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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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26 Apr 2016
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]

I'm not sure left and right is a good way to look at it as how do you define left and right. For example right win in the UK is not the same as right wing in Poland.

I think it's more of a case of what parties to certain media like more and/or what ones do they severely dislike.
22 Apr 2016
News / The only three normal cities with any respect for humanity in Poland [99]

Dougpol, it might be a bit basic but seriously, if you don't like it so much, why live there?

This is how the current government wants to run the country and I believe it's smart. They will help, but not masses and only real refugees. What they won't do is let in thousands upon thousands of young men with no background checks.

As far as I and many other people from Poland are concerned, PiS is doing this right and it's one of the main reasons they might even have won the elections, because of their promise not to take in masses of migrants. Most Polish people don't want them and as I said, if you don't like they mentality of Polish people, you don't have to live there.
6 Apr 2016
Life / Swearing in front of children - is it normal in Polish society? [26]


I see generalizing is something you're a fan of. So the tracksuit wearing skinheads (very few Polish people have got mullets, it's not Texas) are also the church goers. It's interesting to see how your mind works. This lot, who do all these things and eat these foods, act like this.
6 Apr 2016
Life / Swearing in front of children - is it normal in Polish society? [26]

Why do such standard things that are present in countries all over the world, get turned in to 'is this just something that people from your country do?'

As has been mentioned, people from the lower classes tend to swear more, as they do in America, England and elsewhere. More educated or better brought up people do not swear in front of their kids.

So to answer the topic title, no this is not normal in society in Poland.
25 Mar 2016
Life / Trying to remember Polish movie [5]

No I know both of those films and it's neither of those. Thank you for trying though. I think it's such an obscure film, I don't expect anyone to know it. I don't think that scene was a key part of the plot, it was just a scene in the movie.
25 Mar 2016
Life / Trying to remember Polish movie [5]

Not really sure where to put this as there is no culture or entertainment section.

This is a major long shot, but here goes. A long time ago I saw some Polish film. In one of the scenes, some truckers were attempting to kidnap some girl and a woman told her husband or partner to help her, but he didn't. They then drove off and there was a clip of them throwing her teddy bear or fluffy toy out of the window of the truck as they drove off. The woman then had a go at her husband or partner, for being a coward.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what happened, but it's more or less how I remember it. It's the only scene I remember. I think it was a movie, but it might have been a TV series. I am fairly sure it was a film though. It's the only seen I can remember, as I saw it years ago when I was very young.

Again, it's a long shot, but does anyone have any idea what I am talking about?
7 Feb 2016
News / Poland's TVP revolution [10]

I agree with Polonius that Communism is far from wiped out yet.

To answer the question though, no I don't. Unless the program was Janowski's and only Janowski's idea, then perhaps he merits the highest reward. I highly doubt it was his idea, he was probably just chosen as the presenter of a music program, because of his musical past. There are a lot of people who work on that show so why should he get 1/4 million zloty per month? I doubt anyone else on there gets that much.
7 Feb 2016
News / Poland's TVP revolution [10]

Robert Janowski is replaceable. Obviously the program is popular (I can't understand why myself), but audiences do not tune in to see him, they tune in to see the show. They could swap him with somebody else and people would still watch it, so no, he does not deserve that kind of silly money, no matter how many advertisers the show brings in.
6 Feb 2016
News / Poland's TVP revolution [10]

The blatant way that TVP ignored the downgrading of Poland's credit rating was a great example, but there are many more in a daily basis.

They didn't ignore anything. In fact it was discussed during many different debates on TVP.

They bring in huge money in advertising, hence they command high salaries.

I don't believe 'Jaka to Melodia' can bring in that much. Surely not enough to give Janowski 250 000 zl per month.

...as they did before the election.

No it was always outweighed and heavier with anti PiS 'experts.' Now it's actually more even. I doubt you watch TVP much right? You're probably more of a TVN and Polsat guy.
5 Feb 2016
News / Poland's TVP revolution [10]

So many have protested and been critical in Poland about the firing of certain people from TVP since PiS took over.

Watching TVP and TVP info these days, I honestly don't see any particularly biased narrative, like there was when PO was in charge and almost everything was anti PiS. Most debates on TVP info have people from all sides of the political and social spectrum in them. It's actually very fair.

Not only that, but overpaid biased goon Tomasz Lis (70 000zl per show every week) has been ditched at last and even Robert Janowski, the seemingly innocent presenter of 'Jaka to Melodia?' is reported to be getting 250 000 zl per month. Hopefully he will be on his way out soon. How can the public TV station pay guys so much? Hopefully this will be cleared up properly as soon as possible.
19 Jan 2016
News / EU debate on Poland [23]

Did you watch it and if so, how do you think it went? If you didn't see it but have caught up in the media as to what went on, feel free to comment as well of course.

Poland: MEPs debate rule of law issues with Prime Minister Szydło

The European Commission's decision to start a dialogue with Polish authorities on the rule of law and media independence in Poland was hotly debated in plenary on Tuesday, in the presence of Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło. While some political group leaders criticised her government for disregarding democratic checks and balances, others agreed with Ms Szydło's contention that it had not breached the rule of law in Poland.

16 Jan 2016
News / PiS to impose blanket retail tax in Poland [291]

I'm never in favour of a blanket tax, but it's still better than the PO system of taxing Polish businesses while giving foreign ones massive tax breaks.
22 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Polonius makes a good point and again it that's often repeated case of attacking the party you don't like for something the party you do like and most of it's media is guilty of. The amount of 'red linked' people there are in the media attacking PiS is insane.
22 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

It's incredible it's like your substituting PO for PiS and taking almost all the bad stuff about PO and just saying it about PiS. Trouble is it's completely false, so I don't know how to argue it other than to say it's false.
22 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Going back to the title of the topic, the demonstrations against PiS are laughable.

PiS and PiS supporters were the butt of so many jokes for their constant protesting of the PO government. Now PiS is in charge and they have not been given the standard respect normally given to new governments, that being 100 days to govern before being questioned and attacked. Not only that, but anti PiS supporters are taking to the streets and doing exactly the same thing they used to mock the 'PiS army' for. The roles have reversed, that's all.

Also where were the protests when PO were breaking the law and involved in corruption? Oh yeah, they were there from PiS supporters. Like I said, role reversal but a better government now who cares more about ordinary people.
23 Nov 2015
Work / Salary 14000 PLN gross in Krakow, Poland VS 50k EUR per year in Western Europe? [10]

I can't believe people are wondering if they would be able to 'survive' on amounts like this. Someone else posted something similar to this a while ago. It's an insult. The average salary in Poland is what? 2000, perhaps 2500 per month, and people still manage to live. 14 000 is more than enough. You should give some of it to charity.
16 Nov 2015
Law / UK National Insurance and Polish ZUS and tax issues [11]


It also says on that page that if you use a service that can sort a lot of for you, they may also be able to organise it so you can bypass the interview altogether.

Personally I'd think you'd have to meet with them face to face, but according to the site, it might not be necessary.
15 Nov 2015
Law / UK National Insurance and Polish ZUS and tax issues [11]

Merged: UK National Insurance for Polish person

Hi folks

I've had a request from somebody in Poland about getting the NI number in the UK. I know how it works here, if you live in the UK. You phone up, then they probably arrange an interview in most cases etc. The process can take a few weeks or months.

Is there any other way to do it though? Online maybe? Is there a way they could get the NI by providing all documents needed but without having to go to the UK for an interview?
29 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

t's rather regrettable that a party which only attracted the votes of 19.4% of Poles is able to hold the majority of seats in a parliament, the phrase "Tyranny of the Minority" springs to mind

the Polish government which received the votes of fewer than one in five Poles

Funny I don't remember you saying anything like this when PO were winning elections. They also received more or less the same percentage of votes, yet you didn't consider it a tyranny
27 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Were the Serbian media positive or negative about the PiS election? Or neutral?

It is funny to see how the mainstream media from around Europe writes about PiS being eurosceptic and pro Catholic, like it's a bad thing.
27 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PiS were forecast 37.7% and 232 seats, so they've dropped to just under 37.6%. It'll be fascinating to see if they actually pull off a majority or not

Don't worry. They did it. 235 seats. 5 over what was needed to get a majority.
26 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

They should do some the other way as well as some people left Poland only because of PO's rule. They may want to return now.
26 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

I just heard the results were sent in but then were sent back because of some mistake/s, whatever they might be. Now they have to make corrections and resend them again. Of course the results from London not making it back would only help out PO, as Kukiz and PiS are likely to get far more votes than them. How interesting.
26 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Poles love to play with democracy and you seem to think it is a joke. You are basically all out for yourselves, and couldn't give a **** for your country.

There are a whole range of different issues, not just whether people who have businesses and earn more money can avoid audits. You might have voted against PiS for that reason, but many voted for PiS for other reasons.
26 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

I think you are placing a bit too much importance on yourself. Why would PiS care that much about you? They just check businesses more often to make sure they aren't corrupt, as unfortunately a lot of them over the past 8 years were, because nothing was done. If you've done nothing wrong, they do the checks and then go. What's the issue? I never fear the police stopping me, because I know I've not done anything wrong and they're just doing what they have to.
25 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

@Wielki: if not unusual, one needs to admit that it's very low and therefore even those who win don't represent much

Perhaps but this could be said for previous years too, not just now when PiS have won. I think if you looked at the voting percentage in other countries you'd find somewhere around 50% is the norm. I'm not saying that's good but it is how it is.
25 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Oh dear, looks like some people here won't be happy. Perhaps it's time to leave Poland?

Magnificent exit poll result for PiS by the way.