Life /
Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]
An African man was shouting racial slurs on a Paris subway train, exclaiming how white people need to be gassed/killed. His video was posted on Youtube, and this man didn't have ANYTHING happen to him - not even a slap on the wrist! ... Now let me guess, this must be tolerated on account of us whites as having WHITE GUILT, right?? HA!!
Oh, but when the British white woman in the London tube decided to express his distaste for multiCULTuralism, she was criticized to the max., and put in prison!
This is all very, VERY wrong!!!
I just don't understand why the ethnic Europeans are allowing their governments to do this to their nations. The only ones I see, who are at least putting forth some effort, are the Russians.
Even many
young Poles, although a small minority, are all for this multiculturalism shenanigans! Are they all blind, and cannot see how it has ravaged the western European countries?
Even on this forum, when an ethnic Pole, for example, expresses his/her God-honest opinion about something that non-Europeans would deem racist, it becomes filtered and/or deleted!