Life /
Articles of Jamie Stokes concerning an ex-pats life in Poland [10]
One of the first Polish humans was a guy named Lech, who invented beer. He had a brother called Russ, who invented alcoholism, and another brother called Czech, who invented talking like a five year old and putting jam on everything—they were an influential family.
He forgot about the distant cousin, Fritz - he generally preferred to live away from the rest of the family, but occasionally decided to impose upon the Lech family home, but was forcibly expelled eventually ;) However, he was well-liked, as he invented the motor car, and this led the Lech family to invent Polish car crime :)
This characterization of Englishmen seems rather hyperbolic to me. If we look at this forum we see that there are indeed several anti-intellectual British posters, but others here seem quite bright and open to continental notions of appropriate discussion topics. This Jamie Stokes does England a disservice by claiming it is a nation of yokels.
Plenty of hyperbole in writing over here. You should read some of those old "Boy's Own"- era rugby stories, where each scrum is not just a set-piece, but a miniature re-enactment of the battles of
Omdurnan or
Spioenkop, and each "drop-goal" is not just a winning kick, but a bouncing bomb flying down the Ruhr.
Mind you, Welsh rugby stories were even better - mixing sex, rugby and mining. All that "... and as Gareth clings to the ball like he holds Myfanwy's heaving bosom behind the Welfare, and dives to score the winning try to a roar which resembles so many roof-falls at the coal face" stuff. haha