor   
8 Apr 2010
Language / Getting the wrong ending of a word - do Polish still understand? [25]

A very practical problem is not if people understand you when you mix Polish endings but if you can understand Polish people when they use endings properly. If you are able to understand what Polish people say it means that you know endings quite good. Then do not worry a mistake or two in one sentence is no problem. But if want to learn Polish ignoring endings – Good luck my friend! (-:

Each mistake brings you closer to the border of being-not-to-understand. If you cross the border people will not understand you. But where the border of understanding is I have no idea.

Last but not least I can tell you two things:
1.The less mistakes the better understanding (what a discovery!)
2.Wihout making mistakes you will never improve your Polish. (cheap psychological trick)
But it really works.
Be brave my friend and laugh at Polish people who are rude and pretend that they do not understand you as well as at foreigners who say that Polish is not to learn (-:
Polish Tutor   
29 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Hey girl mira,
you judge much knowing not much about me.

Thirst of all

I do not like Callan method as a method of teaching Polish I mean. It has nothing to do with my approach. Perhaps later when I start to speak more with my learners you could find similarities.

If you want to test my languages

I can speak German much better than English (I can scan my certificate from Goethe Institute (-: Imagine that English is not the only one important language People speak.

I have more German speaking learners then English speaking. On the other hand my clients from GB, USA, Canada never complain that my English in an obstacle to learn Polish with me. And by the way you seem to understand me too(-:

I passed also an exam in Latin when I did my first MA degree in philosophy
I have to admit my Russian is not so good.
And in 3 months we can start so talk in French you can test me if I spend my money properly (-: That is why I do not have much time to improve my English.

My focus is to understand and to communicate in a foreign language not to make pleasure to English speakers. If you have Polish roots do not make me laugh, your Polish should be piece of cake for you.

I love to teach grammar because Polish grammar is just a logical, beautiful system. But I never forget: Learners do not want to be perfect. They want to be understandable as soon as possible.

I am not perfect too and perhaps that is why I am so good (-:
Polish Tutor   
29 Mar 2010
Language / Optimal word order in: Czy dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś? [22]

Let me tell you something general about order in the Polish sentence in general. We have a few rules which are strict but the most important is to remember that the position a word in the Polish sentence is much more free than in English one. In English the position defines a function of the word in the sentence. We have endings in Polish which set words free. Never mind where you put the word in the sentence. Nominative is a subject other cases express object.

In English:
Cesar killed Brutus. and Brutus killed Cesar are not the same.

In Polish
Brutus zabił Cezara. and Cezara zabił Brutus mean the same.

That is why we can use position in the sentence to express something more. And we do it. We put more important in the particular context pieces of information earlier and less important later.

That is why all combinations are correct.

Czy dobrze się wczoraj bawiłaś?
Czy wczoraj się dobrze bawiłaś?
Czy bawiłaś się dobrze wczoraj?

Choose what fits to your context depending on what you really mean.

I can confirm what MarcinPL said about “czy”.
Polish Tutor   
29 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Hi mira,

Why do you want to test me if you know Polish (-:

But anyway why not to support my weak ego once more time

mira: Grammar is the basis!of every language!

Let me explain my point.

Thirst of all I admit my English is not perfect. I have never taught it. If its level is not acceptable for you I cannot repair it now because I have no time to polish it.

The problem with Polish grammar is that it influences the form of Polish words stronger then in English. That is why a few years ago Polish was taught with too much stress on grammar. You can trust me I graduated Polish Philology Department at the Jagiellonian University and vocational courses for teachers of Polish for foreigners so I know how teachers are taught to teach. To sum up: They get massive grammar theory not a useful tool.

On the other hand you have a “modern” approach. When teaching Polish became a business for private language schools it became popular. The most important thing is FUN in such a school. Thirst of all foreigners have to have fun. If they learn Polish this not so important. They come to Poland for 2 or 4 weeks and they want to spend nice time her. The second factor is that Polish is very often taught by English teachers. They use methods they learned to teach English. And this is wrong too. They do not know Polish grammar at all so they cannot teach it. They love word exception and they overuse it to cover lack of knowledge.

The problem is also that Polish language instructions in general are in a few important points just ****** up (-:
Especially perfective/imperfective verbs.
I will tell you in short what my method is. I teach PhDs, people from American province who really do not care of theoretical digression or very busy business people, my learner are from 20 until over 60 years old and at the beginning I do always the same. I explain to them how to build useful forms form basic forms they can find in the dictionary. When they are able to do it they can tart to speak Polish.

Skype is ideal to do it. Of course not camera and smile I mean but special written exercises and pronunciation.
But of course the devil is in details.
And last but not least. If you take a course at school you pay for it in advance. What a comfort. If you are taught by me you can cancel your lessons after each lesson. And it happens. However I have also clients who cooperate with me over two year (almost each week).

So one’s again sorry that I sound so self-confident but If somebody doubts that grass is green you just became a bit nervous and say that it is just green not red (-: