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Posts by Amathyst  

Joined: 10 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Nov 2013
Threads: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 6
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4 Sep 2013
Love / Child support in USA order (child born in Poland) [56]

$400 per month is hardly hitting the jackpot this will cover the child's living costs - children are expensive.

Leaving her husband at 28 weeks pregnant. Well there was something that wasn't right to take.such drastic action.

But we only have one side so we can only imagine what the circumstances were. There's only one loser here though and that's the child.

Also I don't get why people think Poland is such a cheap place to live, whilst it's been a few years since I was there I never thought it was that cheap for groceries, I imagine rent isn't cheap either.
16 Jun 2013
Off-Topic / Modern parenting = bad parenting? [20]

Parents want an easy life -. But what they don't realise is they are storing up more trouble.- setting boundaries and controlling a child from the outset is best for both the child and parent -my little boy is 10 months old and knows what NO means!
30 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polish women that go "off the rails" in London [15]

1970's Manchester? Smog? Think you're a 100 years out with that comment - majority of the inner city factories were well gone,. To the OP - women change if you had a lovely English rose from a small English village the same could happen - if she really loved you she wouldn't have done what she did - don't blame her nationality.
30 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

Top 3 places Britain exported to on 2011 were USA Germany and China ~ so with improved trade outside the EU with India and other BRIC countries, the argument of us becoming bankrupt without the EU is rather silly. The EU is simply too large and is no longer beneficial to the UK - and the bigger it gets the poorer it becomes.
18 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Poles working in Manchester, England - request for facts [34]


Just go down to the bottom of Cheetham Hill Road there's a little restaurant that's Polish (more like a cafe) and there's a shop, King David's school end, not the other, you'd be hard pushed to find anything remotely european there!

There used to be the Polish Circle club on Cheetham Hill Road, but its closed now...that would have been a very good place to get some info.

Try Prestwich, probably a better class of person who owns the shop as its a nice area.

393 Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 1AW. Tel: 0161-798 0452.

Good luck!
18 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

So what is your point are you here just to highlight the isolated negativity points of Polish in the UK?

Same as is highlighted by negative comments about a few drunks in Poland...at least they're not murdering anyone!!!

Given that so many Poles came and of those who came, a high proportion were small-town and rural jobless it is a credit to them that the problems aren't bigger.

So we should be grateful?
17 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / Poles working in Manchester, England - request for facts [34]

If you actually come form Manchester / live here, you only have to walk down a street in a not so pleasant area (Cheetham Hill, Salford, etc. etc.) to find a Polish shop, go in and ask them if they'd kindly help you.

Also if you knew anything at all about Manchester, you'd know having Polish communities, itsn't exactly new, Poles and Ukies have been here for decades...Long before the arrival of the new lot...Crumpsal has/had a large community as did other areas (strangely enough the more afluent areas were where Poles settled back then!)
7 Jul 2012
Life / Moving to Wroclaw from New York City [8]

Wraclaw is a lovely city, people are friendly and as stated use the common sense you use in any other city around the world. As for dating none whites, like in Amercia, there will be some women that are attracted to you and some that are not, not always based on the colour of your skin but maybe down to personality, there are a few expats on here that are living in Wrawclaw so they might be able to point you in the right direction for meeting other expats, but why not try and make friends with people you are going to work with rather than being insular and seeking "your own" it might a good opportunity to learn a new language and tbh Poles are no different than anyone else, they enjoy a few beers and good debate!

Just a word of warning, dont cross at the lights if they are on red, even if there are no cars about, you can get fined for this!

Even though only a tourist, I enjoyed my time in Wraclaw, the people are far more friendly than they were in Krakow and the food was better! But that, of course, is just one persons opinion.
20 Jun 2012
Work / Salary of architects or building engineers in Poland cities [12]

Does anyone know what the normal gross salary for a person with a master's degree in either architecture or building engineering is?

Speaking of the salary in a smaller city like Gdansk or Szczecin and not the capital.

Can only give you a guide of £21k for a qualified structural engineer in Warsaw (when I say qualified, I mean 10 years experience)

There are no salaries for non-Polish speakers.

Not strictly true, we had a couple of English guys in our Warsaw office, one was a Director.
5 Jun 2012
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

ALL white fillings are classed as cosmetic..therefore charged for..as far as I'm aware, they still do the silver fillings which are free of charge for those who dont have to pay for dental charges UK, but I couldn't swear to that as its been so long since I had a tooth filled....But, I'm sure dental treatment in Poland is more reasonable whether it be private or state funded, its just not regulated here in the UK YET...Its currently being looked at because some dentists are lying cheating scum...They're charging for private treatment that its actually covered under the NHS...

4 Jun 2012
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

your price was for private? :D Actually white fillings are classed as private, but it depends on the dentist...I have friends that pay well over the odds for a check-up and polish and scale compared to what I pay..thats why most of them registered at mine ;0) Private dentist are a rip off, my dentist is excellent and does private work at a reasonable price...
4 Jun 2012
Love / It is more fun to have sex in Polish than in English. Discuss. [27]

oh, i tried to like it in France. I sort of did. But it was all a bit more earthy than I had expected.

You're knowledge and travels in France must be so so so limited if that's your view, the jazz clubs, the parks, the bars the restaurants the food and wine the culture is overwhelming and takes your breath away, from the chic boutiques and the promenade in Nice, to the million ££ yacht's in Antibes, not foregetting the history in Boulogne and Marseille, the French know a thing or two about a thing or two! I would strongly suggest you go back now you're an adult :)

But back to the original topic....Why would I want someone wittering on in a lauguage I didnt understand whilst performing the most inteminate acts between a man and a woman? I personally rather enjoy knowing what my other half is saying to me ;0)
4 Jun 2012
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

We cut our cloth accordingly and what people on here are conveniently forgetting is, there are plenty of people in the UK who are worrying what they put in their shopping trolly..to put it plain and simple, people struggle financially no matter where you go in Europe...its all relative really!

I worked with a couple of guys from the Warsaw office of my old company, they had bloody good lives and whilst they enjoyed their secondments, they wouldn't have swapped Warsaw for Manchester..why would they? They didn't own their own business, were not expats and to be quite honest, learnt about the same as a junior secretary (circa. £17k) in the UK (they were engineers) but apparently its more than enough to own an apartment in Warsaw, go snow boarding and have pretty damn good social life...the only thing thing they did find amazing was the price of clothes, trainers etc in the UK which was a lot cheaper..

UK and others would have been invaded by 36 million instead of 2.

2 million is still a considerable number and maybe it wasn't just about the money why some Polish people actually came to the UK?
2 Jun 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

There is no such thing as a useless degree...education is never wasted

Errrrm..Media degree? A nice soft option...and utterly useless to most because they chose it because its easy and were not capable of doing anything more, now and Engineering degree, that's useful, because the person taking it generally has a focus on a career they are going to pursue, as for education not being wasted, a large proportion of people going to university never use what they have learnt in the job they end up in, thats what I meant by useless and I do believe that educated can be wasted, kids in this country (UK) go to school for years and years and end up leaving with nothing!

What they may need is moral/ethics classes based on scripture and not the teachings of the Roman Catholic Cult

But in Catholic schools we are taught about moral ethics through religion, through the teachings of the bible.

Oh give me a break! Lazy? Hard working people are not lazy! The hardest working people are often the poorest. Quit stereotyping ffs and acknowledge that poor people work the hardest instead of rationalizing with lies.

But that hard working person has self-respect and is teaching his own family the value of hard work, so maybe they aren't the wealthiest in the pocket but they share something with their family that no dole scrounger could ever do, the feeling of being proud and hard working earning a living, work eithic is something that is lacking more and more these days, people want everything handed to them.

The previous mod was right about you, you are nasty little bully. You use personal abuse to overcome your lack of intellectual capacity, its not impressive in the slightest.


Lighten up. Quit nitpicking, you're demeaning your authority.

The mod in question actually apologised in a round about way, so I think you should apologise!

Look up Heat Pump, here let me help you with a link

Ive got circa. 8 years of experience of working within the Engineering industry, so I know what Im talking about, he was just being an ass as usual :)
31 May 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

Not sure what you find so funny, have you never heard of GES? Maybe not since you found me saying ground engery so funny..It stands for Ground Energy System. .
31 May 2012
Life / Which services is Poland still waiting for? [218]

but this is a Polish forum and most people do not have a dryer

But they have washing machines and have central heating to dry their washing inside in the winter...not exactly rocket science really is it?

hows the hubby hunt going?

Sorry but the job was filled years ago...
31 May 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

Work hard at what? capitalism ----- assuming that growth is uncapped..... How many computers can be manufactered till there are no components left, just carry on driving cars till the oil wells run dry, just keep cooking til natural gas runs out. These are all finite resources THEY WILL DEPLETE.

Oh from riots and the poor to resources? Are you aware of the term "green energy" this country is a bit late on the bandwaggon but nevertheless, we are making moves towards a future of self-sufficiency, with solar / ground engery, as for gas etc, pray tell what car do you drive? Im quite content with my carbon foot print since I use public transport, which also going green, slowly but surely.

But hey Shelley aka amathyst lets just concern oursleves with economics rather than actual resources hey.....I mean lets not even bother thinking about actual GLOBAL energy resources when a good old price war is the main issue on many peoples minds. .........Small minds..........

What do you really know about the intricacies of economics? and what do you know about resources and this countries shift with regards to the energy industry? I wont insult you, because Im not going to lower myself, but my guess would be that your knowledge of both is rather limited, just like the reasons for the riots, hence the reason you have made this shift in your argument.

You perfectly know the possible result of calling other posters idiots. Especially, when they are intelligent women.

Thank you. Just noticed this :)
30 May 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

There are plenty of underprivilege kids around the country that didnt feel the need to take to the streets to loot and destroy the businesses of decent people have worked hard to create, there are ways and means of being heard, destroying private and public property isnt the way forward as all these disgusting people have found out. The decent people were those who took the streets the day after to clean the mess up! They were ones who showed us that this country isnt such a bad place after all. Kids who apply themselves and are competive will be the ones who succeed, those who fail to realise that hard work and determination is what they require will fail and will end up in the same benefits trap their parents are in. I appreciate things are difficult in this country, but people must realise that in order to succeed, they have to work harder than ever!

We can delay this time by keeping RCC religion classes in schools as long as possible.

We have better exam results in Catholic schools in the UK, so you might be right ;0)

But was poverty really the main driving force behind the riots?

I dont believe it was, it was lack of structure, discipline, inability to grasp the fact they could have had a good education but blew it, lets blame it on someone but themselves mentality..They wanted the nice new shiny mobile phone but not prepared to work for it..they believe that working in a shop or fast food outlet is beneath them but at the same time they dont have the skills or education to get anything better and they aren't prepared to better themselves in order to get a decent job!
30 May 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

Brainless idiots with a useless degree, there's always been that element of rich kids wanting to get down with the po people...they think its "trendy" and something to brag to their other rich friends about...The silly moo that got caught was unlucky to say the least, her little thrill of mixing with thugs and thieves has possibly ruined her life..for now at least..
30 May 2012
Life / Which services is Poland still waiting for? [218]

Real, would be something that enriches someones life, something that will make ones life easier, something convenient, a drive through MacDonalds wont really do that,unless you're some fatty who cant be bothered getting out his/her car (I can see why you'd find that a bit of a service!), and since people were comparing services to the UK, I pointed out that the laundrett is a dying thing because most if not all people have a washing machine and a dryer these days.

Back to you chubby!
30 May 2012
Life / A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich [81]

London riots for me was essentially the perfect example of the poor rising up against the rich ion the only way they know how - anarchy.

No it wasnt, your average family who are struggling were at work trying to make a living, whilst the scum who dont work were on the streets mugging and smashing shops up and taking what they wanted and left a huge mess behind them and ruined the livelihood of hundreds of people who are struggling in these hard times!

The London/UK riots last year were caused by spoilt brats who had gotten bored with their trendy gadgets and wanted to try sth different, like burning houses, for a change.


its a well documented fact that the majority of the London rioters were of foreign ethnicities, in a word poor people

There were also plenty of foreign ethnics who had their businesses burnt and looted!

The point is in very far future. Polish brats aren`t as spoilt as British counterparts.

Not yet..Sorry but a time will come when they are just has horrid...
30 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

Man Utd and Chelsea have more hooligan related arrests each season than all the clubs in Poland combined.

HAHAHAHA..thats hilarious, when was the last time you went to a Man U game?

Here, just a recent example of an innocent white guy killed by black violence.

That was over an argument that happened at some shops over the road from the pub, absolutely nothing to do with football, the young lad that died and his dad happend to be in a pub watching the football!
30 May 2012
Life / Which services is Poland still waiting for? [218]

Laundretts are not that common in the UK these days and who the hell cares if there's an manky drive through MacDonnalds? There must be some REAL services that people want that dont have?

Try asking for real tea. A pot of hot water with a tea bag next to it isn't tea. The water has to be poured from the kettle on to the leaves or bag and left to brew for several minutes. Otherwise it's just coloured water.

Haha you can tell you're a Notherner, you want a brew you can stand your t-spoon up in :)
28 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

For anyone in the UK, there's a prog on about racism in Poland and Ukraine within football - Lodz is first up.

I cant believe that a celtic cross is used as a racist sign! WTF..Ive got one what was brought back from Ireland as a present!

This post has been moved here because of the similar subject
18 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

What we should be looking at are facts and how those facts are gathered

The facts are that every health service has its down sides and it generally depends on where you live and in a lot of cases what you can afford, even in the UK! Whilst people are boasting about the NHS - all my family work within and yet both my sisters have insisted on getting their daughers vacinated against cervical cancer privately because what is offered on the NHS is poor and lacking to say the least!, they are medical experts and wouldnt let their kids be treated by the NHS, whilst that is anecdotal, its got to count for something since they work for the system we are talking about?

Postcode lottery or not the NHS is one on the wonders of the world.

No it's not, its a joke, do you know how many maternity units have been closed in the last year? Do you know how much funding has been cut, whilst untilties and food costs rise the amount the NHS are receiving has decreased! I very much doubt it, so if I were you, Id keep quiet, I appreciate your family have decent treatment, but you really have no idea.
17 May 2012
Life / Health system in Poland one of the worst in Europe: report [78]

If i was seriously ill i'd crawl over broken glass to get back to the UK. The NHS is the greatest public health institution in the world.

I had to compose myself after laughing after reading this comment...Both my parents have had to go private in the last 5 years because of waiting lists, they were in that much pain and that ill, the wait wasnt possible. I waited 12 weeks for one session of physio for a painful shoulder injury and we don’t start screening for cervical cancer until a woman is 25 which is disgusting...We are not the greatest health institute in the world, we just happen to free (well its not I pay through my NICs contributions)...Ever heard the term postcode lottery? I have had good experiences too, I have had excellent care when its been needed
10 May 2012
Love / Can Polish men date with Chinese women? [23]

I work with a Chinese girl who is married to a Polish guy, she is smart and pretty and confident...so yes this mix is possible and yes it appears to work..Chinese women age better and genitcally less prone to piling on the lbs, keep this in mind...thats got to be a confidence boost :)

and one mate told me that slavic people are too beautiful to date with asians.

Some people are born to talk complete bollox!
8 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

The Brits are somewhat isolated and the rest of Europe believes that their politicians are simply a nuisance like a feckin horsefly.

Isolated? We're and Island :) We have the same number of MEP seats as France we are the 4th largest contibutor (13.5%) (Poland contribute 1.5% - just to put it into perspective!) we have given £14 billion for the bail out of the PIGS because of a currency we dont have and dont want...so Id say we are slightly more significant that what you are making out...

As for Poland being a success story...ripples in the pond...it's a matter of time...