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Joined: 21 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Jan 2009
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 1088 / In This Archive: 62

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21 Mar 2007
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Aren't they leaving because of the vicious Polonophobia that is rampant in the US, including Canada? Just notice what vicious nonsense the US media psychopaths have been talking into the local public about Poland and the Poles. Besides, scores of people throughout the world seem to feel that the days of US power are numbered and something terrible - some horrific catastrophy - is going to happen soon in that part of the world. :) The Poles can be truly safe only in Poland !
25 Mar 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Americans, and especially 'Canadians,' are the worst Polonophobic racists I've ever met. Hence is is highly probable that the question if there's electricity in Poland was being asked not out of genuine ignorance about Poland, but in order to ridicule the Polish woman in question.
25 Mar 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Oh, if I could live long enough to see the Poles being able to repay in kind to their numerous harassers - cowardly bullies and scum. But first the Poles need to learn not to turn the other cheek to any one. May the motto: 'Never forgive! Pay back! Wait patiently for your chance!' become essential part of our national psyche. My the stupidest question in Poland be: 'Is revenge a sin'? :)

The americans, especially canadians, are the worst denying liars I've ever met. He will crack to you his talmudic 'Polish joke' in which the Polish people are equated with excrement, and when you express your outrage, the bastard will swear that there's nothing racist in his 'joke,' that he respects the Polish people, and similar bull. You can deny till the doomsday, but the evidence of the american racism towards the Poles is overwhelming.
21 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

Hm, so here we've got another stupido, calling himself 'polish_pete,' with his unwashed cranium filled with hateful lies from the media psychopaths of the Daily Mail ilk.

And his brighter countrymen who, I'm sure, drop into this forum, keep disgracefully silent when crap like him ramble hatefully.

You really don't give damn about your image in Poland, Brits?

Facts are such, that the Poles are attracted to Britain by huge amount of adverts from the British employers. When Poles come into Britain - and unlike folks from Africa and similar savoury places, they come in legally - they are exploited mercilessly, and still abused by any local human crap, and attacked by violent media psychopaths there.

And as a result of the media psychopaths' hate propagasnda, Poles are beaten up and killed in Britain by local scum.

Now you consider yourselves superior to such Krauts, but I haven't heard of even one Pole being killed in Germany for the fact that he or she is Polish.

Without the Poles, many British businesses would go up in smoke.

You invite us, rip us off, and then abuse us verbally, beat up, and kill to boot.

Yes, we Poles should stop coming to Britain right on the spot, and those of us who are forced to dwell and work, or rather toil like slaves there, should go back instantly.

Get folks from China in our place, bastards.

They will teach you human manners; and you won't dare to exploit and abuse them , as you do us.

I've seen this in Canada; now crap like you suck to the Chinese and East Indiands there. And this shall be the lot of you.

Die out, dehumanized racist bastards.

And in another thread - just the same. A racist by the nick of tealoci, allegedly Scottish, rambles hateful generalizations about the Poles in Scotland, and another 'wise' one 'defends' Poles by suggesting that Poles are as the racist describes them, because the Poles allegedly haven't had much contact with the outside world. Which is another racist generalization. And espana welcomes this alleged Scotsman - a fierce racist - on this forum.

No wonder we Poles are abused, beaten up and killed in Britain.

And the thread has been closed - you can't post replies to the bruitish racist bandits' innuendos.
23 Jun 2007
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

re: Sorry my friend who's polish is called pete, just thought d nick his name for a user name

- It's safe to insult us with impunity here, on the Internet, eh clown? I wonder if you'd dare to insult a Polish man into his face? Would you, ahem, pick up the gautlet if he challenged you?

I doubt it.

You only dare to mug in a group of ten or more poor Polish kids toiling late hours at a pub or other craphole.

re: Well they pay me 32 Grand a year so someone must think so!!

- Ain't you braggin'? Because you are actually stupid, aijgramah.

Here's just one proof of it. - You allege: 'you don't go for the better jobs,.... because 80% of you don't speak English!'

- Prove it that 80% of Poles toiling in Britain don't speak English.
26 Jun 2007
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

Another racist topic on this forum (re the implied generalisation). Same question can be asked about any nation - and yet it seems to be never asked. Why just the Poles are associated with theft and similar unsavoury subjects? Yet notice who the question comes from - his or her spelling.... Maybe it's the primitive 'sledz' who himself steals? Evildoers often like divert attention from themselves by accusing others. Only Fiszek has replied in kind to the racist imbecile. Fiszek, thanks to you (and Shopgal) my image of Americans gets brighter.

30 Jun 2007
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

re: Thery are always thinking how to make money off others so they can buy wódka and papierosy. That's why they got them big foreheads.

- All the Polish people do these things? Hm, how come then I am Polish?

Does krysia have a big forehead too?

Judging from the side pic, she has a rather extremely receding one, which may be responsible for the intellectual content of her posts.

Haw, haw, krysia.
6 Jul 2007
Genealogy / How hard is it to get a Polish passport? [74]

It shouldn't be hard for you to get a Polish passport. I would find out the details but am too busy at present. Maybe somebody else can help this guy? And if you get the passport, I'd advise you to stick to Poland; don't settle anywhere else in Europe. Whether it's in EU, or not, Poland is the country that shall do well in the future.

14 Jul 2007
Genealogy / How hard is it to get a Polish passport? [74]

re: Nope. Quite a few posters asked you about your nationality... whatever, your answers are evasive.

- It appears to me that this creature is of Polish extraction. Perhaps he was born in Poland and lived long enough there. Just a hate-filled Polonophobe of Polish origin. And a self-indulgent liar who thinks that we are not intelligent enough to see that, or that even if we see that, his repeated assurances that he's not Polish will make us eventually believe him.

By the way, there are also Britophobes of British origin.

It's a universal phenomenon - the hate towards the country of one's origin.

But sometimes there may come the point when, for the sake of self-interest, such people start suddenly appreciating the country of their origin and become 'great' patriots.

They should never be taken back.
14 Jul 2007
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

As far as I know there is Starbucks in Wroclaw. Wouldn't there be any e.g. in Warszawa?As for Pizza Hut establishments, they are in every bigger Polish city, aren't they? And in Poland, unlike in some other places, Pizza Hut food is just delicious, and a-plenty. You get some divine salads, pickles, veggies, etc. - the whole enormous buffet you can pick from (it's so at least in Wroclaw). I consider Starbucks coffee dull. Maybe the Poles will manage to improve the taste?

8 Sep 2007
News / Illegal drugs in the EU - Polish gangs are top sellers [56]

re: Polish gangs are the top sellers of methamphetamine (crystel meth) in Europe, especially in England

- And the message comes from...?

re: They are selling to people in Poland, but thay might be more inclined to give it to English people, unfortunately

- You mean: who cares they are selling it to the Poles, but it's really bad when they sell it to the English?

Yeah, you are great (American) 'Pole.' I'm sure your Podkarpacie ancestors rest peacefully in their graves because of you.

re: i dont doubt this...

- And maybe you should?

Is it really the Poles who are such druglords in such a drug-dealer's gold mine as UK?

Or perhaps other nations?
24 Sep 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Quoting: Wroclaw
It's like we still have dirt tracks and donkeys.

In a lot of areas of Poland, you do.

- What specific areas would that be where we use donkeys?

Speak out, mate.

Wasn't it Mark Twain?

Someone beat me to it.
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

- Some seventy years later Paul McCartney said exactly the same thing, commenting on the speculations about his death in connection with the release of Sergeant Pepper album.
24 Sep 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

re: All reasonable questions, although probably worded badly

- What's so 'reasonable' about a question showing that the cretin asking it is convinced Poland lies in the vicinity of I-sra-el and Lebanon? How do you know those questions were 'worded badly'? You mean you know the good wording? How? And what would the good wording be?


Outspoken, well, your answer doesn't prove that donkeys are used in Poland in as large numbers, as e.g. in Third World places. (In one case you seem to confuse a horse with a donkey. Are you sure it's donkeys you've allegedly seen in the places you mention? ;)

As for dirt roads, are they as common in Poland as in the Third World?

By the way, there are quite a few dirt roads in the UK. Perhaps there are some donkeys there just as well? Would it mean that the UK is all dirt roads and donkeys?

24 Sep 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Again, your changing the issue completely

- It doesn't seem to be the case, really. - First, you quoted from the following post by Wroclaw: 'A lot of people think Poland is still stuck in the 70's or before. So any questions about: shops, transport etc. Even on these boards some posters are asking about buses and how to get around. It's like we still have dirt tracks and donkeys.'

Clearly, Wroclaw seems to mean that some folks believe that all transportation in Poland consists of dirt roads and donkeys. Meaning that transportation in Poland is as in the Third World. Now what issue have I allegedly changed here completely? If any one has changed anything, it seems to be you: you've taken out one sentence from Wroclaw's statement and commented on it in an out-of-context manner.

24 Sep 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Quoting: Puzzler
Meaning that transportation in Poland is as in the Third World.

That's your interpretation only.

- Of course, just as e.g. your saying:' That's your interpretation' is your interpretation.

Interpretations can be correct and incorrect. Is mine correct or incorrect?
26 Sep 2007
Australia / Just got home to Australia, but I miss Poland! [47]

Wen I dreamt I wuz in Sydney pleny of lovely lads on Bondi Beach

- Wouldn't rather the Bay of Pigs be the holiday spot of its fancy for the one basking dreamily in manure?
26 Sep 2007
Australia / Just got home to Australia, but I miss Poland! [47]

Wait until forty five and take a closer loo

- Can a male oinker slaughter a female oinker when the latter has aged and got fattened considerably? Pigs are cannibals, aren't they?
1 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Makes me ashamed to be English...

- Don't be; you're not ill-informed any more, and can learn more and tell the others.

People in Britain, just as all the other peoples living on the American side of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War ( ca 1945-1990) were brainwashed about the peoples living on the Russian side of the Iron Curtain. And the Russians attempted to brainwash the people they were occupying about Britain and other nations on the American side.

Awful and stupid things were often talked into all of us. Now we can undo the work of the psychopaths from both the American and Russian side.

One thing you should be aware of, however, is that a large chunk of media types in Britain and England (notice that I don't call them British or English media types, because they have truly little to do with British or English people) have been spreading false hateful Polonophobic messages. Those also account for the misinformation you mention.

And lastly, there's that loud loonie Orwellian piggy tribe (have you ever read 'Animal Farm' by the English genius George Orwell?) that for its loonie reasons hates and vilifies us Poles the world over, including Britain. ;)
7 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Time goes by so quickly and it is not wart

- And now the Orwellian, although non-British, hog pretending to be a patriotic-and-polonophobic-Englishman is playing an expert on the speed of both time and changes in Poland! Harken, harken ye all!

The times they are a-changin', but not the (now aging and fairly sclerotic) oinker's desire to bask in excrement and oink full blast!

What other parallel, vertical, and what not, stories is it going to oink yet?
7 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

Amirah, you're a real sweetie, I can see. Come over to Poland - there won't be any problems for you there; on the contrary, you'll probably be frequently lionised all over the place.

3 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

the immigrants who have come here to make this country their home...

- Contrary to the media announcements, 99% of Poles working in UK are not immigrants; they don't intend to stay here. They're just guest workers.

They already visit Poland - I believe they're called 'stag weekends'....

- Yes, they do. Even the media in Poland have taken notice of them....
10 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish opinion of England as a country and the English nation [64]

Coming from a relativelly [SIC] peaceful Canada

- Yeah, very 'relativelly.' - The Canadian airport customs are the most brutal, most insulting, rudest psychopathic scum imaginable. Of course, they are like this especially if one says one is going to or coming from Poland (they are instructed to do this by their superiors?). They are all smiles towards many others, including the Third World people, in order not to hurt their oh so delicate feelings and not to earn the label of a 'racist.' How many Chinese gangsters and drug smugglers have they let into Canada? But this doesn't matter; more important is that they have given hell to the accursed Poles.

Brit customs are angels of kindness compared to this dehumanized crap of Canada.

I dont think you can even compare the airports in the UK to those in the States for levels of intimidation and agression.. I feel really stressed every time I have to pass through Miami, Houston or any other US airport due to the agressive nature of the customs people..

- My experiences are exactly the same. And indeed the customs folks in the UK are far gentler and human than anywhere else I have been to (a few tens of countries).

American, including Canadian, customs are the worst of all.

the East Europeans do think the streets of London are paved with gold

- I don't know whom you mean by 'East Europeans,' but if it's the Poles, then no, they don't think the streets of London are paved with gold. Not anymore.

Poles work hard,brits are lazy

- Yes, it's the so-called stereotype. I've met quite a few excellent Brit workers. On the average, the Brits have a more laid-back approach to life, including work. It doesn't make their work any less effectual. As for Poles in UK, they are fighting for mere survival and just can't afford to be laid-back (and laid-off).

It seems to have gone the other way now in the Polish media. Apparently any stories involving negative experiences of Poles in Britain are well publicised so as to discourage anymore of them from leaving. Some dont believe the hype, most do.

- Is it good that the Polish hacks publish those stories and many Poles 'believe the hype,' or is it bad? I'm asking, because the tone of your post seems to be slightly condemning.
10 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish opinion of England as a country and the English nation [64]

- To begin with, Kilkie, I have an extremely low opinion about media types, whether they are from Poland, or England or whatever. Mostly psychopathic compulsive liars and hate mongers - professional liars and rabble-rousers, that is. If you enter the media dump, you become human crap, even if you're the most decent person. It's similar as when you join the secret police of an oppressive regime: even if you're the best guy, you'll become a monster. The media psychos don't have any nationality; the nature of the media system makes them a wretched cosmopolitan motley. To me, the media braiwashing machine has been the essential factor behind all the oppressive regimes, such as communism, and the horrific wars in the last century and the present one. They are really a bunch of criminals, also war criminals, and thugs. Mankind will never progress as long as the destructive power of this psychological weapon is not curtailed. But I digress. So because I have a strong contempt for the media, I haven't been quoting the psychos from Poland scribbling about Polish life in the UK. Yet I can assure you that what they babble about isn't even half as hateful as the crap that the media psychopaths in UK babble about Poles and Poland. When I say this, it's not any national fanaticism on my part; I'm just stating a simple fact. I have never encountered any news on the alleged British abuses being presented in the, ahem, 'Polish' media as the main headline or story - not yet.

As for the alleged - may I call it national neutrality? - of the 'British' media e.g. in the case of the Mc Canns, well, my own impression is that some of them, especially total rags such as The Sun, have been giving a strongly xenophobic coverage. I don't believe their nationalism to be honest; I see it as a psychopathic manipulation of national emotions in order to generate high sales - and any adverse national sentiment sells well.

Don't defend the media psychopaths in your country out of national solidarity. You shouldn't have such solidarity with them. They are not really part of your nation and of you. The sooner you and more other people become aware of this, the better for the world, for all of us.
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

And if you want to find a real peasant, I'd suggest you look no further than...

- His own mirror (provided he's got any).
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

Or the ''Promised Land'' as some of your Polish friends call us

- Please, prove that any of Liza's 'Polish friends' call you and your 'us' - the 'Promised Land.' Boy, oh boy! :)

Well, you're asking Liza why she didn't stay in NZ and came to work in the UK. Should she ask equally politely why so many British come to settle in NZ...?

You seem to have a contempt for Liza because she allegedly works for or in a post office. You yourself are, as I understand, a lorry driver. So why this contempt for post office employees? You mean lorry drivers are superior to post folks...? :)

Now, you've been bragging about the power of British economy and you seem to try to speak on behalf of British economy and chase foreign workers out of Britain on behalf of British economy. But being a mere lorry driver, what great contribution do you have to the power of British economy? How many jobs have you created? Unlike you, the Brits who really contribute to British economy have a demand for foreign, e.g. Polish, workers. The proof of this seems to be the scores of British job ads in Poland.

So, it seems to me, if British employers have a high demand for foreign workers, and if there are many foreign workers in Britain, and if the British economy is powerful, then the foreign workers contribute greatly to British economy, perhaps are even one of the main pillars, not to say the main pillar, of it.... :)

By the way, I suspect that even if you created jobs and, hehe, wanted to hire Poles, in the long run no Polish person would want to work for you.
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

There are similarities between ET and immigrants:

- One can find (diminishing and ridiculing) similarities between other things as well.

E.g. Kilkline and the chamber pot.

In the theory of propaganda they call it 'association,' don't they?
11 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

You have a habit of misunderstanding

- What specifically have I misunderstood in your post? Please, enlighten the ignorant Puzzler, please.

Its pointless arguing with the likes of you mate

- Is it an excuse to take to your heels? Got cornered by Puzzler, so in order to save face you basically say that Puzzler is stupid and you won't talk to him?

What a bright truckie you are.

Do you drive as adroitly as you debate? Then got save England, and especially Crewe, Chesire.