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Posts by anton888  

Joined: 5 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 May 2010
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Posts: Total: 82 / In This Archive: 56
From: poland warsaw
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: shopping

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8 May 2010

organising zealeous crusades against the joker

If they don't react this way, probably no one joke about them long time ago, that's the whole funny apart about it.
6 May 2010
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

Polish village tradition of having a bed in the kitchen

Is it true? It don't smell?

the concept of having a living room (one that you don't sleep in) and a dining room are almost unheard of

I am really confused, unheard of? Honestly I yet live in anywhere without them.

Around where I live, last couple of years built at least 60 houses, in 3 different projects.
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

I am reading this thread, I am not sure if Poles have a blame culture, for sure not more than Jews, but maybe, because,

As the name suggest, is world war, so it not only happened in Eurpe. China, Singapore, Hong Kong and more Asian countires were occupied by Japanese, in a non-systemic but extremely brutal way. If you talk to these people, they rarely mentioned it, only once in a while when Japanese tried to cover it up by changing history test book, then they all go out to protest for few days, and then nothing is mentioned again. If you ask those people why their conturies in their position now, they will telll you what they had done after the war (war is not mentioned, only the year). I never heard of something like "if there is no war, we will be MUCH .....ger'. Of course in 2010, yu will not heard of these countires, their citizens saying who and who did not help, and what will happen if any other country did what they SHOULD do. What should other do? Is war time, you are lucky if we can manage to feed all you people. There were 10s of millions of Chinese were killed, today they have 1,2 billion people, so that famous saying in EU "if there was now war, Poland will has 80 million people seems strange".

I do not know if Polish has blame culture, but look forward can only do good.
23 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

you know i'm talking about a gated community fee

Yes, is getting more and more in Warsaw/Poland. No armed guard though, so should be even cheaper....
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

The US is cheap now

That's great news, I am relocating to US in couple of months...

What is the living cost compare to Poland/Warsaw? I found here very expensive for the quality you get.
22 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do Poles feel America is going down the drain? [149]

you are american you will find the same about America

I don't like it but unfortunately people DO care about America in most part of the world, hardly you will find a day without anything about America in Polish news.
19 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

He was a very poppular president for Polish patriots

In fact he was supported by majority of Pole who has foreign citizenship, especially those in the USA. I think this made perfect sense, those Poles in general are very patriot in their heart, most of them left Poland because of the communist, and now reached the retirement age and sitting in their "new" home and thinking about the past. When someone put prioirty in seaching/accusing anyone who were in power during communist time, he of course gain all the support as other matters (economic, education, influstructure) don't affect them anyway..

However, ppl that live in Poland, and wanting a better future, only 20% support him.
17 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Kaczynski was a very pasionate politician and this made him very controvelcial,but one must say he had a very good heart, personal dignity,and he always stood firm in what he belived

I totally agreed on that, he was a good person.
But he was not a good stateman. A good stateman is looking for interest for the country, improve gerneral living standard of the citizens, bring the country forward, create a better future. Unfortunately he in fact demonstrated opposite, using majority for energy struggle with the past do not do any good to the young generation.
17 Apr 2010
Love / Do Polish couples live together without being married? [18]

Even those do live together, they are just like friend, sleeping in separate room. Why you are asking this? Poland is devoted Catholic country, nothing can change that, and how can you expect Poles to break rules?
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Alright Olga, the Russian together with whoever you think are involved. Majority of the world join together to cover up the truth. What are you going to do now? I am interested to hear what you got in mind. What's your next step? The world deserve to know the truth that you believe in, which is in fact the whole truth and nothing but the truth according to you, whoever said otherwise are

blinded by state-sponsored propaganda.

You can not let it be cover up. Wasting your time in a forum posting the same vidoe in different threads do not change people's mind. Hope you are aware that in democratic society, majority win. If majority of the world believed that it was an accident then that's it is, case closed. This system is the one that many people around the world had die for (including Poland) in order to stop a small group of narrow minded individual, stubbornly believe that the world has conspiracy to hurt her, ignore common sense creating the whole story inside own head then pratice it like religious.

If what you believe is the truth, then majority of poeple should agree to it.
15 Apr 2010
News / Who will be the next President of Poland? [51]

You don't know? The Russians and Germans are joining forcing to against Poland, and Tusk is the guy they support and that's why they murdered the president of Poland and other officials so that Tusk can control the whole goverment and allow the Russians and Germans to share Poland again, probably the Jews are involved too.

Am I right, Ola?? :-)
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

If the Russian really so scare of Poland that they need to plan and kill the president, they can do it anytime, even when he sleeps at home without all this trouble.

Unfurtunate accident happened, no one wants it, accept the fact. Is not as exciting as in those communist times serials, that's real life.

Pls protect your country's image, there are many sensible Poles' names get hurt because of a couple of outspoken idiot.

Non-Poles member pls ignore those low intellegent post, majority of Poles have high enough IQ to understand accident do happen, especially to an very old plane with previous records.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

I am a mixed race girl from England

You are born in England? If yes,

there are a few who can be racist towards those of a different skin colour to themselves for no reason what-so-ever

What is your problem? They are in your contry and you simply tell them that "This is England, you don't understand" or "in England, we like it this way, if you don't, no one ask you to come here".

They should understand these well as these are the common answers you will get here when Poles can't answer your question with sense, I only changed the word Poland to England.

Poles are not racist because in Poland racist has different meaning. They don't even allow ppl suggest it or even ask a simple question. But again, This is Poland, I don't understand.
5 Mar 2010
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Poalnd can get back all those land they decided that belongs to them and keep all those taking from others and call them 'stolen from the polish in the first place'. But the reality is, can Poland afford them? If you take back Lwow, Poland will have to invest and ensure the city will be much better than now? Is it possible? If Poland can't manage all the cities/towns/villages within her border at the moment, why try to get some more? You think EU will give you more money for it?

For the past thousands of years, many borders had changed because of war. When finally majority of this world stop fighting for this matter, then why can't Pole just accept the border now and work hard to make what you got now world class?
4 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

- you believe BMW deliberately mess the car up so that Kubice can't win the championship

-You believe that referee in international games deliberately make Polish team to loose

- you constantly remind people that Roger is Brazilian only with Polish passport when he don't score any goal for Poland that day

- you constantly remind people that Klose is Polish only with German passport whenever he score goal

- You mentioned the name of the Polish player before the name of the team in news when reporting English Premireship result, even he was just sitting on the bench as always.
1 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

I am afriad is another way round. When you are sitting on the plane or worst, standing on the bus waiting to take off, always someone come very late, even the flight is delay, with a bag of alcohol, usually the cheapest vodka.

Those pushing normally happened when the plane is landed but not yet stopped. They just try to be the first in the queue to get out.
1 Mar 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

Yes, it will be interesting to find out why Poles behave strangely when they are on the plane. Since majority of the Lot planes is too small to use the connecting bridge, so most of the time you need to go to terminal/plane by bus. I can't understand those rush if in any case, you will have to wait for everyone in that bus!?! Let alone those started to call once the plane landed (at the same time, open the overhead cabinet and taking out everything to search for their bags) to inform the other side they are in the plane now!?!

And is true that when you see the queue in front of an ice-cream shop or bakery, they are fine, no pushing at all.

Why is that?
24 Feb 2010
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Multiculturalism is B*!!*ks. Do the Taliban teach Christian religions in school? Does Saudi Arabia teach Christian religions in school?

This is so good that someone finally agree that Poland is no different than those countries. I notice this for a while but when I read posts saying that Poland is European, well educated and Poles happily join force with the traditional western 'white' european in looking down on people in different race or religion, calling them 3rd world low lifes dispite that fact in other post, these allies sometimes suggest Poles are part of those ppl entering their countries for benefits). I started to confuse. But thanks for confirming that actually Poland belongs to another 'family' that they tried hard to deny.
16 Feb 2010
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]

Most of the time they are fine, in fact very nice. Only when it came to wedding, new year's eve ball, then something 'extraodinary' appear. I am only curious where those dresses came from, is hard to believe that someone made it (must be special order), material is very strange, they are shinning with colors you will not believe it (burgandy seems like a popular choice) and keeping the shape for whole night (although it occupied a large space). I also don't know how they can transport such a LARGE piece of garment!
16 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

wearing a suit

Don't forget the laptop!

You complaint when someone consider Poland Eastern Europe.
You scream when someone compare Poland with Russia.

You own a leather jacket

This is so true:-) perhaps only the guys? Pls specific the color, it has to be Black!

Your car costs more than your college education

This is not right, it cost more than the family house!
12 Feb 2010
Classifieds / Asian Events in WARSAW? Is there any? [6]

In Dobra street, there is a japanese Resturant (Tokyo), very popular with Japanese Business man, but they normall go there during weekdays, lunch time. It had been llike this for the last 15 years.

Near Wilanow Park, there is a Korean resturant (Las or something like this), you should meet some during lunch time as well on Sat.

These 2 are mostly visit by Japanese and Korean not very popular with local.

If you find any other places or heard about any event, I am also interested:-)
2 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

- you have problem to stop at the zebra crossing even there are ppl in the half way.
- you risk your life to try to take car in front of you which is driving 5km/hr slower
- you have difficulties to understand why you need to park the car on a parking space
- you try to kill another person (they did the same) in a shopping center parking before Christmas in order to get the fish in time for Happy Christmas
25 Jan 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

I don't know any
Pole who would express any kind of dislike towards Serbia

It is because they are close to Russia. Anyone close to Russia is bad, American say that, so must be true!
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Sometimes in places outside the city center or only the back street of city center (especially in Lodz), you can have the feel of north Korea or some war torn countries. I think the tourism organisations can promote it as "A Safe place to experience War Torn feeling" :-)