It is internet talk, I find it so anal that you english teachers, feel it necessary to bring up - grammar, spelling mistakes when someone is asking questions on this forum.
I'm not an English teacher, or any kind of teacher for that matter. But I was always near the top of the class in English, and I'm from a multilingual, non-British family. I wouldn't claim to have perfect English, though.
You clearly haven't been in Warsaw for very long if you don't realise that Poles are notorious for correcting even the slightest grammatical mistakes!
Some of us were educated before the "liberal" dumbing-down of UK education took place, so it's hardly surprising that we pick up on these errors. I left school at 16, went to college not university (well, not until much later anyway) yet a *graduate* has poorer English than I have - especially as the media keeps telling us that people like me (from families where English is not the first language) are held back in education, and particularly in English!
It's not "internet talk" - many of the posters here use internet language, yet their posts still make sense. If it was someone who admitted that they came from an Asian village I wouldn't have commented on their English (mistakes would be expected), but someone who claims to have graduated from a UK university??
Doesnt even Mcdonalds pay better in UK?
They do, but she must want to live in Poland for some bizarre reason. Each to their own though! lol