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Posts by Juche  

Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 292 / In This Archive: 91
From: Pyongyang, DPRK
Speaks Polish?: Korean, Engrish
Interests: Spread ideas of North Korean glory and self sufficiency

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21 Feb 2009
News / Goldman Sachs says it will no longer profit from undermining Polish zloty [29]

Goldman Sachs, in a rare show of public-minded ethics, has recently announced that it will no try to profit from undermining East/Central European currencies.

How nice.

By the way, would anyone care to enlighten the forum as to Tadeusz Marcinkiewicz's role in all of this as one of Goldman Sach's highly-placed investment bankers? He is the nice chap who used to be premier briefly under the PiS government and has recently left his wife for a sexy young lass he met while in London.
22 Feb 2009
Life / What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? [125]

What can the average everyday person do to make Poland a better country

stop thinking of themselves only and disregarding the rights of others. stop jumping lines (queues) and stop littering. aLso stop listening to music on their cell phones outloud (very loud) on buses and trams, it is usually discopolo and very cheesy
23 Feb 2009
Life / What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? [125]

Which country doesn't do this, Juche? Littering?

some coutnries better some worse, you have not seen the dumpster bins behind my building - everyone from entire neighborhood thinks it is the town dump, people incapable of actually putting trash INSIDE the dumpsters, people urinating everywhere around and what what - animals.

Also in People Democratic Republic Korea we do not litter , Pyongyang is so clean
5 Mar 2009
Life / What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? [125]

today while walking accross street on a green light which turned red just aslmost before I got to other side, a man honked his horn at me in frustrastion. this proves that Poles when in control of a privat motorcar are retards, this has always been the case
5 Mar 2009
Life / What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? [125]

yesterday was also eventful: i was holding on to the handrail inside the tram and a man was barging through to get out; between me and him was another man, who started karate-chopping my hand because it was allegedly in his way. I say to him: what you doing, for the love of God? He say in frustrated tone: your hand is grabbing me. I say "What?? You are crazy!" He mutters something and walks away. Crazy Polish, lacking in socialistic philosophy!
5 Mar 2009
Travel / Best method of transport to get from Warsaw to Kaunas? [14]

There used to be an overnight train with sleeping cars that stopped in Kaunas on the way to Vilnius, but it was discountinued a while ago and replaced with a coach, which sucks because trains are usually the most comfortable option. Check with PKP, they may have reinstated the service, otherwise book a coach tkt with EUROLINES coaches...
6 Mar 2009
Love / What do Polish guys think of Irish girls? [187]

what do polish lads think of irish girls?

they are often pale and freckly. also red heads - in Polish mythology red heads are prone to telling fibs. generally not socialistic minded enough.
12 Mar 2009
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Funny, I didn't think the Germans used Polack to describe Poles. I thought it was Pole/polnisch

also scheisserpolacker
16 Mar 2009
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]


very interesting sociological question pertaining to Polish who are no longer socialistic. major wave of Polish immigrant before WOrld War I up until WWII was when Poland was not very good socialisitic, Polish coming to USA were the most backward and illiterate of all Polish, they were the most miserable wretches - those who could read and write stay in Poland, the most rusticated only come to USA. because in USA then at this time was already huge German populations, these ethnic Germans, loyal to the descendent of the Huns told jokes about the Polish to make up for Hitler's stupidity. Very obvious!

Also famous incident of Polish cavalry charging German tanks on horseback is popular misconception - they were not attacking but try to break out of an area where they were surrounded, sword were still popular accessory of army offcier in the 1930s. But stupid Amerrican propaganda expanded on sterotype and this myth snowballs to this day. Very stupid!

This misconseptions is exactly why we North Koreans build monuments.

don't forget about American reputation for stupidity

reputation for terrible socialistics!
23 Mar 2009

Also is it possible to meet a man who is very good socialistic and such
23 Mar 2009
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

this situtation is difficult to analyze becasue situation is highly unusual and rare. probably he has never had girlfriend because he refuses to commit to one, he instead is interested in the collective.
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

in the Warsaw area average wages according to the press are about 2900-3200 PLN gross. No doubt the financial crisis/scam will motivate employers to lower wages a little, reasoning that if you are lucky enough to have a job or to get one then you wont complain about a pay cut.

As to above figures, one can deduce that many workers who work part time or in the informal sector are propably not counted, and there are very many of them. The real figure is probaly around 2000 PLN, less in the country and in small towns.
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

or a NK guy, you sure do seem to know a lot about Polish demographics and social trends.

this is my primary duty and responsiblity at ministry where I toil in the name of the working masses.
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Aren't your travel rights restricted as a NK national?

as prefered member of party elite i travel as I please. the working masses are happy to not travel, they are busy erecting monuments and such
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Has your salary been affected by the crisis? Just incidentally, why the hostility towards Japan?

as the crisis is creation of corrupt capitalistic system it does not affect working masses of North Korea. my salary pays in North Korea Won and is not affect by fluctuations of your curreny.

English level of my coworkers is various, many speak other language but no English. My comrade sitting next to my desk speak ALbanian and Estonian and Finnish but no English!
23 Mar 2009
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

you will beat financial crisis by refusing cable television, swithc to pre-pay sim card for cell phone, and eating roots and tubers.
24 Mar 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Anybody know of the stereotype about Swedes, Fins, Danes, Italians etc? (From a Polish point of view)

Poles often think Finns are depressed alcoholics, and very good socialistic. I sometimes hear Poles refer to Swedes as non-believing atheists who prefer gay marriage and kiddie prn to good old fashion family

values and a day spent at church (which is stereotypically what a Polish should be).

Sorry, just reporting what I often hear.
24 Mar 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Incidentally Norway is a mystery to most Poles, other than beautiful fjords Poles generally know very little about this country, so there are few stereotypes about the people. And they have good fish. And good looking girls. Maybe because of the diet high in Omega-3 oils, the girls are sexy.
13 May 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

I want to tour Poland by motorcycle, anybody living there have some insight on this?

buy good life/health insurance and always ride defensively, people's driving skills (At least in Warsaw) leave much to be desired as do parking skills and lack of common courtesy.
14 Jun 2009
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

In Peoples Democatic Republic of North Korea we have gorlfriend assigned by state collective, in Poland govenrment should also do this and would solve all problem of Poland working peoples.
12 Sep 2009
News / Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century [147]

Fans of Poland do not fret, according to reactionary Geroge Firedmann Poland will be a superpower once USA gives it "Isreael-like" status:


the alternative: build bunkers, dig tunnel