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Posts by monika87  

Joined: 26 Aug 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Dec 2010
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Posts: Total: 55 / In This Archive: 49
From: Kraków
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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26 Aug 2010
Life / Piwo or wodka has had greater effect on polish culture? [19]

Beer is really on the up here in Poland.

Hm Piwo yes it depends... after work beer, but I would say Vodka is more on the up in Poland, because it is our national drink. When a guest comes to visit, you are invited, birthday, on Christmas, new year... also after work or before sleep, Vodka! Vodka, definitely
26 Aug 2010

these are polish words that were taken from english its same as Internet, Radio etc english have some french words too for exemple.

but im as a pole im pissed off when someone say sorry or sorka instead of przepraszam
i can get over with "OK" tho xd

Yes same with me Drac90, I hate it! But it's in EVERY European country the same!!! English is the universal language, and everything hangs on America. Some Europeans treat Obama like it's their president! Stuuupid! I can't stand that. In Poland it is holy beliefe me, very very very holy. When I was in Sweden this spring, I almost understood every third word! LOL
26 Aug 2010
Life / Piwo or wodka has had greater effect on polish culture? [19]

Why you changed your profile informations from Japan to absolute Russian now?!
OK, whether you are from Russia, Japan or wherever, here a little information (quote from a book):
Early 16th Century was the first vodka distilled from grain. It is unclear whether this happened in Poland or Russia. Both countries claim the first vodka for themselves, however, some sources put the start of vodka production already on the 15th Century. The first official record of the production of vodka is 1405 from Sandomierz, in the former Kingdom of Poland.
26 Aug 2010

You don't want anything to do with English-speaking countries then don't use our words. Kapisz?

OK I don't have to justify any pretenses. Everyone has freedom of opinion, you know except my name and my nationality nothing about me, so do not judge about something of which you know too few
7 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

Is Polish food still more natural? Largely, yes. Poland prefers not to use preservatives (no, the Church has said nothing on this type) and has unpasteurised substances too.

zgadzam się całkowicie
7 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

When in Warsaw, I love buying the fresh produce from markets such as Plac Szembeka which is Praga Południe

Very true, I think in Poland are a lot markets you can buy very fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and so on. I do not know exactly how it looks in the other countries, but in Poland these markets are very often and popular - as they was always been, since my great-great-grandmother times :-)
15 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

blood (genetics) and culture, religion. ;-)
You can not choose where you are born, your parents decide this for you. As a child you can't decide where in this world you want to be and grow up, which therefore has an impact on your knowledge of Polish (if you raised in an other country). But if you look like a Pole (because your genes), exercise our religion and culture and you feel Polish, you love Poland, then you are definitive Polish. But you need the Polish genes, which is the most important. If you have enough of it you will feel automatically as a Pole and you feel attracted to your origin country and want be be with your compatriot, so why not go back for example?!

Speaking for myself, I do not claim to be POLISH. I am POLISH-AMERICAN.

Do not go crazy with it BookOwl :-). You have Polish blood, If you feel Polish, and you love your origin country, come back, learn your origin language and people and live. You have the Polish Blood so it would be not too difficult to learn it, believe me. I had two half-Polish in my akademia i study, they learned it quick. But don't stay in America anymore, because you do not go further with your Polish roots. It's about what you want, how you feel.
16 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

Again, you can't choose where in this world you slip out lmao! You have Polish genes, so you are Polish. Everyone who has Polish blood and the proud is Polish. You're lucky like me to be born and raised in Poland. But if you are 30 of age, still not speak the language and never thinking of to go to Poland, It's high time for you baby, or you're no more a proud Pole = you almost really can't call yourself anymore Polish.
16 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

BS, I have nothing to do with Germany.

good ;-) you are really on the right track

But if you look like a Pole (because your genes)

It has to do with genes! You can't be Polish without Polish blood! If you are mixed with an other country, you need enough Polish genes to feel Polish!

Polish look Polish, Polish-Slavic, East-Slavic. Sorry I know how a Polish look like.

There are a lot Slavic countries, Serbia, Czech, Ukraine etc. But Polish look very very different than for example Serbs. I would say Polish look more like Russians.

Strange you lived all your live in Poland and don't know how Polish people look like.
But sometimes it's difficult. some Polish People you could also say he/she is Russian, or even with Slovaks can not be classified correctly by from which Slavic country he/she is.

In a nutshell: Serbs, Croats or Kosovans it is sometimes difficult to say from where he/she is (For example a Serb: is he from Serbia or Kosovo?). The same with Czechs, Poles or Russians = The Slavic people from the South (Serbia etc.) look very differently than the other from the East (Belarus etc.)

But you see the Slavic and one who know people from different Slavic countrys can say whether he/she is more likely from the south or from east.

In Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Belarus have a lot very light skin, blond hair, blue eyes. In the south you will find almost no blonde people, black hair, brown eyes and the skin is not as light.
16 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

Maybe a few hundred years ago we had non-Irish blood but our parents, their parents, their parents and their parents were certainly all Irish.

So yes you have most Irish blood, so you feel Irish.

Russia and Poland are nighbours and slavic countrys, have a lot in common, not like for example Italy and Poland. But anyway, then he is Russian but his home is Poland.

Maybe they have Jewish roots? Many definitely!
Or they have both, German and Polish blood but feel Polish because they have more Polish genes and prefer to live in Poland?
16 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

So technically, you are already Irish.

Paper is one thing, your heart is another. The paper is Irish, but you, the living person, your blood is what your parents are. Depends also of how much genes you get from your Polish parents (if you are half Irish). There are also cases in which twins by a French and African parents are born, a baby was white the other black. One had all the genes from the mother, the other from the father. lmao So if you get at most Polish genes and do not feel in the right country, you can easy go back to your origin. Maybe you can make a dual citizen? I don't know if this is possible in Ireland?

completely assimilate into Ireland and Irishness, and you're pretty much there.

Yes if your parents don't keep any cultural links with their country you're pretty much there. If you never was in Poland, have no proud Polish parents, you go Irish.

You said the PolAms should leave Poland alone.

Your children are probably not very proud of their Polish blood, they feel very American and if you're the only one in the family who wants to visit Poland, you can't move to Poland yes you're right.

It's nice you are proud of your Polish heritage, but you are really not a real Polish because you are so proud to be American and therefore think it is the best country to live, at most, you call America the greatest country in the world. And think of all Poles are jealous of you because you live in America. I visit America and I would never want to spend my future there. You never was in Poland so why can you say America is the greatest country? I think your heart is American, a real Polish should say Poland is the greatest country in the world ;-)

listening to Americans you may start thinking that the world is still turning around only thanks to United States.

True dude, true.

Yes I have to give you right grubas.
25 Sep 2010
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]

Yes if one parent of you is full Polish and born there it should work easy and without a problem. But I read now within the course of three months from the day of the birth of the child?

Good look on your way to the Polish-citizenship kath
25 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

It is clear that she does not want more from you. She don't like it when you touch her, so please stop.
She does not love you, like you love her, only your money attracts her in some way.
You sure pay most when you do things with her, she thinks you're rich because you are American and she can stay in your apartment it costs no money or less I suppose. Please stop to touch her, we Polish women are not like Americans. We are mostly a bit shy and cautious, but still, in this case she does not love you, stop bothering her, pay and stay friends with her.
28 Sep 2010
Food / Help me like Polish food (recommendations) [48]

You do not like our food? Tsk tsk tsk what do you have for a sense of taste? Well, OK it is not every ones taste, it's understandable if one is from another country.

Can you cook? If not, buy a cookbook, take training courses and cook in Poland your Irish food.

Enjoy your meal ;-)
28 Sep 2010
Food / Help me like Polish food (recommendations) [48]

...take training courses and cook in Poland your Irish food.

Ooooh defensive aren't we? ;)

Well I don't need lessons, don't live in Poland and don't eat "Irish food", because basically, there is no such thing.

Ooooh defensive aren't we? ;)

Why do you need/want to like Polish food, Teffle?
Any particular reason?

You don't live in Poland, you are not Polish? So now that would be really interesting to know. lmao

Is a Polish woman the reason? ;-)

I don't like Turkish food, I do not live in Turkey, so what?
28 Sep 2010
Food / Help me like Polish food (recommendations) [48]

I don't like Turkish food, I do not live in Turkey, so what?

So what indeed - what's your point?

You said:

...cook in Poland your Irish food.

...and I advised you that I don't live there - that's all. I can't cook anything "in Poland" if I'm not there?!

Yes it is already clear to me. You did not understand what I meant in my second post, but no matter. ;-)

I suppose I "want" to like Polish food more because I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and I'm thinking I should have more of it or some of the less well known stuff before I make my mind up.

OhOh I see! Not a bad idea ;-)
29 Sep 2010
Love / SHE'S 25, HE'S 85 (Polish actor Andrzej Łapicki) -- ANY FUTURE? [82]

Maybe she doesnt like sex that much but she does like intelligent people.

Yes maybe. His intelligence, resume, experience, his knowledge. But of course money makes him even more attractive.
She must really like him, after all she spends her young years with him.

And not to forget, when he was young he was a very attractive man!

Every woman has nothing against intelligent, well-paid men ;-).
But for me only those who have worked hard for it. Somehow that makes them male. The pampered, wannabe sons with the legacy of their wealthy parents leaves me completely cold.

Incidentally, for 85 years he looks very fit and his mind seems to have not lost youthfulness.

But I also can't imagine to have a 85 years old husband, that's really pretty crazy. But if she is happy with it, everyone has to decide for himself.

As I said, she must be happy with it. No one forced her to marry him, everyone has to decide for himself.
1 Oct 2010
Life / Poles - what other nationality would you say you are most like? [125]

Scandinavians, Finns, Dutch? LMAO I am laughing myself to deathh
We Poles are unique and have most in common with Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, sure with Slavic countries. Don't compare the Irish always with us Poles, we are a completely different country on a very different spot on the globe. We might have just the fondness for drinking in common with the Irishman, they whisky we wódka.