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Posts by TheHessian  

Joined: 29 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 Aug 2011
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Posts: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 13
From: Germany, Frankfurt
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29 Jan 2011
History / In a German encyclopedia Poland is represented as: [30]

Is this "encyclopaedia" for real or just as Nonsensopedia?

I read some articles on that wiki. This is Germany according to it:

They actually included the Netherlands! And half of Belgium + Brussels.
Thats a level of crazy I haven't seen until now.

I really don't know if this is some joke wiki, or a side project of some wierd "Pan-Germanic" Nazi.
20 Mar 2011
News / Polish Jesuits created a Facebook site for non-believers. Atheists not a total waste? [70]

Atheists are the ones who arrogantly and dogmatically claim ...

Sry, but that is just bullsh*t.

Beeing an Atheist means just what the word implies, aka "Not beeing a Theist".

You either believe there is a God, or you don't. There is simply no middle ground there. One is either a Theist or an Atheist.

The question of whether you are sure of your belief or not is a completly different one.

I am personally an agnostic Atheist.
Meaning: I don't believe that there is a theistic deity but I don't claim to know for certain.

Essentially, all believers are agnostics

Essentially, Everyone is agnostic about everything.
Well, except for the good old self-evidently "Cogito ergo sum". ;)
2 Apr 2011

The Irony in your post is strong, young Padawan ;)
If that is your understanding of "not provoking", I really would like to know how it looks when you try to provoke.

But to get to the original topic:
I never heard of Marek Fis before reading this thread. From what I saw in the posted videos, its not rally my humour and I don't think i missed a lot by not hearing of this before.

And yes, the humour is quite "intellectually undemanding" at times.
But so is a lot of humour (Toilet humour anyone?).

1. The "German Media" did not invent the figure of Marek Fis. Marek Fis "made" his stage persona all by himself and started doing stand-up all on his own. The idea to his polish alter ego was his idea, not the idea of "The German Media".

2. There are in fact many black Comedians who make fun of the "uncivilized African" stereotype.
Yes, even in Germany.
Just look up Dave Davis and his stage persona called "Motombo Umbokko" => dave-davis.de

3. If you want to, then I can easily find you some russian, czech, french, american or asian comedians working in Germany that have no problem making fun of their own country and portraying themself in a rather unfavorable light for the sake of comedy.

4. I never saw a Jewish Comedian working in Germany making fun about Jewish stereotypes. You are right about that at least.
I could name you several Jewish Americans who do so however.

Most jokes about Germans make use of the good old Nazi stereotypes.
Hell, in the UK a German Comedian called Henning Wehn has quite some success milking those stereotypes and playing a dull German who wishes back the "glorious days of the Fatherland" and thinks partying has to involve goose stepping.

But in your mind beeing portrayed as unintelligent is worse than beeing portayed as a murdering racist Lunatic?
Really? You must have some really strange priorities in that case.

I am personally less offended when getting called stupid, as I am when someone calls me a Nazi.

You don't have to like those jokes, but the manner in which some people here are responding makes it look like you are just waiting for an opportunity to feel offended and fly into uncontrolled rage.
3 Apr 2011

I hope you realise that when this comes from a Briton it tends to be tongue in cheek. Its a cheap shot but its part of the cultural fabric.

Don't worry. I actually quite enjoy the British humour and watch enough of your TV shows and comedians to know that its not only Germans who are targets for those "cheap shots", but that you talk just as unflattering about your own country and people and almost everything else in this world.

And its not like we Germans only make harmless jokes about you guys.

Here is what Dietmar Wischmeyer has to say about the British:

Subtitles aren't perfect, but should be enough to get the gist.

Those able to speak German can also check out what Wischmeyer has to say about Germans, Dutch, French, Poles, Austrians, Greeks and Americans on Youtube. ;)

I think a lot of Poles are taking the jokes too personally for no reason.

Actually, when you read the comments under Marek Fis videos on youtube pretty much all the Poles who speak German and/or live in Germany quite like his jokes and have no problem with it. And here on this forum it seems like mostly people who are situated west of the big pond are offended by it.

uh, Oliver Polak?

Hmm, Didn't know of him until now.
I really have to watch more TV. ;)
But there you have it MediaWatch, A Jew in Germany making fun about Jewish stereotypes.

(Sry for double post, but for some reason it won't let me edit my previous post)
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

if one region can be returned to its rightful owners so can others, all it really takes is one good war.

Yes, and a few trillion Dollars investment to integrate the new won land into any country.
Lets not forget that Germany so far has put more than a trillion € (Thats a number with 12 zeros) into East Germany and it will still take a few more decades until no more transfer payments are needed and the East is on the same level as the West.

A Korean Unification is estimated to will cost 5 trillion Dollars, and in the case of "reuniting" Kaliningrad with any other country you would have additional problems and costs because you don't even have a common language and culture of the people you are trying to "unite".

Maybe I am missing something and Kaliningrad became an economic powerhouse in the past couple of years or they found tons of Diamonds and Oil in its soil that would actually make it a worthwhile target. Because otherwise I really don't see why anyone would want to risk a war for this little strip of land.
14 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

well perhaps if the Frogs hadn't treated them like rubbish all these years of their residence in France.....?

The Americans treated their Japanese and Germans immigrants like rubbish not to long ago as a reaction to WW1 and WW2. Strangely enough those 2 groups are probably one of the best integrated in the USA of todays time, completely taking on "US" culture and barely keeping their own culture and language.

Isn't this whole "welcoming immigrants friendly" thing a relativly new trend anyway? Pretty much any immigrant group that arrived in a foreign country had to go through some **** until they were accepted.

Perhaps some pressure on immigrants isn't as counter-productive as you think. ;)
30 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Does it have a name?

Złota 44 - which is the street adress as far as I know.
Among other things its going to contain 251 apartments.

I wish here in Frankfurt they would take some inspiration from that, all our skyscrapers are exclusivly office building with no flats :-/

BTW. am I the only one who thinks that the fact that Crow picked a render CGI instead of a real photograph to present Wasaw, probably without even realizing it, incredibly ironic and fitting?

Shows just perfectly how much he really knows what he's talking about ;)
23 Jun 2011
News / Germany provoke Poland using Silesian question. Poland's attitude ? [124]

So after 2 pages I still have no idea what "rumors" this thread is about.
Can anyone actually point me out something german politicians/officials said in regards to Silesia recently?
Because here on the western side of the eternal front you really don't here much about Silesia or Poland in recent times.

Or am I right to conclude that Crow is just talking out of his arse?

but the Silesia issue is much like the Macedonian-Greek one

Ah, yes. That super important name conflict down there. Thankfully it doesn't exist in the german language, we just call the country "Mazedonien" and the region in Greece "Makedonien". Case solved ;)
23 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

So, if Poland, Hungary etc all had smarter people than the GDR, why was East Germany the most developed economy of the eastern block?
Too much time spend on philosophizing about the meaning of life in all those high IQ countries and not enough time spend doing unintelligent work to get the economy going? ;)
24 Jun 2011
Off-Topic / Countries and your associations in 5 words/descriptions. [56]

Netherlands: Caravans blocking the German Autobahn
Slovenia: Laibach, Austrian street sign controversy
Austria: Germans who suck at Football
Great Britain: Island with an island mentality
Luxemburg: German names neutralized by French names (typical Letzebuerger name: Jean-Claude Juncker ;))
Finland: Born with axes in hands