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Posts by SeanBM  

Joined: 10 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jun 2017
Threads: Total: 34 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 5781 / In This Archive: 2780
From: Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

North Americans are Polish, Irish, Spanish etc...
Our American cousins want to come home, great!
Before in Ireland,North America had the idea of the land of milk and honey (I assume communist Poland had the same idea?), where a poor man could be sucessful with the right idea. Lately however it has all gone belly up, for many reasons and Europe has (hopefully) shifted from petty disputes about lines drawn in the dirt to something a little more progressive, we have miles to go yet but North America is on the way down and The United states of Europe on the way up.

U.S.A bashing is a pass time I find most Europeans love, But you know what your man said, there is only one thing worse than being talked about, that is not being talked about.
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

Bloody foreigners going to England, taking the jobs they don't want to do, upping the national I.Q., importing fit women, supporting the economy, bring cultural diversity and tolerance and then complaining on a Polish forum that the English don't want them.

This is in NO WAY a new complaint for the English,
I am certainly not speaking about all English people, most are very good people, but the empty vessels make the most noise.

I'm trying to be constructive.

I do not see anything remotely constructive about any of your comments on this thread?
Why didn't you post your letter?
what response did you expect to get out of posting on a POLISH FORUM about your supposed letter?
About your decent immigration policy, would you choose to take only qualified Poles for specific job vacancies? I am not an expert on cleaning toilets, working in factories or babysitting but I did not realise it needed a masters?

We do not live in a fascist regime people have the right to travel. England is an Island in many senses.
Do what the americans do for mexico, build a wall. Or even better cop on.
Only the very safe can talk about right and wrong
31 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

guessing you aint met to many Poles then

I live in Poland, but there are none here, they have all gone to England in an attempt to sink it.
Are there many English on this site that are members of the national front?

remember 1942 aus,lots of "POMS" fighting to save your grubby dusty little island from the nips.....

The nips yeah?, grubby dusty little island?that speaks volumes
5 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

I'm not coming at this from the "bl**dy foreigner" angle and I welcome the diversity and the differences. No problem with that at all. It's the sheer volume that I have difficulty with. Immigration is fine, but it has to be managed.

Why have you not posted your alleged letter on this forum?,
If you are not coming from the "bloody foreigners angle", who should be aloud in to "your country" and who should decide on what criteria?

what do you do with the people who are already there and do not fit into your management of these people?

with freedom comes responsibility

I could not agree more, but you are suggesting, in some form not yet specified to "manage" The volume of immigrants , so some will fill your criteria and others will not, whose freedom are you talking about?

This some problem has alwayscexisted before in England, I really hope that in the near future that history will not repeat itself and there will not be "No Polish need apply" signs hanging up.

Europe has changed and it will take more time for things to balance out. I Hope you (or anyone else) can put forward constructive ways of Managing immigrants, I just can't see a way that would not restrict people in our free Europe.
7 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

I just want a more level playing field rather than what we have at the moment which is all stacked in favour everyone but the British.

I disagree with your opinion, we are now the European Union, all people should have the right to move freely around and work. The days of the "british empire" are gone. Britain for brits, is what it sounds like you are saying, of course you will let a chosen few, who suit your needs to enter the country, god knows there are toilets to be cleaned. Thank goodness your government have the sence to join.

This same bull opinion has been coming from some brits for ever, it used to be about Irish people going to England now it's the Poles, it is time to stop sounding like a broken record and get with it, you must think about things in a boarder European sence, if not all our country's will fall behind.

I'm tried of tossers like you who jump to conclusions about what people are thinking.

Without posting your letter, people are bound to jump to conclusions and name calling does not help.
16 May 2008
Real Estate / Luksa - Big problems with developer in Lwowska, Krakow [79]

have a look at the following forum discussing Grupa Inwestycyjna Pawo (LUKSA)

I am sorry but I do not speak Polish well enough, could you give us the gist of the discussion, please.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I might have it all wrong but isn't Judaism just another religion that anyone can join ? you people seem to be to literal in your obsessions.

every step we take we must gain, hold in the pressure, releasing the pain.
there are good and bad people everywhere.
Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
There are many accounts in my Irish history of Irish landlords being worse than the brits.
Use your own common sense
16 May 2008
Law / EU grants to small business in Poland-advice needed [27]

Hello ss13,

What kind of things did they get a grant for?
I know people who have got grants for studies all over Europe, but nobody for business.
It is of course interesting for people setting up their own company that might get some extra help.

Best regards
16 Jun 2008
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]

been to Scotland and Ireland and they say YOUS on a regular basis there

Definitely, I am from Dublin, but it is more of a youz, in Dublin anyway. But it makes sence, singular "you" plural "youz", like in Polish...em, i a not comfortable writing in Polish.
19 Jun 2008
Real Estate / Is there a Real Estate bubble in Krakow? [60]

I find that the developers will have to pull out the finger and finish the builds, it is a **** take at the moment, buying a place and having to finish it yourself. I have recently seen two story houses being sold without stairs... greedy bastards. I think the prices will stay the same for the next while but you will get more for your money. A finished product is cheaper if the developer does it, (buy in bulk and negotiate a better price with the fitters on mass).

I also see a massive change in what is on the market, from small apartments in blocks to houses, seems to be the new trend and why wouldn't it be, 50 square metre flat 15 mins from Krakow or a 120 metre flat 15 mins in the other direction from Krakow costing the same, it is a nobrainer. Still these roads need to be renovated, which they are in the process of doing, so it might take a little while longer before people see the benefits.

I do not believe that foreigners pushed up the prices so much here either, other countries that had a false economy (foreigners pushing up the prices) are now really feeling the brunt of the burst bubble.

Something else to consider is all the money poured into Poland form Poles working abroad.
20 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]


Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?)
Long answer NO, short answer YES. Which would you prefer? the long answer or the short one?
If you ask her, the worst she can do is say NO, so you have really nothing to loose.
20 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

Is it trying to hard if I say something to her in bad Polish?

Yes I think it would not hurt and could work as a good ice breaker.
Go for it my man, but just make sure to report back to us what happened, ha ha ha
Yes leave out the killing bit, the first time anyway.
26 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I am white scottish

Hello noimmigration, I do not agree with a lot of what you say but I do find some of the things you say thought provoking and I can see some of your points clearly. I always considered London a different country from the rest of England and apart from "city" there are not many English people. I personally enjoy this very much. Do you feel that you are being attacked by an invading army?.

When I was growing up I think a majority of immigrants in England were ex colonies, that there was a post colonial guilt, that led to letting post empire countries in (was this the case?). I think (just an opinion) the post colonial guilt has some thing to do with the lack of sternness when dealing with Mugabe in Zimbabwe because of Rhodesia.

And this new influx of E.U. members is a different case, I have worked on and off in England and it always appeared to me that Britain always needed foreign workers, in your factories and yes even cleaning your toilets and your economy is one of the best in Europe and in the world because of it.

I went off my point a bit there.
26 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

I'm sure she's friendly with everyone. She just seems like a sweetheart. I don't think she gave me any special attention. Then again, I'm rather guarded and reserved so I would probably dismiss it as nothing if she did. So I'm not taking anything the wrong way.

I know what you mean, I am a bit thick when it comes to seeing that someone fancies me, always the last to know.
Good luck and I expect a full report, on my desk tomorrow morning! ha ha ha, you'll be fine, how is your Polish coming along?.

Where are you thinking of brining her? I might be jumping the gun here, are you going to ask her out or just introduce yourself today?
26 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

I am still clueless.

I know exactly how you feel and at the time you do not see it. Next day you put it together, ha ha ha


Sorry.... ha ha ha but I think some people on this forum could give you a good idea what a Polish girl would like for a date. I'd ask polishgirltx first.

Ah come on. go for it, old lady or young, seize the day and all that!.
If you don't talk to her, you'll just be a stalker (just kidding).
You can do it! She sounds like a sweet Polish girl.
7 Jul 2008
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

I used to word teaching Callan, did my head in. Learned the books off by heart. He hated children but I found it worked very well for beginners, book 1.

My mouth was wrecked from pronouncing "th" ha ha ha
7 Jul 2008
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

I used to charge a rich guy 100Zloty an hour and he'd buy the beer. Last time I saw him was when I gave up the drink for a while and just stuck to water. God he was boring.... he just wanted someone to drink with, grand like but after a while you know yourself


Good thing about Callan is you do not need to prepare, when you know the books, but it is boring as hell

I don't believe in pricing people out of 'education'

Fair comment.
8 Jul 2008
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

tourist visa (60 days) to Thailand and Cambodia?

Hello I have just come back from Cambodia and Thailand with a Polish friend.
We made the mistake of assuming that because we are EU we would be treated the same.
Polish people can only have a two week visa in Thailand if you get it at the Thai airport. It is a nightmare getting the visa, it makes Polish beurocracy seem simple, and that is really saying something, I do not remember how much it cost.

We had to go to the Thai embassy in Phnom Pen (Cambodia)where they took my friends passport off her for one week. Note Polish people can not renew their visas at the boarder like Irish can.

This can all be avoided by doing it through the Thai Embassy in the country you are in. One month visa is no problem then.

Cambodia is much more user friendly to Polish tourists, you can even bribe the boarder officials if you need to.
Let me know if there is anything else you need to know

I have just read what I have written and it is all true, except I left out one very important thing. We loved it, my friends passport was taken away from her but we loved Phnom Pen and had a fantastic time. I would recommend it to everyone.

Again any if you have any further questions, I would be more than happy to help
8 Jul 2008
Language / I'm gonna learn Polish in a month! [86]

I'm gonna learn Polish in a month!
I would say you are too used to microwave dinners.

Don't expect miracles masks98, don't get frustrated and be prepared to put in the necessary time required and good luck

I completely agree.
Do you speak any other languages masks98?
One of the things I find about languages is that it is better to do a little all the time than a lot in a small amount of time, that is just for me and may not apply to you.

I wish you luck. I also think Polish forum should run a test for you at the end of the month? ;0)
8 Jul 2008
Polonia / Are Polish people required to have tourist visa for Thailand? [32]

Is it too fantastic or possible?

Absolutely not, you can go and have a wonderful time.
Of course keep your eyes open but I would recommend that generally, at least while not asleep.

We loved Cambodia,
It was rough around the edges. We actually prefered it to Thailand in many respects, it was not so touristic.
I better stop, if you have more specific questions I will answer, I can go on and on about travelling and I do not want to be rude. I am not used to forum decorum , ah ha I am a poet and I didn't know it!

I pmed you some stuff.
9 Jul 2008
Law / How do you set up a company in Poland? [46]

Hello brian1712 ,
I am from Ireland and have my own company.
There are different types of companies depending on what you want to do, some tax structuring wouldn't go astray before you set up a company, just keep in mind what you want to do in the future.

It would help if you asked much more specific questions.
Do you intend on subcontracting your work or employing people full time.
Taxes a high.
Which kinds of property and even where (rough Idea).
By a permit do you mean a real estate license? If so, the answer is yes.
You should be able to find lots of info and links to more info on this forum in the Polish property section, I would read everything with a pinch of salt, you know yourself.

Best of luck


I can not answer your question but teaching English goes under education so good lower taxes.