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From: Pionki
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12 Nov 2013
Law / Questions on documentation for working in Poland ( Visa/work permit/Insurance ) [23]

Hello, I am getting a work permit in Poland, and I know that after that I must get a visa for working.
I see in the required documents on consulate's website that i must have an insurance and i must prove I have funds for living there.

Those requirements are in general, not specific for visa for working.

Do you know if in the case of work I must still prove those? (I think it would be odd, because I will be earning money there, and I will be living with that new money, and of course, the company will give me an insurance as a normal employee)

Related (juli25):

Dear all,

need your help in order to clear the question about Insurance - when applying for National Visa (type D), we've been told by the Consulate that Insurance for all family members is required and should cover all the period of stay in Poland.

Background: my husband is going to sign employment contract for 18 months (minimum), and that is why we need to apply for long-term visa.
According to the employment conditions, once he arrives to Poland and signs the contract - the company will cover medical insurance for him, and he also has an option to extend and add a family package. Although this will happen only after he becomes an employee... But before that he has to obtain the Visa, and should present the insurance policy for 30K Euro coverage per each family-member.

So does it mean that now we have to procure insurance policy for all the family for 18 months??? this requirement doesnt look reasonable to me at all, first - because I can imagine how expensive this solution would be. Second - why should I buy additional insurance, if I will have an insurance package from the same company, where my husband will be employed?

Probably my perception is wrong, so if anyone encountered similar issue - please help!

Thanks in advance!
13 Nov 2013
Law / Questions on documentation for working in Poland ( Visa/work permit/Insurance ) [23]

About my other point, i found this: udsc.gov.pl/GOOD,TO,KNOW,1136.html

The last point confirms that we do not need to prove financial means if we get a stay visa for the purpose of carrying out employment :), but I don't know if they will require those for getting the visa.

In my case, Mexico, I cannot find information about that kind of visa on their website. But in Cuba and Chile, they specify just basic documents for every case (i mean photos, passport, your id card, and the form) and in case of work the work permit, and no more.

In which country do you live?

I contact migrant, and they recommended me to call to local consulate. But today they dont work today, and on monday they didn't. In Mexico, they prefer to be contacted by email, but they answer time is not the best.

I recommend you to call to your local consulate and ask. And if you can share the information, it could be amazing.
14 Nov 2013
Law / Questions on documentation for working in Poland ( Visa/work permit/Insurance ) [23]

Ok, thank you.
And, about pre-existing financial means? have you gotten information about that?

This is my biggest fear about the visa :( It even doesnt allow me to rest calmly haha
For example, in migrant they say 100 pln per day, then one year is 11 715,98 USD
in mexican consulate, they wrote 50 usd per day, then 18 250 USD
But, I still haven't had an answer from the consulate. I hope that today, I will have answers and share with this forum.
14 Nov 2013
Law / Questions on documentation for working in Poland ( Visa/work permit/Insurance ) [23]

I called to consulate, the service in Mexico is really ugly.
We decided that I will go (next days, with my visa-free entrance) and apply directly for the residence permit(It can be started since now. Many others had recommended me to do that.

If I want to go with visa, yes, i must buy a TRAVEL insurance (no NFZ, no LuxMed....), and to buy NOW both flight tickets for going and returning (even if i am not planing to return with this), and the company must invite me (or show funds) , for inviting me they must rent a flat.

Then in my case, both options must have both flights, insurance and flat already rented.
Apparently, residence permit can be started without the work permit, but it is necessary for awarding it at the end.

Good luck
17 Nov 2013
Law / Unable to get a work permit for Poland (not EU-citizen) [40]

Merged: Information on the Polish work permit required ( successful and non-successful applications )

Hello again,This is question that I have, and I am sure a lot of readers have too. I think it will be a good idea to make a compendium of information about this on this forum.

migrant, they explained many reasons for being refused. Mainly due to fake information, or in the case of regulated profession due to lack of qualification requirements.

In my case, we got the prove that no polish nationals want my position (just 1 week and the document was delivered), I am programmer (not regulated profession), we submitted all documents about me(passport, and extra documents like university diploma and courses taken) and about the company. and we have been waiting 2 weeks (max time 30 days).

Then, I would like to know about your previous cases ( Please share successful cases or refused( with reasons they gave ), voivodeship and number of days it took ). Thank you, I am sure this will be useful for me and for many others.

( This information can be really useful for taking decisions about visa(abroad)/residence permit(in poland) )
2 Jul 2016
Language / Useful tips on learning Polish? [25]

I hope you already speak fluent polish :)
but for those who still are willing to learn, here are some resources for free that you can use (that may not exist in 2010)
forvo.com for polish pronunciation
duolingo.com (recently they added polish)
and the most important is practicing with real people :) so I found a website with several polish people willing to exchange language here:
difriends.com :) there is other similar websites, but this in particular has a big percentage of users from poland
2 Jul 2016
Language / Is it possible to learn Polish while not living in Poland? If yes, how? [37]

you can try to watch videos in youtube.com search for things like dokumentalny (normally they have english and polish voice together, that can help for unknown vocabulary), that helped me a lot.

Also I recommend you to get some book (maybe you can order them online), search for Polish in 4 weeks (maybe you will not learn in 4 weeks but it is a good guide)

Also you can find some online teachers in: .e-korepetycje.net/ , gumtree or similar, if you are looking for free in difriends.com you may find people who are willing to teach you polish for free in exchange of english or other languages :) powodzenia
14 Jan 2019
Law / 'Karta Pobytu' & long-term visa [27]


Does anybody have experience about getting the "long-term EU permit" in Poland?

I wonder if the "long-term EU permit" can be granted based on 5 years of legal residence (temporary stay and work permits), or it is only for Blue card holders.

What kind of document did you use to prove your polish language skills? something like the one described in this website certyfikatpolski.pl? Was it necessary? (talking about recent cases)