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Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century

Juche  9 | 292  
12 Sep 2009 /  #1
Fans of Poland do not fret, according to reactionary Geroge Firedmann Poland will be a superpower once USA gives it "Isreael-like" status:


the alternative: build bunkers, dig tunnel
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Sep 2009 /  #2
Israel-status doesn't sound promising when there's currently reasonably good relations with most neighbours at present.

From that article: Polskie wpływy mogą sięgać aż na Bałkany, gdzie jednak "blok polski" nieuchronnie zderzy się z inną potęgą XXI wieku - Turcją.

I imagine an eagle and a turkey squaring up to each other.

Hasn't this subject been done before?
OP Juche  9 | 292  
12 Sep 2009 /  #3
Hasn't this subject been done before?

probably. but this is based on a new book to be published soon.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
12 Sep 2009 /  #4

Get yourself hated by everyone overnight.

Hasn't this subject been done before?

Yes, by the time i got to US forbidding mighty Poland from building moonbases and powered armor troopers running out of electricity because US death stars destroyed the power plants i was not dissapointed.

An excerpt from the book.

"All of US Battlestars will be destroyed before they manage an orbital counterstrike."

Battlestars are apparently US versions of a death star, sadly Poland wont get to build any but we're gonna own Europe together with Romania and Hungary.

Crow + Star Wars = George Friedman.
Crow  154 | 9525  
12 Sep 2009 /  #5
Poland to be World Superpower

not without support from Balkan Serbs, not if Serbs are destroyed by Polish enemies
szczeciniak  4 | 92  
12 Sep 2009 /  #6
starship commonwealth would be the flagship
than Uss ukraina and Lithuanian
next follow uss hungry and chech and slovacia
others as well and all this within next 40 years??

waw i wish i could see it.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2009 /  #7
Ah, people's fantasies... ;)

I just want Poland to be a good place to live in for everybody, no need to be a 'superpower'.
Piorun  - | 655  
12 Sep 2009 /  #8
Ah, people's fantasies... ;)

You mean it's not true? But I read it in a book. Here's a little excerpt;

I forgot the title of this book and the author. It can be found in a science fiction section of your local library. Just ask your librarian, she will know.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2009 /  #9
When vodka becomes the currency of world's reserves,Poland will become superpower.
szczeciniak  4 | 92  
12 Sep 2009 /  #11

it has being decided to be new currency

but 1l of vodka will be worth will buy everything
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
12 Sep 2009 /  #12
"W jego analizie kryzys, z którym obecnie mamy do czynienia, jest przejściowy i stosunkowo łatwy do opanowania. Najważniejszym zadaniem Ameryki w XXI wieku będzie - według Friedmana - powstrzymanie ekspansji Rosji na Zachód, a naturalnym sojusznikiem USA w tym zadaniu będzie Polska, która tym razem skorzysta na swym położeniu geopolitycznym pomiędzy Rosją a Europą Zachodnią."

Soooo Poland will become America's cannon fodder?

"...w ciągu następnego półwiecza przed Polską stoi szansa stania się głównym ośrodkiem polityki europejskiej..."

With the tragic state of polish politics today (ie: the ducks) it is hard to believe this will ever happen. The US will have to invest quite a bit of resources to train polish politicians over the next "half century."
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Sep 2009 /  #13
others as well and all this within next 40 years??

With our spacefleets we will avenge the genocide committed by Lufthansa against Jan Maria Rokita by glassing Germany.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Sep 2009 /  #14
once USA gives it "Isreael-like"

not sure anybody believes this
quite laughable
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #15
Southern, other countries have vodka too, you know? ;) ;) Why not Lithuania as a superpower as their currency would have some stock?

Poland will not be a superpower. America doesn't want more competition than Russia and China. A superpower can build itself up relatively easily from within and with the right funding. Can Poland really do that? America has the Rockefellers and MANY other sources of funding that Poland doesn't have. Geez, Poland was glad to accept Patriot missiles, hardly the most cutting-edge technology out there.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Sep 2009 /  #16
Since Poels cannot get along even amongst themselves , as current political battling shows, it is highly unlikley that all these countreis could somehow get together and see eye to eye. However, if Poland, Urklaine, the Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Belarus and the Baltic states could relaise that a federation or confederation or commonwealth was worth their while, who knows....?

Predicting after WW2 that the vanquished, war-torn Japs and Krauts would become economic superpowers would have been equally ludicrous. In history, politics and economics, most everything is possible.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Sep 2009 /  #17
I dunno...since the founding of Germany it proved to be a highly industrialized, skilled, disciplined country.
The devastation of WWII didn't changed those basic facts....so the rebuilding had a good foundation already!

The position of Germany at the turn of the century was even higher than now. Germany was leading at all scientific, researching fronts...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Sep 2009 /  #18
RUSSIA doesn't want more competition. Seanus, you need to forget about America and visit some other places in the world. Go see the cities of the future. Hint: they aren't in America. Quit lying and trying to make America look omnipotent when it's obvious other countries have much more money and much newer cities. Does Washington DC have a brand new rotating wind tower? Moscow does. And yet America has tons of money and controls everything. Where is our new tower, if that's the case? Read up on the times, Seanus! You're living in a different decade. It might have been true years ago, but not now.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #19
Russia also doesn't want more competition as they are heavily reliant on gas. I didn't say otherwise. Lying, where? America is still classed as a hyperpower, PP, the only one. Do you really believe that America can't invest in the technologies of tomorrow? Ok, Scotland has 30% of the tidal/wind power of Europe, we are lucky. The ME has oil, they are lucky. Still, America can compensate in other ways. They haven't been castrated completely as you seem to think.

What other places? I've been to 21 countries outside of Scotland, all with their own potential and expertise. Those rich countries don't necessarily harbour aspirations of becoming superpowers, PP.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Sep 2009 /  #20
America is in deep debt, a recession and the infrastructure is crumbling, in places. The schools are failing and churning out too many math/science/reading illiterates. While other places are building skyscrapers, ours are getting old and some are being targeted by terrorists.

If you want to see where real hyperpower is, turn your eyes toward the middle east and Russia and away from America.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #21
First issue, debt. Yes, Bush plunged the nation into unprecedented national debt. Still, do you really believe that the individual businesspeople who spearheaded Obama's campaign would be willing to cough up the sums that Obama needs to pay for his ambitious health program? The money comes from somewhere, it always does. He seems to find the funds from some undisclosed sources.

The American economy bounced back from the worst vicissitudes of the recession. I'm quite sure you could point to numerous statistical reports from agencies which collate such info that it's really not as bad as you think.

The infrastructure of a country crumbles from time to time. Recovery packages can salvage the worst of it.

America has always produced more than its fair share of illiterates ;) ;)

OK, PP, please define superpower and hyperpower for me. I want to get into your mind to see how you conceptualise them.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Sep 2009 /  #22
That's embarrassingly off topic, Seanus. Let's just agree it's not the US who wants to stop Eastern Europe from progressing. We aren't immediate neighbors. Those would be Britain, France, Germany and Russia. That's where you have to look, Seanus.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Sep 2009 /  #23
The devastation of WWII didn't changed those basic facts....so the rebuilding had a good foundation already!

Actually your rebuilding had nothing to do with you being skilled or disciplined (which as a nation you are it just didnt play any serious factor here) but with US pumping money into your Western larger part for obvious reasons, if they did not you'd be around todays level Poland.

Skill or hard work alone wont do much if you dont have the funds to start with.

The position of Germany at the turn of the century was even higher than now. Germany was leading at all scientific, researching fronts...

They even invented tanks! Oh wait ...

The American economy bounced back from the worst vicissitudes of the recession.

Which was quite a bit different than it is today.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #24
Well, if you can't tell me what a superpower is then how do you propose to discuss if Poland will be one or not??

I didn't say that the US wants any part of Europe from progressing. There will be future drives for a union between America and Europe but the first step is getting Canada and Mexico on board (for America that is).

What am I supposed to be looking for exactly? Please be specific.

Sokrates, time produces such differences but it just involves a few adjustments.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Sep 2009 /  #25
but with US pumping money into your Western larger part for obvious reasons,

The fact that the US made a rerun of the Treaty of Versailles impossible as both GB and France were equally broke played for sure an important part but it wasn't the money mainly.

Many countries profited from the Marshall plan after WWII. Great Britain and France for example got much, much more money but no "Wirtschaftswunder" for them...


PS: You don't have to downtalk me everytime I start to brag about Germany Sokrates...it's a nasty habit of yours! Do you see me doing that everytime when you state the sun shines out of a polish ass???
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Sep 2009 /  #26
Many countries profited from the Marshall plan after WWII. Great Britain and France for example got much, much more money but no "Wirtschaftswunder" for them...

And the difference in skill and discipline made you wealthier than them the point is that were you are today you are because of US investment.

PS: You don't have to downtalk me everytime I start to brag about Germany Sokrates...it's

You sir are talking to 26 years of pre-conditioning but i'll try :P

As for Germany another importtant bit is that you got to trade and develop your economy like a normal country, we got our centrally planned hell after all of our industry was stripped and taken by Russia, its important to remember that where we are respectively is a product of circumstances more than individual effort.

By the same principle the Western allies snorted down on Germany after WW1 because it was "naturally inferior" in military and got a nasty suprise when circumstances changed.

Sokrates, time produces such differences but it just involves a few adjustments.

US never in its history had such a debt, never in history had it produced so little and had economy based on paper rather than hard labor.

You cannot compare the great recession with what is happening today, US was able to install programmes that helped restore their economy and sustain the population, right now they cant afford that.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #27
Well, when certain people drain the life out of the economy, it comes as no surprise. The Fed have been cheating people for a long time. Still, I believe that kickstart options are viable. America has extensive knowledge of economic models and need to draw on their past successes. With concerted effort from the people, they can reverse the rot.

Anyway, this is about Poland. Sokrates, you are Polish, what do you think?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Sep 2009 /  #28
Still, I believe that kickstart options are viable.

How will they pay for them?

Anyway, this is about Poland. Sokrates, you are Polish, what do you think?

I think that Poland built a regional power once upon a time despite the odds and that proves something, if circumstances are right it can do it again and circumstances are slowly becoming right, Friedmans book is a lot of bull and US masturbation though.

If Russia and Germany fall into hard times you end up with 3 natural nexuses of power in Europe, France and UK and Poland.

France and UK by principle of being huge stable economies and Poland by being the next largest kid on the block in central and eastern Europe, if we'd assume some turmoil in which Russia is an actuall side, Germany is unable or unwilling to intervene it falls down to Poland to play with its neighbours.

Friedman did get one thing right and thats an extremely interesting point, Russia is virtually guaranteed to fall apart in our lifetime in a way thats both dramatic and permanent, in the event Eastern European countries might go for landgrab and a thousand other opportunities can open that permanently shifts the balance of power eastwards in Europe and since we're the wealthiest, the most stable if we play it right potential gains can be enormous and long lasting.

One thing i agree with his book is that Poland is likely to govern Belarus directly in some form or other in the future, Belarussian economy is riding the russian wallet, without it Belarus can and will experience such a social, political and economic collapse thats right now unthinkable outside Africa.

In case of Russian decline Poland can offer help, aid and install its sockpuppets especially since Belariusians have rather weak national identity and buying them and re-creating them into something else is easier than with Ukraine.

So can Poland become a very powerfull state in our lifetime? Probably yes but it all hinges on how long with Russia last and how well will the Polish goverment play out opportunities unfolding in the event of such a collapse.

If Russia manages to reform itself against all odds then Poland will just stay where it is, in 15-30 years it will reach something nearing Spanish standards of economy and welfare, its probably going to demand a larger slice of pie and get it as far as say in EU goes, and will become a significant EU member but thats it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Sep 2009 /  #29
I agree with your analysis on Belarus. Russia knows that it has well and truly lost control of the former CIS states but Belarus seems to be there for the controlling. As is the case in modern times, religion will play its part. They are both predominantely prawosławny and a large percentage of Belarussians can speak Russian fluently. You also have a good point about identity. I asked a Belarussian student to speak in her native tongue and she kept on mixing it with Russian. That's the downside of not carving out a clear ID.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Sep 2009 /  #30
As is the case in modern times, religion will play its part. They are both predominantely prawosławny and a large percentage of Belarussians can speak Russian fluently.

Absolutely but they dont really feel Russian and remember that with people who have such a weak grasp on nationality all it takes is enter the region, stabilize it, feed their families show them respect and offer freedoms they didnt have thus far and suddenly Poland becomes next best thing after sex and vodka.

As for religion? Just let them roll with Prawoslawie, its XXI century and Poland did mature quite a bit in that regard, if you're a Belarussian you're not going to want to starve along with your prawoslawny brothers in Russia if another country offers stability aid liberty and lets you keep whats important to you.

Polish mistake which led directly to Polands decline was that it failed to treat Eastern slavic nations decently when it needed raw manpower, history slowly makes a full circle, Russia is in drastic decline, Poland in slow ascension but again to make it into the big buys room we need people we dont have but our neighbours do and would be more than willing to share if we play it right.

Whether Poland will play it right is another matter.

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