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Posts by kaprys  

Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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1 Jun 2018
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

Sorry, I didn't see your comment before.
Google 'brown babies' of Germany - too many were given up for adoption. And that was the 20th century.
The Mongol invasions were in the 13th century - the Middle Ages full of superstitions and short of food.
I don't know if you're aware of the Polish custom of putting a red bow on the pram. It's to protect the child as according to folk tales mamunas would swap human babies to their own - odd looking, ugly, crippled- children. A mother had to abandon the demon's child to get her child back. Imagine what happened to those abandoned kids.

Hopefully, some communities kept children that looked differently.
1 Jun 2018
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

You can't help insulting people - I'm an ethnonationalist - oh, how cute.
Poles, as other Europeans, are mixed. Some might be mixed with Mongols, others with Scots, Jews, Germans, Hungarians, Greeks - the list goes on.
The epicanthic fold appears not only in Asians. You wanted an example of a German who looks Mongol - you got it. Even two.
Why are you so obsessed with race?
1 Jun 2018
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

Kaczyński and Szydlo are no more mongloid than Queen Victoria. Was her bloodline (German or not) affected by the Mongol invasion?
There are different types within races. Europeans are mixed.
Even though it's pretty obvious there must have been rapes during Mongol invasion I doubt they would later nurture babies born from such pregnancy. Assuming the raped women survived.

Oh, and Himmler - some think he was partly Mongolian, too.
So did the Mongols get that far?
31 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

No, I have never owned a full auto-machine gun.
Can you, please, teach me how to organise my thoughts before I make them public? Pretty please.
Right now I can't write like an adult. It looks as if I was playing a scattered school girl and it can't get me that far.

I have been thinking of you, Rysiu, and I can't help but wonder what a wonderful place Poland would be today if you hadn't left on that train from Warszawa Gdańska in 1966...
31 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Please, tell me all about my mental disorder. I'm sure you're an expert in it.
Yay, I can't wait!
And yeah I have problems with reading comprehension. I'm Polish, ty wiesz?

And did YOU climb Polish trees on your last visit here? Perhaps in that park in Radom.
I'm getting really curious about your adventures in Poland.
Come on, next story please!
You could write a book about it!
What a pity there won't be a sequel :(
31 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

Come on, guys.
It's great he came back even if only for three days. So many adventures: three cities, dating an organista after following a priest and altar boys into the zakrystia, chatting up a man at a railway station and taking him for dinner, arguing at a clinic and then a hospital (it was emergency! ), having dinner with the hotel owner in Radom, visiting a school in Radom and using a vandalised toilet for kids, visiting a school in Warsaw and arguing about his classmates' personal data while staring at girls' knees. Did I miss anything?

And all of this happened to a man in his seventies! You just envy him. It doesn't happen to you.
So much interaction with real people!
You wouldn't expect such an active man to spend hours posting rubbish online from his room in the institution where he's being held, would you?

He's so great that if he weren't himself, he'd be an Indian in position of power in the UK.
So if he says it's true, stop questioning him!
So Poland never again both for Rysiu and Ania!
You tell them!
27 May 2018
Law / PESEL number, passport, and ID in Poland [16]

You won't get two different pesel numbers. It's a unique number based on your date of birth and five other digits - with different coded meaning. It's given once for a lifetime - any possible changes might be connected with sex change or being adopted, definitely not getting married.
27 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Oh, I have seen some amazing artistic graffiti.
27 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

@Rich Mazur
No one tells you to like/love Poland or the country you were born in.
You may hate it all along.

We're questioning your story (American health insurance that somehow covers all Polish clinics and hospitals, no local currency while in Poland, no possibilty to withdraw the money from any ATM apparently), your claim that you're Polish and apparently lived here till the age of 22-24 but you don't speak Polish (you can't answer simple questions in Polish and all the examples of Polish phrases you give contain mistakes - the latest one too).

Putting so much effort in creating an online persona and not being able to stop after being exposed is deeply disturbing.
27 May 2018
Genealogy / Meaning of "Janek" [26]

Janusz is derived from Jan.

Btw, it's interesting how it got a really new meaning now.
26 May 2018
Life / Information about Krystyna Janda? (Polish film and theater actress.) [4]

She's one of the most recognisable Polish actresses.
She has her own cosmetics line.
She has a rather distinctive expression and way of speaking - she has been impersonated in at least one comedy show.
On her Facebook page she often expresses her views which are not very popular among the right wing voters.
26 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Luckily, I have never had to use mine.
I remember a story of someone I know coming home from a winter break in Italy with a broken leg but I don't really think I even bothered to ask if he had an additional insurance from the travel agency.

Still, if you travel abroad, make sure you have proper travel insurance.
25 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]

I'm sorry but all I can help you with is that in Polish the aunt's name would probably have been Sara ha-Lewi.
25 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

All I know is that a nurse (my mother's friend) once told me that all the private insurance contracts are just additional. You need to get insurance from ZUS/KRUS to get hospital treatment for sure.

But why are we talking about Polish health insurance. If you travel abroad, you need to get medical travel insurance before leaving your country.
It's easy within the EU - in Poland you go to your local NFZ departament and have an ekuz card issued. Still you need to make an effort to apply for it.

As for non-EU residents, I guess it all depends on their medical insurance or lack of it.
Still in case of emergency, you will be helped. Then you'll get a receipt/invoice (I don't know really) for the treatment. If you have a medical insurance that covers medical treatment in Poland, your insurance company will sort it out.

If you don't, it will be your debt.
As for visiting GPs etc with a private health insurance, they need to have a contract with your insurance company to treat you. Otherwise pay.
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Rysiu, to jak wspominasz swoją obronę? ;)

Update: just got a pm from Mooli (?) telling me johnny and rysiu are right about emergency services in Poland and forgetting the language :)
Is it possible to get even more embarrassing?

Rysiu, do you need to deal with cops a lot?
I'm sorry.
Oh, ok, I shouldn't be laughing so hard.
If you are a Polish wannabe, ok.
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

@Rich Mazur
Yes, Rich, be careful.

There's this guy on the forum who privates you a lot to make fun at other posters and tell you about them. And he sends you links. And he asks you questions like a nosy neighbour ;)

Now seriously, all you need to do is to answer the questions in Polish. Simple questions concerning studying and life in Poland. Why would I see a document?

The idea of giving 'your' personal details is ridiculous as I'm 100% sure that if you post anything, it won't be yours.
Tomorrow is May 25th - the day when the General Data Protection Regulation is implemented. Google it and think it over.
If you have problems, I don't care as you're a compulsive liar but I'm sorry for the person whose personal details you may reveal.

But since you have problems with uploading the scans, hopefully my worries are in vain.
24 May 2018
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

My RE teachers were either priests or lay teachers.
I don't think I have got to know many nuns. But I think Polish nuns also take some extraordinary names.

How about a ogórek kiszony?

Well, yes, some British people living in Poland are thinking of going back home. ;)
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Because this Polish American would have been welcome in Russian hospitals.
Poka Polsha ;)
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

No answer to the questions in Polish.
No information about the insurance he allegedly have.
Pathetic trolls -case closed. I'm sorry for you.
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

You told me it's ok to insult other countries because it's freedom of speech.
How have I insulted the US, btw? Breakfasts at McDonald's? 'Rich' wrote about them.
My proof is the frajer doesn't speak Polish.
Here's your buddy-better at insulting Poland than Harry.
So what insurance did Rysiu have? Let's check the terms.
Is he desperately googling for one that'd cover medical service in Poland while you're arguing with me now?
btw, I bet he knows how to check the mail -he hasn't even got a problem with quoting people. A new user, right :)
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Ok, why haven't you answered the questions yet.
So what insurance did you exactly have?
What condition were you suffering from?
24 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

@10iwonka10 and Ziemowit
He managed to argue at hospital so he can't have forgotten Polish.
So yes, he's a pathetic troll who can't cope with the questions.
And no, no one asks for insurance in case of emergency in Polish hospitals. In health centres when you want to see a GP etc, yes. Why would I pay for treating someone suffering from indigestion after breakfast at McDonald's?

I suggest eating proper home made breakfast - the Polish way.
In conclusion, Rich is an American troll. And he has some buddies here.
So Johnny, tell us more about that friend of yours.
BTW, Americans really need to learn to buy proper medical insurance when going abroad.
23 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

@Rich Mazur
Answer the questions to prove you were born and grew up here. They're easy to someone Polish.
Sure it's easier to tell me to fo because you CAN'T answer them :)

Polish Jews can speak and understand Polish even though they left Poland in the 1940s.
And you? Don't you even understand Polish now? Isn't Google translate helpful?
23 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

Answer the following questions:
O czym była Twoja praca magisterska? Na pewno pamietasz tytul.
Na czym polegały praktyki?
Z ilu osób składała się komisja przy Twojej obronie.
Kto to jest docent?
Kto ty jesteś? Jaki znak twój? Gdzie ty mieszkasz? :D
Mój ci on, mój - wykrzyknela ... (?)
23 May 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

@Rich Mazur
Google translate sux ;)
Your poor attempts proved it but you can't see it - because you don't speak the language.
You'd have to speak at least two languages to know it. Obviously, you don't.
Let me give you an example:
Zepsuł mi się zamek - my lock/zipper broke. Google translates it as 'I've broken my castle' because the Polish word zamek may be translated as castle, lock or zipper. And Google just chose the most popular translation.

Or your example of Polish grafitti: jebać - it requires an object in Polish.
English 'you know' is literally 'ty wiesz' (another mistake of yours) but in the context you provided it would be 'wiesz?' or 'wiesz co?'
Just some of your mistakes.

And the dart landed right on Warsaw, Poland. Not even two centimetres away. Not on Szczebrzeszyn or Zakopane, but exactly on Warsaw.
And now what? Am I supposed to give you my email address to be sent those documents? Sure ...
I'm glad you made the first step to control your fear of talking to women, though.