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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 149
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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10 Jun 2007
News / Polish & other children legally stolen from their parents in Germany [82]

I wish...but sadly...to PC...even if we could need another Lebensborn! The idea was good....

. Your arayan quota full then sausage boy? Yes ,child kiddnap and patricide,acceptable in the "new " Germany then? Or do you just blame the parents like your dispicable media did last week with the Mccans?

Some family ideas in the third Reich were useful like support of families with children...rewarding mom's who decide to be moms for their children...many children etc...

In short ,medals allround for breeding little stormtroopers......

BTW,How far does this "german blood"thing go back in history?Does this mean the English(genetic desendants of the same german tribes) have a claim to some looted gol....I mean Euros?

(proud Celt.)
Back to the origional topic ,as soon as governments gets involved in familiy affairs everything goes T' up,how can legislation guide emotion? I do wonder though whether this story would be quite so shocking if it wasnt for the two nationalities involved,mind you ,any nation fining its own citizens for speaking another language,thats odd to say the least,in the UK we have little old Ittalian ladies that have lived here for 60+ years and still dont speak a word of english,if they are happy and can get by who cares?Are the Nurnberg laws still on statue in Germany?They seem to be.....Id like to be proven wrong.
22 Aug 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]

First city I visited in Poland was Krakow,love it,would go back in a heartbeat but,something about Warsaw has got me hooked.Maybe its having freinds who live there where as Krakow is a "tourist spot" Warsaw seems to be a place to go to for specific reasons. In short. Warsaw.I would like Krakow a little more if I wasnt surrounded by tourists speaking my native language.

I think in Warsaw people are more apreciative of your presence, ok ,that sounds a bit high and mighty but from my experiance there seems to be an attitude in Krakow of lets make as much money off these forigners as possible where I ve found that in Warsaw Ive come away from shops and Markets with gifts from traders and a really posative experiance.

Warsaw seems "real" (ok,putting aside the postwar reconstruction following the 44 uprising etc)where as Krakow seems only a few steps from Choclate box,not a bad thing but not exactly the "real" Poland,in so much as any one place can ever represent an entire nation.

23 Aug 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]

lol,telling workmates your "off too Warsaw for a holiday.." always gets funny looks followed by "isnt that near Birmingham?"......no W A R S A W not Walsal ! :)

23 Aug 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]


because it has the best name.

I wish people would make up their minds on this is it "Lodjzz " or "wooudjzz" lol, I learn to pronunce it "properly" then any Poles I know just say "lodjzz"

23 Aug 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]

lol,I think you may have missed my point.
This is a city that most people who are not Polish pronounce exactly as written ie Lod(like you say icecream without the Y )zzz,where as it of course should not sound anything like it looks "in english" but then in a couple of conversations with Poles at work they pronunced it that way too and said I was being "old fshioned" pronuoncing it the "right"way......whats all that about?

29 Aug 2007
Genealogy / GITLER... is it Polish surname? [30]

Many Jewish families converted to Roman Catholicism around the turn of the last century. Some for religious reasons some for rather more pragmatic reasons...say no more. Although the later didn't do any good if they were still in Europe between the mid 30's and 45.
27 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Poles leave Britain to return to Poland [89]

According to the home office, HA LMAO when do they get any figures right,this probably means more Poles than ever are coming here :)
1 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

If transports so great in PL (and it sucks here too,so calm down puzz') why do those in the know take pillows to sit on once they cross from germany heading to say Krakow? Could it be that hitlers autobahn is still the main route? :)

Most commen questions I get asked about my experiances of Poland ,Poles etc are; "They speak Russian dont they" or,"Its part of russia isnt it? " (btw outspoken,Poland was never part of the soviet union...)

Misconceptions,sure,I'll even put my hands up to falling into that trap myself on my first trip( maybe helped by getting stuck in rush hour traffic in katowitz and being surrounded by ancient GAZ trucks and Polski fiats with various,you would thin crucial bits like bonnets and doors missing) and mistaking the little allotment huts for really poor peoples houses :)you know,sort of the Krakow Barios :)

Puzzler,your on a hiding to nothing with your crusade against "polonophobic media" ,Im guesing your meaning our tabloids? theyre are just crap written for hatefull little people scared of "johnny foriegnor" ,might be Pole bashing this year,it will be Bulgar bashing next.......
7 Oct 2007
History / Kosciuszko Squadron - why don't they bring it back? [45]

Its called "For your Freedom and ours" in the UK editions lukasz,and a cracking good read it is too. A great introduction to Polish mid 20th C history as it deals with far more than just the PAF.

oh,and I dont think shame for our nations conduct comes from it at all lukasz. Embaresment at the way some of our Politicians treeted Poland maybe but hardly shame for those who faught alongside Poles.
8 Oct 2007
History / Kosciuszko Squadron - why don't they bring it back? [45]

The book is an excuse for your Country being Hammered by the Germans in a few weeks!....

eh,wtf? have you read it?(btw,they held out as long as the combined might of the BEF,French/belgium and Dutch armies in the west)

!....So lets go and steal someone else's victory!!

again,wtf? My Grandfather flew Hurricanes in the RAF during the Battle of Britain and even he would gladly tell you that the Polish Squadrons accounted for the highest tally against the Hun,shmuck.

Ok Greg....I'm glad the Poles seem to like Blackadder (ww1) as much as us Brits.....They might look like idiots... .but they played a very big part in ending that war as well!!......Not like poor old Poland.....Flat out on its back as usual!!

Did no one ever point out that Poland was only an independent country AFTER WW1,so to say flat on its back during the war is ill educated and plain wrong(btw,Poles fought on every side in ww1,look it up,you may be interested....)
10 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

You have Televisions in Poland? Where do you plug them in? Do they run on coal? Are you allowed to watch just anything on TV or is it only programes from your capitol city Moscow that you can watch?

Obviously the above was a joke but,to turn this around a little. What is the stupidest thing youve heard about the UK from people in Poland ?
2 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

My identity isn't living on this forum 24 hours a day. Now your trying to order people over the internet when to produce things.

get your omnipotent buddy to help out then....
what happened to the Norman Davis thread?
Didnt he try to get to the USSR as a slightly deluded student leftie,get turned down for an entry visa and ended up stuck in Poland,a country he obviously came to love. Just finished reading his White Eagle Red Star (or the other way round..) good little book on the Polish /Sov war.
2 Nov 2007
Life / Famous Polish music and musicians [48]

Just watched a documentry on british TV about the Warsaw Village Band,mazovian folk tunes with a twist,still prefer Goral(sp) music but their lead singer/celist has a haunting voice,sort of deep south blues mixed with gypsy soul .and its always good to see cymbalines and hurdy gurrdys on telly ;)
2 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

was talking about the state of the british economy... they are in debt and dont want to work..

what a tosspot idea,if "they" are in debt Im sure they are working hard.......take your half baked bigotry somewhere else mate...

After all there are huge numbers of overseas nurses and drs in the UK.......without whom, the health service would crumble in a matter of weeks.

or alternativly can be blamed for the transfer of third world standards to our wards...90 people died in one hospital from a preventable disease,lets see where the cleaning staff etc hailed from,not local im sure....

Idi Amin expelled 60000 or so Asians from Uganda, literally over night,

Actually he gave them 3 months notice to leave(not a deence ,just check your facts please)

lenny d ,good luck with your job hunting,I can empathies but dont blame the Pole given "your" job,blame the F ing managment that love cheap labour and shaft anyone to get it.
2 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

are you for real frank? its in your post "overnight".......
I suppose you have all the answers dont you frank,or are you just an objectionable snob who ,once proven to have made some silly mistakes lashes out with caty insults?

Such naivety in the ways of the world!

really, I suppose then the opposite must be true,managment want to pay the highest wages and see profits cut do they,thats why we all out source to the third world or eastern europe now is it? dont tell someone they are nieve when your point of veiw is simplistic to say the least....
2 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

He does get a bit simplistic and one sided when it comes to Russo-Polish relations, neutrality on this is not his strong point,maybe he is just trying to "out Pole the Poles" as many immigrents do in the new country they love.
2 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

well ,without wanting to shake the tree too much,its not so much in the specifics as in the general tone,you can almost here the menacing music when "russia" appears in his later books. All this is an opinion,and one from someone as "neutral " as ole Norm himself...
2 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish opinion of England as a country and the English nation [64]

It's all a question of need and what you think you can get away with.

consise and hit the nail on the head,thank you for that bit of sensible balance to the usual stereotype garbage seen on here where all Poles are super workers(implying some uncle tom like slave mentality) and all Brits are lazy/uneducated,immigration,despite recent PC revisionism has only been on a large scale in the UK over the last 30 or so years,we did alright for ourselves before then and laid the foundations for an econamy that seems to atract a heck of a lot of people,a lazy counr=try wouldnt be in a position to offer you guys anywork....
2 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

and honestly his books in comparison to some books written by Poles are very tolerant for Russia ...

Well thats where you hold the advantage over me Lukasz,not many books written by Poles on the subject get translated into english so I cant compare,but ,like most "popular" historians,his personal opinion sneaks through in subtle ways. Im not saying I dont agree with his opinions only he is far more obviously a "friend" of Poland than a neutral observer.
3 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

On the level I belive you can reach on a forum( I prefer debating history in person,more give and take involved) I would have to agree with your last paragraph darius,lenin,stalin,nikita et al dont engender many sympathetic feelings in anyone other than the odd mad russian or cambridge graduate.

As too his coments (which,from what Ive experianced in life and definatly on this forum)that some Polish historians and Poles in the street(lamp Poles? ;) ) over romantises ,I would agree but add thats not just a Polish trait:)
3 Nov 2007
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

thanks for the phrase,Im now dying to use it :)
BTW,on a tangenet,and reducing things to Pop Culture. Me and my British mates,as kids,always saw the baddies in Star Wars as the "Space Nazis" since getting to know many more Polish people Ive found they tend to see them as the "Space Commintern" :)
3 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

taken advantage

and gone where exactly,we are the cash cow of europe,anywhere else and the wages go down or the taxes go up. Its easy for those near the bottom to climb up,what do those at the top have to aim for? EU free movement of labour is one sided in that way,people dont leave here to go to struggling countries unless they either have conections or an angle or a desire to do charity work.
8 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

where polish people live and you will see scores of them signing on even the women behind the counter has to speak polish

ever been to Bradford mate,I think you'll find its Uhrdu you have to speak there......

as looking at stastics its the english people who are unwilling to work

actually,what you'll find,looking at statistics is that it is predominantly people from Muslim countries who wont go to work for reasons of having reproduction organs on the inside instead of outside and having cowardly husbands who darnt let them out of sight......

Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.

yawn yawn, he gets his (miss aimed) point across,who are you, the internet english teacher,thought that was joannnes job?
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

moved to india becuse it couldent afford to pay its workers in england any more in return india started selling tata cars all over europe including england

laugh,i nearly bought a pizza, you call me low class? you have no idea what "class" I am, as it happens,Im currently between jobs(so unemployed) but am a collage grad with solidly middle class parents and grandparents,and to top it all off you silly sub continental I am directly descended from Sir Robert Clive!! You know, Clive of India,who with an army of hundreds conquered your moghul empire of millions........but that is beside the point, the official statistcs show,that of the non british nationals in the UK women from muslim cultures are the highest percentage when it comes to claiming state unemployment benifits here in the UK, the Poles are way down near the bottom of that list,if not the very bottom.

So keep your bizzare Wigger txt spk for another day,the crusades ended a long long time ago and the last victory of note you guys had was Sal adin's .....
17 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

you can usually spot a pole a mile off

unfortunatly that means you wont be driving into any lamposts anytime soon then?
(BTW, where did the funny wanna be jihadist get too? He was fun,living in a tent in the desert one minute then claiming to be a computor programer here in the UK....crikey,no wonder so much software doesnt work these days if cretins like him write it :) )
17 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Great, more Ukrainians in Britain,they can join the members of the SS Galizean Division that settled alongside the Poles here after the war......