Coming from a relativelly [SIC] peaceful Canada
- Yeah, very 'relativelly.' - The Canadian airport customs are the most brutal, most insulting, rudest psychopathic scum imaginable. Of course, they are like this especially if one says one is going to or coming from Poland (they are instructed to do this by their superiors?). They are all smiles towards many others, including the Third World people, in order not to hurt their oh so delicate feelings and not to earn the label of a 'racist.' How many Chinese gangsters and drug smugglers have they let into Canada? But this doesn't matter; more important is that they have given hell to the accursed Poles.
Brit customs are angels of kindness compared to this dehumanized crap of Canada.
I dont think you can even compare the airports in the UK to those in the States for levels of intimidation and agression.. I feel really stressed every time I have to pass through Miami, Houston or any other US airport due to the agressive nature of the customs people..
- My experiences are exactly the same. And indeed the customs folks in the UK are far gentler and human than anywhere else I have been to (a few tens of countries).
American, including Canadian, customs are the worst of all.
the East Europeans do think the streets of London are paved with gold
- I don't know whom you mean by 'East Europeans,' but if it's the Poles, then no, they don't think the streets of London are paved with gold. Not anymore.
Poles work hard,brits are lazy
- Yes, it's the so-called stereotype. I've met quite a few excellent Brit workers. On the average, the Brits have a more laid-back approach to life, including work. It doesn't make their work any less effectual. As for Poles in UK, they are fighting for mere survival and just can't afford to be laid-back (and laid-off).
It seems to have gone the other way now in the Polish media. Apparently any stories involving negative experiences of Poles in Britain are well publicised so as to discourage anymore of them from leaving. Some dont believe the hype, most do.
- Is it good that the Polish hacks publish those stories and many Poles 'believe the hype,' or is it bad? I'm asking, because the tone of your post seems to be slightly condemning.